Hey everybody. We've decided to post this story on here. It's only one of the two stories we're working on, but the other one we're gonna try to get published. Hope you enjoy it, and please leave us reviews to let us know how we're doing.
Once upon a time, in a far far away land, there lived a king named Jasper. He and his friend Henrie were like brothers, and so they decided to arrange a marriage between the young prince and Henrie's oldest daughter. By the time Prince Christophe's third birthday had rolled around, their engagement was offical.
Screw that. Fifteen years ago, that would have been the way this story was told. In my country, that is. I was three when the invaders came, so I don't remember much. But I know what is written in the books.
There's just one problem. My brother Christophe's story has always been mistold. Many people believe that his fiancee was kidnapped, and he married her sister out of an obligation to her family. But the truth is, she ran off to the Americas willingly with the son of a servant after the war ended. As for Christophe, it wasn't so much an obligation to the family as it was his true feelings. He had fallen in love with his fiancee's sister.
I have taken it upon myself to let the world know what really happened fifteen years ago. So take a seat, sit back, and listen up.