You know we all go through some things that leave us feeling hurt and sad though we don't realise it at the time they're things we learn from that help us the next time round. I can recall my first proper girlfriend. I was 13. After befriending quite an odd but brilliant girl in art class one day, I was to spend my lunch with her. We headed off to the local chippy, me, her and 3 of her friends. It was going well and I got to know them all. The lunch hour was drawing to a close and I found myself talking alone with one of the friends. Slim, brunette, Smooth curves and lips to die for. We exchanged phone numbers. I knew there was something here.

Some time passed and Friday was upon us. We had P.E. in the local complex. Normal day. Walking back to the bus station we engaged in more conversation and came to the subject of 'do you like anyone?' after a blush and a smile, followed by a pause of silence we desided to begin dating. I was head over heels. Unable to believe my luck.

The weekend passed and I saw her again. Though something was different. It seemed so unusual, though this was my first time in such a situation. We held hands and spent the days together. It wasn't until the first Friday after we had began dating that we kissed. I still remember it. Tender and gentle with a slight taste of strawberries from her lip-gloss. A second long, a second I won't forget. We were together for another week and a half before one day whilst walking through the park she gentle let go of my hand and told me she didn't think it was working. I was devastated. She said we should remain friends, an offer I kinda wish I had declined, but I didn't.

It was awful for such a long time. I kept tring to think of was to win her back. In the end I just had to except the fact that what we had was gone. Almost 2 years have passed and I'm completely over her. I've learnt that even though I felt that way, she wasn't the one. It was mostly because she was the first. I've gone through so many hard ships with people stabbing me in the back and trying to find who I was in the world. I've not had a relationship since that lovely brunette with the tender strawberry lips, which is something I wish wasn't true but It'll happen when it happens and for the time being I'm just living my life in this blue ball, flying around the giant pinball machine we call our solar system.


Yes she was my first.

The one I loved and lost, the
