Okay! This is my first Pandora Hearts fanfic, so I hope that I did good with it! Please enjoy! And yes, I know that it is a weird title, but I couldn't think of any better title. Sorry! :)

Dedicated to my friend/little sister, Renee! She introduced me to Pandora Hearts! :)

Summary: Oz, Alice, Break, Sharon, and Gil all get forced into the future. There they must figure out how to get back home, but before they get there they learn what the world turns into, and, there, find love...

World: This takes place after the end of the anime, so the world is the anime world. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Pandora Hearts or any of its characters; only my OCs. I do not make any money off of this.

To the Future We Go


"So, wait, what is happening?" Alice shouted at Break and Sharon, who didn't look like they were kidding.

"There are several portals opening up, taking random people to other times, though when and why, we don't have any idea." Sharon told them again, taking a drink of her tea calmly.

"Are the people getting hurt?" Oz asked, looking serious for once, having decided that it was the perfect time to.

"No, as far as Pandora has been able to tell no one has been hurt. But we don't know what has been happening to them once they get there. But getting there, they haven't been killed." Break said, also being serious for once, as he ate another piece of candy. Oz felt relieved.

"How have they been getting there?" Gil asked, wanting to know so that he knew what to watch out for.

"Actually, people have reported seeing portals like those to the abyss opening up and those have been dragging them in." Sharon said, putting her cup down.

"How long has this been going on?" Gil asked, frowning.

"Since Oz confronted his dad." Sharon said, frowning in thought. "It seems as if the Will of the Abyss is quite unbalanced at the moment." She looked at her tea, almost as if it would give her the answer.

Suddenly, out of the blue, there was an earthquake. Expect, it started in the foyer of the Rainsworth mansion, and didn't move out of it. They all looked at each other, shock on all their faces.

"This, this is no ordinary earthquake, is it?" Alice asked, Oz nodding numbly in response. For some reason, they all jumped up from where they were sitting, running to the foyer to see what it was.

When they got there, there was a giant portal in the room with winds pulling everything it could in there. Expect, the portal wasn't dark; there was some light coming out of it, and it looked like it led to a semi-messy room.

They all grabbed the staircase, trying not to get pulled in. Alice was the first to get sucked in, followed closely by Oz, then Gil, then Sharon and, lastly, Break. A couple of seconds later the portal closed, preventing anything else from going in.

After they all managed to get up they looked around them, trying to figure out where they were. It was all odd; there were strange things in the ceiling giving off light, but they could tell that there were no candles anywhere because there was no flicking with the lights.

"Where in the world are we?" Alice asked when they were all standing up. Oz felt a pang of pain in his side, but didn't think anything of it, for now, at least.

"Who knows?" Sharon said, confused as well. Suddenly they heard voices coming from somewhere. Glancing around, they saw the door, seeing that it was partially open, though to get to it they had to walk up a decent amount of stairs.

"Wait, miss! Who knows what is there?" They heard a man say, a slight out of breath-ness in his voice. There was a slight echo in the room.

"Well, I wanna see who it is! You never know! Anyway, we don't want someone wondering around the house without our permission." They heard a female reply. They looked at the door, waiting for them to get there. After a minute they finally saw the door open the rest of the way, the girl walking in.

She was wearing a pair of blue jean shorts, a tank top, and a pair of ballet slippers that were black. On her left hand there was a leather glove, no fingers, that had a buckle on the back of her hand. She had chocolate brown hair going midway down her back. Her hair, which was slightly wavy, had blonde highlights in it. Her bangs went to right above her blue-green eyes, the sides of her bangs going right below them.

Behind her walked in a man that was about a head taller than her. He had black hair and blue eyes and was wearing a red and black uniform that looked like the Pandora Hearts uniform, though the top wasn't nearly as long. To top it off he was wearing a pair of black gym shoes.

"Who the hell are you?" He shouted at them with a Russian accent, making the girl roll her eyes at him.

"Calm down, Derrick." She said, sighing. Now that they weren't just hearing an echo of her voice they heard an English accent. "They're just a bunch of random people we've never met before in the basement." She said sarcastically. "You should be glad because I have my doubts that they're aliens or vampires or zombies." 'Derrick' glared at her, frowning and following her when she started walking downstairs.

"Okay, hate to sound like an idiot, but where are we?" Alice said, frowning up at the two people. The girl smiled, opening her mouth to respond when something stopped her.

Oz had grabbed his side, the pain returning majorly, making him collapse and faint, barely caught in time by Gil. It turned out that, when they were being sucked there, something sharp had created a major cut that went about an inch in on his side.

I hope that you liked that! Leave a review saying how I can make this better or what you thought of it. :)