AN: Aw man, I've been writing tiny little ficlet oneshots like CRAZY when I really should be working on substantial stories that I let sit for months. Please don't hate me!

Anyway, this is a quick little way-too-cute-and-way-too-short 8059 thingy. Consider it a peace offering for me being such a lame piece of crap! :D It was written just by me, Stripes, but Leather ships Yamamoto and Gokudera to the ends of the Earth, so...there you go. xD

But really, I'm working hard on...everything else. This just erupted in my brain, I wrote it, and I wanted to post it.!

I love you guys, seriously, thank you so much for sticking with me and Leather through all our...lameness. Especially me (since this is really my account, but hey). YOU MAKE ME HAPPIER THAN A SHARK IN A SEA WITH A GAZZILLION BLOODY FISH! (yay f'ed up metaphors)

I don't know KHR! or its characters. Warnings...erm...none, unless a tiny bit of mild boy on boy makes you cry bitter tears of blood. It's really g-rated despite the title. Onward!



.:Tied in Knots:.


Though he will probably never admit it, he hates the way he looks in this suit. The collar is too tight, the shoes pinch, and he can't figure out this tie to save his life.

After his fifth attempt ends in his fingers nearly losing circulation, he hears a scoff from across the room. Gokudera is staring at him, eyes narrowed in annoyance before he crosses the room in three steps.

"Idiot, hold still." The words are harsh, but he can't help but smile when he hears them. He mumbles a thanks, the grin failing to leave his face even after the other ties the fabric a bit too tightly and tugs a bit too hard.

Everything is almost a bit too much with Gokudera.


"One day you better pay attention to me when I explain this to you or, I swear-"

And he can't help it when he dips his head, lips pressing against the set that is always just a bit too annoyed or angry with him. And he definitely can't help the smile when he feels the others hand tighten on his tie, just for a second.

When Gokudera pulls away, cheeks burning and ears pink, he thinks this is his favorite way to see the other: flustered and speechless. Because of him. Because even the person who causes Gokudera endless hours of frustration and embodies a never ending list of insults can stop him in his tracks and shut him up, even if it's just for a moment.

Green eyes snap up to meet brown, the shock fading into the frown that seems to be permanently creasing the boy's pretty face, and all he can do is smile.

"Fucking idiot," Gokudera mutters, tucking his hands in his pockets and storming back across the room with just a bit too much malice for his lithe frame.

Yamamoto lets a grin form on his lips, hoping that maybe Gokudera doesn't mind fixing his tie as much as he pretends he does.


WAAAAAAH SO WHAT SAY YOU? Horrible? Decent? Pudding? Let me know! :D Make an ol' girl a happy clam.