Disclaimer: I own nothing, i wish i did but no i dont XP

Rachel Berry walked down the hall full of confidence. She had just slushied two losers so she was in a great mood. She was known as the female badass of the school, she had 3 best friends Santana Lopez, Brittany Pierce and Quinn Fabray who was also her closest friend out of the three. She had two gay dads, no real talent and she was single, recently breaking up with Noah 'Puck'erman...well sort of.

Rachel pov:

"Oi, Berry" David shouted.
"What du want Karofsky" I replied.
"Wanted to know if you wanted to help us football player slushy the new kid?"Well obviously, why would he bother even asking me?
Yea, Yea totally"
"Awesome, bring the others."
"Yea, yea see you then" in other words get LOST!

I walked off trying to get away from Karofsky; I went to my locker and saw...eerrrgghhh GLEE KIDS! Its bad enough they come to the school, they just had to be next to my lockers. They were gossiping nothing new there.

"Excuse me...GET the hell outta of my way!" I practically yell at them. They moved straight away, and so they should. They knew they were losers and were named Gay kid and Aretha, by coach Sylvester.

"Outta my way!"... I recognised the voice immediately it was my best friend Quinn." Hey Rach." As she engulfed me, into a hug.
"Hey Q, sup"
"Karofsky said you had something to tell me" Quinn stated
"Oh, right yea, get some slushy and meet me here at lunch, kay?"
" What are we gonna do?"
"Were gonna slushy the new kid, bring San and Brit to" I'm so gonna enjoy this.
Rachel...that's kinda mean, you don't know if he's gonna be cool or not."
"Mean, shmean, Q, imma badass, I do anything I like at this school and I'm gonna slushy him, you don't have to join."Stop being nice Quinn or were gonna have to slushy you to.
Fine Rach, but I'm not saying anything."
"You won't, thankyou Q." You saved me from slushying my best friend.

I walked off to find Noah, and we ditched first period together, it's only maths, and I can't wait to get my queen bitch on for the new kid at lunch.


Today's my first day at school I McKinley, it's in Ohio not Tennessee, so it's not as cool, but its ok i suppose. I met some cool kids in maths earlier today Artie, Mike and Matt all of them play football, which I wanna play sooo bad and glee club. I was part of Glee in my old school and it was a popular thing, I suppose it will be here to. Anyway I feel as if tody will be a good day...

"OI, you trouty mouth," a girl with an obnoxious voice shouted, I assumed at me, because well me mouth is HUGE! So I looked around and saw a small brunette, with these beautiful brown eyes, and the smirk on her face made her to die for. Before I knew it I was being circled by what i suppose to be the jocks of the school. They had something in their hands. ...

"Hey, golden balls" a Mowhawked guy said coolly," heard you joined gay club, prepare for HELL, loser" and with that a blue sticky thing came flying at me, it was whatever they were holding, it was some kind of drink, that they were gonna throw.

"Dude, what th..."I started but got cut off
"Oi Beiber, are you gay, cause you sure do look it, LOSER" A guy called Karopke or something shouted at me. He threw a purple drink at me. Seriously what the hell is it?

I got tons more insults none of which really hurt my feelings, which I assumed they were trying to do. I also am drenched with drinks of different colours, my clothes are stained and I hope my hair isn't either, I don't want rainbow hair. The beautiful petite brunette then stepped forward...

"H-hope y-you have f-fun d-dancing and singing like a pansy-y" she stuttered. I was more confused, then anyone why did she stutter, was she scared, does she like me...I hope it's the last one. I got hit by 3 more drinks and the brunette threw her drink at me.

I suppose all the jocks make it a tradition to slushy a new kid, they all stalked off into different directions, including the four hot girls; the brunette, two blondes and I presume a Latina.

"Hi, are you the new kid, Samuel Evans" A guy came up to me, he smelt like cream and hairspray...too much hairspray.
"Uhhh, yea that would be me, Im sam." I quickly replied.
"well I am Kurt Hummel, correct me if I'm wrong did you say your joining Glee." He said seeming really excited
"Yea, I thought it was cool, but obviously not, ill probably still join, it'll get me a few friends and it seems like fun." I said truthfully
"Awesome, can you sing."
"I think so, i also play guitar..wait please dont throw this sticky drink thing at me"
OH NO! Only neanderthals do that, its called a slushy, invented by the infamous Rachel Berry, the tiny brunette


"Hey, Bez, theres some Loser in Glee, whose officialy out of the closet." Santana said, making sure everyone could hear.
"About time, lemme guess Kurt Hummel,"Rachel replied.
"Wasn't that obvious" Quinn announced as Rachel walked over to the schools slushy machine.
"Rrrraaachell Bbbbaaarrbbarraaa Bbbeeerrryyyyyy" Someone whispered in her ear.
Rachel turned around to see the schools freak AKA Jewfro AKA Jacob Israel, smiling at her and without thinking she chugged the contents of her drink onto jewfro's afro.

End flashback

What do you guys think? should i continue?

Ducky7 XD