First: I don't own any canon harry potter characters, I however do own any OC characters, as they came from mine and my brother's imagination.

OK, so basically this story is a little series of drabbles to fill in the missing childhood history gaps in Malfoy Heiress; AKA my brother's story, called Malfoy Heiress- which he is currently editing- And apparently he's renamed the new version "breaking through the paint."

Warning; my writing style is quite different from my brother's, so the language between the different stories will be visibly different.

I have been inspired by many fics, so this fan fiction may/will hold some similarities with others.

Parenting collisions

Chapter: A Unfortunate predicament

6th February 1984

"Oh Lyrisadora do hurry," snapped the voice of Lucius Malfoy impatiently.

"Hmmm? Oh! Sorry father," apologized Lyrisadora quickly, as she stopped staring at the strange statue water fountain.

"Come, we haven't got all day. I have a ministry meeting at twelve, and I will not be late. Understood?" Lucius said sharply. Lyrisadora nodded her head vigorously. "Good. Now come," he commanded sharply. Lyrisadora quickly followed him, as he strode through the crowds.

Lyrisadora stuck close to her father, as they entered a partly crowded elevator.

She nearly fell over when the elevator did a sudden jerk sideways, but quickly clung to her father's robes; who wasn't unnerved by the jerk in the slightest.

Lyrisadora watched a number of people come in and out of the lift. She began to wonder, where exactly her father's office was.

Just when Lyrisadora felt she was going to be sick, finally the lift doors opened again, and her father briskly exited the lift. Lyrisadora quickly followed her father down the silent dark hallway.
They soon reached his office. He opened the door and strode in, Lyrisadora factitiously peered around. The study looked a lot like her father's study at home, however this study held a more cold and duller tone. There was a large window behind the desk, revealing an enchanted scenery.

"Lyrisadora, it's rude to linger in doorways," drawled her father sharply. Lyrisadora jerked her head to her father, who was dully gesturing her to sit in the seat in front of his desk.

Lyrisadora quickly obeyed and sat down. Lucius sat down at his desk.
"Yes well, I know this is an inconvenience for both of us," he began. "With your mother away with Draco, tending to her father, it shall be just us for the remaining day. As a result you will have to stay with me. Therefore I expect you to be on your best behavior, understood?" he said coldly.

Lyrisadora nodded her head vigorously, she could tell her father had little patience today."Yes sir," she said softly.

"Good. Now I have a lot of important paperwork to get through today, so I expect utter silence," Lucius warned, Lyrisadora nodded. "However I suppose I do have to keep your mind occupied, therefore you can read some books in this room," Lucius finished. He waved his wand, a few plain books zoomed off the shelf and landed neatly in front of Lyrisadora.

Lucius began shifting through paper work, Lyrisadora sat in silence for a moment. She looked at the dull looking books with little interests.
She sighed quietly and picked up the first book.

She scanned the first page; it was a book about magical law.
Lyrisadora peered up from the book to look at her father, he was still scanning through paperwork. Lyrisadora stared at the book sadly and began to read.

After 45 minutes of reading, Lyrisadora couldn't take it anymore. The magnitude of boredom was killing her. The only noises heard were the sound of the clock ticking and the scratching of her father's quill.

Lyrisadora looked around the study once more, looking for any other source of entertainment. She began absent mildly kicking her chair. Her father glared at her coldly.

"Lyrisadora," he said warningly. Lyrisadora froze and gulped.

"Sorry father," she apologized feebly. Lucius just shook his head and returned to his work. The silence commenced once more.

Lyrisadora shifted uncomfortably in her seat, as she felt her bladder begin to break, causing her seat to squeak. Lucius stopped writing and ground his teeth in irritation. "What's wrong now?" he questioned coldly, his mouth thin and eyes narrowed. Lyrisadora froze.

"Father, may I leave to use the toilet?" inquired Lyrisadora, looking up at her father hopefully. Lucius groaned in frustration. He set his quill down and sharply stood up. Lyrisadora quickly stood.

He opened the study door and turned to Lyrisadora sharply.
"Ten minutes, that's all you have, understood?" Lucius snapped. Lyrisadora nodded and followed him through the door.

Her father led her back down the dark corridor and entered the deserted lift.

Lyrisadora felt the sickly feeling enter her once more as the lift shifted side to side. Suddenly the lift doors opened, revealing a red headed man, who had his face in some papers. She recognised him to be called Arthur Weasley, he stepped into the lift, his face still transfixed on the papers. Lyrisadora saw her father visibly sneer as he entered.

Once the lift doors closed Mr Weasley looked up, he grimaced once he noticed Lucius and quickly looked straight ahead. There was a very tense silence that issued.

Lucius cleared his throat.
"I hear you've proposed a new Muggle protection act," Lucius sneered, while still staring straight ahead. Arthur glanced at Lucius coldly.

"Yes," Arthur replied curtly. Lucius smirked.

"It'll never get passed you know. Your efforts are meaningless," said Lucius coldly. Arthur pursed his lips tightly, he turned to Lucius sharply.

"I'll have you know Lucius, a lot of people want this act. Not everyone is as closed minded as you," Arthur said coldly. Lucius turned to him and smirked smugly.

"Ah yes, however it is up to Cornelius Fudge to pass these new laws to the minister, and well" said Lucius, as his smirk grew." Nothing gets to Cornelius, without first going through me," Lucius finished triumphantly. Arthur's face fell, he opened his mouth to retort, but closed it and turned away and stared straight ahead.

Lucius continued to look smug, as he faced forward.
Lyrisadora looked between the two men curiously. Suddenly the elevator came to a hard abrupt stop, causing Lyrisadora to fall flat on the ground. Lucius groaned and roughly pulled her to her feet. Arthur looked concerned, he tried to open the elevator doors, but they didn't budge. Then they heard a voice from behind the doors.

"Sorry about this. Maintenance issues I'm afraid. We cant open the doors," said the voice.

"How long are we trapped in here," Arthur said worriedly, not wanting to spend another minute with Lucius.

"Bout 30 minutes,"replied the voice.

"I demand you unleash us at once," commanded Lucius coldly.

"Sorry sir we cant, the doors are jammed with Doxy dust and it wont budge," protested the voice feebly. Lucius growled. Lyrisadora looked up at her father worriedly.

"Does this therefore mean father we are trapped?" inquired Lyrisadora fearfully. Lucius simply nodded. Lyrisadora whimpered.

"But father, I need the toilet," she wined. Lucius' eyes narrowed.

"Well if you hadn't needed it in the first place we wouldn t be in this predicament!" said Lucius harshly. Lyrisadora's lip quivered as she bowed her head sadly. Arthur looked at her with pity.

"There's no need to be so harsh with the poor girl, Lucius," said Arthur, Lucius sneered.

"I don't need you to tell me how to raise my child Weasley. Especially considering you can barely feed yours," said Lucius snidely, his voice laced with disgust. Arthur went red in the face.

"Now you listen hear Lucius, there's no need to-" Arthur began to retort angrily.

"I need the toilet!" wined Lyrisadora desperately, as she clutched area.

"Lyrisadora contain yourself," hissed Lucius warningly.

"Urrr yes, please do," said Arthur worriedly, not desiring to stand in a puddle of wee for half an hour.

Lyrisadora bit down on her lip.

"Just don't think about it," snapped Lucius.

"But I cannot," wined Lyrisadora.

"Just try to think about something else," suggested Arthur warmly.

"Do not speak to my daughter, Weasley," sneered Lucius with disgust .

"I'm trying to help," snapped Arthur irritably, as he glared at Lucius with utter loathing.

"Well no one asked you to," snapped Lucius.

"Well unless you want to be standing in a lake full of piss, I suggest you do something!" snapped Arthur angrily. Lucius sneered. He stared down at Lyrisadora , for a moment his face showed signs of worry.

"Lyrisadora I command that you contain yourself, if you do not you will be severely punished," ordered Lucius sharply. Lyrisadora bit her lip and whimpered fearfully.

"What on earth are you doing?" questioned Arthur in bewilderment.

"What does it look like? I am clearly stopping her from wetting herself," replied Lucius irritably.

"Uh no, you're scaring her! You can't force a child to stop themselves from peeing their pants," exclaimed Arthur. Lucius snorted in disbelief.

"And that is just the type of attitude I would expect from a Weasley- no wonder your children run amuck, they have no discipline," sneered Lucius coldly.

"Oh yes, because having your child fear the very sight of you, is oh so much more better," sneered Arthur.

"Well at least my children don't run around like wild animals, I'm surprised yours are not locked up in Azkaban already, especially considering that little fiasco with the owls last month. Those juvenile twins of yours are nothing but trouble-makers," spat Lucius, Arthur flushed with embarrassment.

"Father! Can we not apperate out-I am bursting," cried Lyrisadora, interrupting the two men's banter. Lucius sighed.

"Don't be so imbecilic Lyrisadora-everyone knows, that you can't apperate out of a ministry lift," exclaimed Lucius, unable to believe his daughter's stupidity. Lyrisadora whimpered more.

"Oh boy," sighed Arthur.

Lyrisadora bit down on her lip harder, "she had to contain herself" , she recited in her head over and over, she didn't want to wet herself, the mere thought made her flush with embarrassment. She imagined the humiliation of it all, she tried to hold back her tears, no she was not going to cry for crying would only embarrass her more. She saw her father sigh loudly.

"How much longer now, father?" questioned Lyrisadora desperately. Her father checked her pocket watch.

"twenty minutes," answered her father. "Twenty minutes!" thought Lyrisadora in horror, how was she expected to contain herself for twenty minutes, when she was ready to burst now. Lyrisadora began to hop on and off one foot. Lucius groaned.

"Oh Lyrisadora, stop hopping at once," commanded Lucius coldly. Lyrisadora reluctantly complied.

"Wow, you really know how to comfort them, Lucius," said Arthur Weasley sarcastically. Lucius turned to Mr Weasley sharply.

"Ah yes, and hear comes the parenting advice, from a man who can't even remember his childrens names-how many is it now Arthur, six, ten,twenty? I dare say you've lost count, considering you've obviously never laid eyes on a CONDOM!" spat Lucius spitefully. Arthur gritted his teeth.

"Well at least my children arn't terrified by me!" spat Arthur. Lucius scoffed.

"Preposterous! My children simply respect me- Lyrisadora are you terrified of me!" said Lucius sharply, rounding on Lyrisadora. Lyrisadora gulped.

"N-no f-father," stuttered Lyrisadora fearfully.

"You see," said Lucius smugly, Arthur rolled his eyes.

"Sure," said Arthur, shaking his head,

"Exactly. And by the way Arthur-" Lucius began to insult,Arthur Weasley sighed and pressed his head against the lift doors, and proceeded to hit his head on the doors as Lucius droned on. Lyrisadora looked at the two, then something clicked in her mind.

"Start fighting!" cried Lyrisadora suddenly.

"What?" questioned Lucius and Arthur in disbelief, both looking at Lyrisadora with confusion.

"I need a distraction-fight quickly!" elaborated Lyrisadora desperately.

"Oh," both adults said in unison. They looked at each other and for the first time,they were lost for words.

"Uhhh...what are you looking!" insulted Lucius awkwardly.

"Well at least I have, ex-death eater...snob," retorted Arthur just as awkwardly.

"Filthy blood traitor," snapped Lucius.

"Inbred git," snapped Arthur venomously.

"Under bred Moron!"

"Slimy git,"




"Ignorent psychopath!"

"Under developed rodent!"

"Pure blood snob!"




Just then, the lift doors opened, Lyrisadora sighed with relief.

"Father, Mr Weasley, you may stop now," announced Lyrisadora. However the two adults chose to ignore her.



"Uh...father?" implored Lyrisadora nervously, she quickly noticed a lot of people were beginning to stare. Lyrisadora looked back at her father then clutched her sides, as her bladder began to give way again, she sighed and quickly stepped out of the lift, to find the nearest toilet. Leaving Her father and Mr Weasley's cry's behind her. She had a strong feeling they would not notice her absence for quite a while.

Ah yes, Lucius and Arthur. I love it when they confront each other in the books, and constantly have a go with one another. It's pretty how Lucius and Arthur's parenting skills are so different-Lucius is the poison in his family, Arthur is the Glue that keeps his family all together.

Anyway, R-E-E-E-V-V-V-I-I-I-WWW! Reviews are like my own personal bank of heroin.