Rachel held Finn's hand tightly as they walked into McKinley High. Every other first day of her high school career had started with a slushie facial and she was prepared for more of the same. She looked up at Finn, who smiled at her reassuringly. She found herself smiling back before she even realized it.

Walking down the front hall, she wondered if any of the other Glee Club members would actually talk to them if they passed by. Sure, they were a family and everyone had said they'd be friends forever, but was that true?

"Hey Berry!" she heard behind her and she automatically flinched.

"What's up, Sam?" Finn asked their friend, bumping fists with him.

"Not much, bro," Sam told him, smiling. "School, right?"

"Right," Finn said.

Sam looked at her. "You look pretty today Rachel," Sam told her.

Rachel blushed, smiling at him. "Thanks, Sam."

"There's my man," Quinn said behind them. Sam reached for her and dipped her, kissing her.

Quinn rose up and laughed. "Rachel, you cut your hair!" Quinn said. "It looks great."

A warm feeling spread through her. "Thanks," she told her friend. Her friend, Quinn Fabray. "Your hair always looks great."

Quinn smiled at her, and then pulled on Sam's arm. "Let's go," she told him. Sam saluted them and walked away with her.

Rachel noticed other kids in the hallway staring at her as if they were trying to figure out what just happened. Holding her head high, she put her arm through Finn's. "Yo," Artie said from behind them. Rachel and Finn turned to find him wheeling Tina down the hallway in his lap. "I'd ask if y'all wanted a ride, but it looks like I'm full."

Tina rolled her eyes and kissed him. "We'll see you guys at lunch!" she called as they moved on down the hallway.

"Oh my gosh, Rachel, it's fabulous!" Blaine told her, walking up next to her. "Kurt told me that you'd cut it and that it was great." Blaine stood in front of her, looking at her new hair cut. "It's perfect," he told her, reaching out to touch one of the slightly wavy strands.

"Hey, hey, hey," Finn said in mock seriousness. "You know that this is my woman, right?" Some of the freshman girls around them giggled. "Where's my brother?"

"He's in the bathroom."

Finn grimaced. "Slushie facial?"

"No, scuffed shoe."

Rachel laughed. "That sounds right."

"See you in Calculus, Rach," Blaine said, walking happily down the hall. "Don't forget about Kings Island tomorrow!"

"I swear, it's hard to believe it's his first day here. He acts like he doesn't have a care in the world," Santana said from behind them. "I am so glad you listened to me about your hair, Berry," she said, walking beside Rachel. "What do you think, Finnocence? Isn't it great?"

"I love it," Finn agreed, kissing Rachel on the cheek.

They passed Mike and Mercedes, who were standing at Mercedes locker making out. "Get a room!" Santana yelled at them. The couple broke apart and Mike winked at Santana.

"See you in Calculus, Rachel!" Mercedes called.

"Stupid math," Finn said sullenly. "Everyone has math with you but me."

"You have math with Brittany and Puck," Rachel told him.

Finn sighed. "Yeah, but I'd rather have it with you."

Rachel put her head on his arm. "I'm sorry babe."

"Hey Lauren!" Santana called. "Heard the good news, baby."

Lauren shot them a double thumbs up, and then went back to talking to her wrestling coach. She'd called her friends last night to let them know that she didn't have diabetes. She was still going to come over to Rachel's on Tuesday nights so Rachel could teach her how to cook healthier foods, though. Since Tuesday nights were long practice nights for Finn, it worked out perfectly.

"I smell happiness," Sue said behind them. The three teens turned to look at her. "I don't like it," the woman said, walking past them.

"Some things never change," Santana groaned. "Hey, Coach!" she yelled. "See y'all later," she told Finn and Rachel, running to catch up with Sue.

"Are you going to math class, man?" Puck said from behind Finn. "I was thinking about skipping."

Finn looked at Rachel. "I'm going to go to all of my classes," he told his friend. "It's time to get serious about this school stuff."

Puck walked silently beside them for a moment. "I guess you're right," he said finally. "Shit." He looked over to see Brittany standing with Becky. "Hey Britt, you got a pencil I can borrow for math?"

Brittany nodded. "I like your hair, Rachel," she said. "Mine is prettier, but yours looks good too."

Rachel laughed. "Thanks Brittany."

"I cannot believe the heathens in this school," Kurt said, coming towards them. "No class whatsoever." He pushed his hair back. "Have you guys seen Blaine?"

"I think he went to class," Rachel told him.

Kurt kissed her cheek. "See you there, Little Diva." He winked at Finn, who nodded to him. He passed Azimio and Karaofsky in the hallway and the football players just shrugged and walked past him. When Karaofsky passed Rachel and Finn he said, "Hey," and walked on.

Rachel looked at Finn, shocked. "Is this real life?" she asked.

"Nope," Finn said, stopping in the middle of the hall to kiss her in front of their classmates. "It's better."

Rachel smiled at him as their lips parted. This was perfect. She could finally say goodbye to summer.