Aishite Kudasai, Sensei

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, Rin and Sesshomaru from the anime Inuyasha, as well as the manga, Aishite Kudasai, Sensei.

A/n: Sesshomaru is a teenager in this story, at this point in time; he should be going through puberty as well. Thus, he is developing into his stoic demeanour as well as he will slightly be out of character. With that said, please read, review and critic. Thank you

Summary: 'Numerous times I have felt it… the feeling of being watched keenly with the eyes of another…'

The classroom door opened and on hearing the sound of shuffling papers, the class quieten. Everyone knew that they had not done well on this test, in essence, they had failed. Big time. For starters, it was a pop quiz and even though their sensei had warned them that she was infamous for giving pop quizzes. They had not taken the warning seriously and thus, this was the result. Besides, which teacher gave a pop quiz for a student's first test. Especially a high school freshman.

"I must say that I am disappointed with the grades for this pop quiz, I had warned you countless times about my pop quizzes, yet the average mark was thirty one. Please ensure that this does not happen again…"

"Hai. Nakatani-sensei" they all said in unison before groaning at the next.

"Whoever received below thirty percent will have to retake the test. Please come to the table to receive your papers and ensure that you find the answers. Whatever you don't understand, please don't be afraid to ask"

The petite woman stood from her desk to look at her students before taking up the test papers in her hand. Today she would be reviewing the steps to writing an exemplary lab report as well as conduct an experiment on diffusion. Thus, she dressed the part.

She was in a knee-length black melange skirt and a white open necked blouse, to complement that, she wore a blue buckle belt and two inch black suede shoes in case there was an emergency and she needed to move quickly and to top it all off, a thick white lab coat for protection. Her midnight hair even suited the setting, a shoulder length bob that was cut to fit the frame of her face.

Taking a deep breath, she began calling the students to come for their papers…


"Hai. Sensei"


"Hai, sensei"


On calling that name, Rin looked up to see the student the rest of the teaching staff had been fawning over since he entered the school a month ago. Sesshomaru Takanashi, a talented and reserved student of fifteen years. He was the valedictorian of his class as well as the top student of his junior high. Indeed, he is a highly competent student, receiving excellent grades in other classes. The question was therefore puzzling to her…

Why had he failed this test? Come to think of it, he had left most of the structured and short answer questions without a response. Majority of the students had tried to write something and thus, she had awarded at least a mark. He, on the other hand wrote nothing at all but chose to answer the fill in the blanks and multiple choice.

He was rather tall for a student of fifteen years, or maybe she was just too short… man, she definitely needed to put on a couple centimetres and move from 5 ft. His shiny silver hair was styled similarly to one of those shoujo manga characters she had read recently this week. It was cut to suit his face, not over bearing in length nor too short. He wore oval rimmed glasses as well, his cinnamon almost golden pupils well hidden behind the lens.

If there was one thing Rin hated about glasses was the fact that one is unable to see the pupils clearly, unable to discern the emotions hidden within them…

His school uniform was pressed and it suited his stature perfectly. An opened underneath white T-shirt covered with a dark blue buttoned up jacket and pants and to top it off, a neatly tied black tie and shoes.

"Sesshomaru-kun, I would like for you to explain this to me" she said while indicating to the percentage on the paper in front of her,

"Please come to the preparation room this afternoon, I wish to speak to you about the matter" she said before handing him the paper. She turned her head slightly to search for a pen in the desk drawer, but jumped when she felt a hand touch her face. Turning back, she saw Sesshomaru's hand in her hair. In those few seconds she had turned to look for her pen, she hadn't realised how close to her face, wait, to her body he was. He had leaned over the table and was staring intently into her face…


"There was something in your hair…" he whispered nonchalantly a few seconds after before removing letting his fingers slipped through a few strands of her hair.

"Thank you…" she replied uncertainly.

'That was strange…' she thought as she watched his retreating figure.

'He is handsome, but ever since the entrance ceremony, he has had a somewhat stoic appearance about him and to top it all off, he also has that queer aura about. Strangely, this seemed to attract other people's attention, especially the females'

Rin exhaled loudly, letting out a breath that she hadn't even realised she was holding. She continued to look at him as he took his seat in the second row to the front. He took up his pen and began to scribble onto his test paper possibly writing answers to the questions he did not do…

' He is a good kid' she thought before taking up her teaching equipment, she told the class that she would do the experiment another time and that they should use the remaining class time to study for the next quiz before heading out.

Maybe that day when she had given the quiz was just not his day.


"Hey Sesshomaru-san, can you believe that those who receive below thirty have to do another test? Nakatani-sensei sure is hard on us, but at least we have a cute teacher…" Suyo said while laughing out loud until he realised that Sesshomaru wasn't listening.

"Oi, Sesshomaru-san, what are you looking at…?" Suyo continued.

Sesshomaru watched keenly as Rin made her way to the staff room before replying,

"...something that has grasped my interest and hence, you should not concern yourself with"

"Oh, okay, sorry man, I was just asking"

Taking up his one strap bag, Sesshomaru made his way to his other class. Anxiously waiting for this afternoon to come…

Aaah, well what do you think? I suggest that you look at the manga for Sesshomaru's hairstyle and glasses as well as Rin's hairstyle. Go to otakuworks dot com and search for Aishite Kudasai, Sensei. Until next time.