This is the next installment of Demonic Meister. I was listening to songs one day while walking to school and found one on my iPod that I didn't remember putting on. Listening to it, I looked down and saw that the name was Panic Attack by Dream Theater. My mind was blown and I found the perfect continuation of this story.
Also, I am going to be making Black Star smarter and more perceptive in this story. So Black Star fans and lovers, REJOICE! And as you may already see, it's going to focus mainly on Naruto, Tsubaki and Black Star. They are the people that Naruto will begin to feel most comfortable around.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Soul Eater or Naruto.
Demonic Meister
Chapter Four
Naruto walked around Shibusen thinking about the things that had transpired over the span of the morning and the afternoon. 'That honestly went better than I thought that it would. I thought that, for sure, no matter what, she was going to deny me forgiveness. Now, not only is she giving me a chance to redeem myself, but I also have a date with her. This is going far, far better than I could have hoped for.'
With a smile, Naruto looked up to the clock that hung over one of the doors and saw that he still had time to head on to class, as the classes themselves still didn't end until about five. Using his vast knowledge of the halls of the academy, he maneuvered through them and soon came to the classroom that he was to become accustomed to for a long while. Knocking on the door, he waited for someone to answer, and that someone was Stein.
Naruto smiled up at the man with a bright smile and spoke up. "Good afternoon, Stein-sensei. How are you doing?" The bolted man looked down to Naruto and shrugged with his same straight face that he normally kept. "I can't quite complain, Naruto-kun. After your fight this morning I was forced to control the class when they got into such an uproarious state from you decimating Black Star and Tsubaki-san."
Naruto lost his smile and looked down a bit, not from sadness, but from embarrassment. "Yeah... I'm very sorry about that, Stein-sensei. I got a little out of control because of his idiotically demeanor of thinking he was better than me. It took me over when I got angry..." Stein heard this and leaned in a little bit closer to him so that he could speak in a whisper. "Naruto-kun, I realize that you are having more and more trouble keeping this thing under wraps as of late. I have devised a small elixir that may be able to suppress it for a while but it would require that you control your anger. I would also advise that you befriend Maka Albarn. If I am correct, she has a wavelength that can suppress demonic wavelengths with ease. It would keep you under control."
Naruto nodded and looked past the man to see the one that he was talking about. She sat beside her partner Soul, Tsubaki and Black Star. Maka Albarn was definitely a girl that caught his eye. Not because of her body, no, it was because of the fact that her wavelength was larger than most others around her. He could also see two things at the top right and left of the sphere of spiritual power. They were small and barely noticeable to someone with eyesight lesser than his own. This discovery, though, caused him to look to Stein once more. "You are talking about the one with the Grigori soul, are you not?"
Stein's eyes widened at this as he peered over his shoulder to Maka, now seeing that she was looking at them, as were the rest of the students. Each and every one of them had the same thought of what they were talking about. He used his Soul Perception and could not see the Grigori soul that Naruto was talking about. Turning back to the blonde, he spoke with his whisper still in place. "I don't see what you are talking about, Naruto-kun. Her soul does not have wings and therefore, it wouldn't be classified as a Grigori soul."
Naruto chuckled a bit and crossed his arms. "I wasn't honestly expecting you to see them. There are two small lumps over the top right and left of her soul's wavelength. They are the beginnings of the Grigori soul's wings. She has not yet bloomed but she will come of age here soon and she should be able to use the Grigori soul's ability to fly. It would also explain her special anti-demon wavelength."
Stein thought about the information from Naruto and concluded his thoughts with a nod of his head. "I believe that you are right about this, Naruto-kun. If that is the case then I would ask that you keep a close eye on her to make sure that she stays safe. If you can pick out that she has a Grigori soul then anyone else who is adept at Soul Perception as you could pick this out as well and draw her away from Shibusen."
The blonde maelstrom smiled and nodded before he maneuvered his way past the deranged scientist and made his way over to the seat at the end of the table where the group all sat. His seat, coincidentally, was right beside Black Star. The aforementioned blue-haired ninja leveled a quick glare at Naruto which the blonde tried his best to ignore. 'God dammit...I forgot completely about Black Star. If the observations of him and Tsubaki are correct, he thinks of her as his sister. I guess I'll now have to work on getting back into his good graces as well.'
As Naruto stared at Stein near the front of the class, he couldn't help but see the small piece of paper that had been slid in front of his person. He almost didn't want to look down but unfortunately he was as curious as the fox inside of him was. With this curiosity taking over him, he looked down and honestly expected the message that was scrawled over it. "I know that you apologized to her, but that doesn't erase what you did to her! It'll take more than words to convince me! Until then, I'm going to be watching you very closely!"
Naruto sighed and flipped over the piece of paper before he reached into his pocket to pull out a normal pen. With excellent handwriting, he wrote down his response to the message. "I did not expect you to forgive me, Black Star. I'm simply glad that Tsubaki-chan has given me the chance to redeem myself in her eyes. I'll try to make it up to you as well..."
The blonde Meister quickly and efficiently wrote down the message before sliding it over to the ninja beside him. Black Star read it and quickly folded the paper and stuck it into his pocket. Naruto saw this and propped his head up with his hands and began to go through his thoughts. 'The first day is not going the way that I wanted. I expected to come in here and be that popular new kid that everyone wanted to get to know. Instead I listened to the egg and I'm sure that more than three quarters of this class despises me now.'
Naruto got no answers from the voices within his head and decided that they were still angry with him as well. His head smashed to the desk but no one looked over as he whispered his words to himself. "Every single time...I hurt never ends..." While he closed his eyes, ignoring the lesson, he never noticed that Black Star had heard him. While it did not change how he felt about the blonde ninja, it did get him thinking.
In the seat beside Naruto, Black Star put his hands in his lap and looked down as his thoughts began to go through his head. 'So...this isn't the first time that this has happened to him. That is something that makes me worry, not about him, but about the other Meister's that are here. If he were to lose it like that in the school during break and whatever those things were didn't stop him, I doubt that there would be anything that we could do to stop him.'s like he doesn't even want to do that. Is he opposed to the power that he gets from losing his mind?'
Black Star closed his eyes and shook his head, trying his best to think of other things, though he couldn't shake the images that permeated his mind. While he had been held stationary and silent as Naruto verbally abused Tsubaki, he had been subjected to the one thing that he never wanted to...he had been shown that he, like everyone else around him, was still afraid of himself.
During his time under the influence of the God Mode, he had been forced into the depths of his genetic memories. These were memories taken from those of his clan that he was a descendent of and the one in particular that got him was his own father. He had seen his father's childhood. He had seen that he grew up the same way, craving more and more power. He spent his life training and training to get smarter, stronger and faster but even as he reached his peak it was never enough. Black Star was forced to watch as his father hunted down innocent people and began to devour their souls all because he wanted more power.
It had all flashed forward to where Black Star was during the present. It showed him himself as he taunted everyone, saying that he was going to surpass God, no matter what it took to do it. He, without even knowing it, was the spitting image of his father. He was going down the exact same path that his father had once gone down. 'If I don't change...then I may end up just like him. Dead and in the ground...nothing left behind to give people a good image of me. I've already ran into people who knew what the Star Clan had done...and they all hated me. It is it isn't is the sins of the father...they were passed down to the son...'
Black Star couldn't help but look to Naruto out of the corner of his eye and continue his thoughts. 'Could it be that he and I aren't that different from each other? We both have that desire, I can feel it. I can feel that he desires more power...but it is for a different reason than mine. I desire power to simply be the strongest alive while he wants it for another reason entirely. Does this madness of his spawn from his desire for power? Will I become what he has if I continue this blind path of power that I have set my self on?'
The ninja couldn't help but sigh as he closed his eyes once more. 'I can feel that he is sorry for what he did. I just wish that I could bring myself to forgive him. Unfortunately, my pride won't allow me to do so. He'll have to do something to prove to me that he is willing to do whatever it takes to make it up to Tsubaki-chan.'
Naruto kept his head down in his depressed state and waited for the right time to lift his head. It came within the next thirty minutes as he heard the bell for the ending of school beginning to go off. Kids had sprung up from their seats and Naruto could hear their footsteps leaving, but he also noticed something else. "I all wish for answers as you not?"
The softer voice of Maka Albarn came to Naruto's eardrums and he listened to every one of her words. "I'm sure I'm speaking for most of us when I say we wish to know about what happened down in the courtyard this morning." The cerulean-eyed boy sighed and turned his head to them with his eyes lidded like he was tired before he spoke to them. "I have already explained this to Tsubaki-chan...I have already explained my pain...I don't wish to speak of it anymore..."
The words of Naruto hit Black Star's ears and he closed his eyes in thought. 'So I was right, he didn't want to do those things to Tsubaki-chan. It must've been something that has happened to him then. Maybe it was something that I said to may have been those taunts of mine that set him off. Telling another fighter, a true fighter, to give up is like setting gasoline upon an already roaring fire...especially if that fighter in particular already desires more power...someone like that would never give up, no matter how powerful their opponent is...I should know...'
As Black Star finished his thoughts, he heard Maka continue to speak; only this time her voice was slightly harder, also going on to call him by the name that she had heard Stein call him by. "I'm sorry, Naruto-san, but with everything that we saw today, I would like for you to explain to us just what it was all about. After all, it involved out friends basically being tortured by you."
Naruto listened to the last sentence and immediately turned his head and closed his eyes while his head still rested on his arms. "Don't remind me of that...I don't want to remember it..." Maka was about to step forward and continue to try and get him to talk, but she was soon stopped by a strong arm outstretched in front of her. She followed the athletically muscled arm up to the shoulder and followed that to the serious face of the one and only Black Star.
The blue-haired ninja slowly shook his head with his eyes closed as Maka backed up. The hyperactive Meister then turned his head to Naruto and put a hand on his back. Naruto jumped slightly from the touch but looked back to see a slightly softer visage of Black Star. He was about to speak until the star-haired one spoke before him. "Naruto-san...I cannot yet forgive you for what you did to Tsubaki-chan...but I have also been thinking during this last class. I have come to the conclusion, not only by your actions, but by your writings and your words that you didn't mean nor want to do those things to Tsubaki-chan and I. Like I said, I cannot yet forgive you, but I will not hold it against you personally. I would hope that you find some way to make it up to, not me, but Tsubaki-chan."
All eyes were wide, including Naruto's, at the seriousness and quietness of Black Star. His little speech was something that none of the gather people were ever expecting to hear from the loudmouth. It was sincere and wasn't about was about his surrogate sister. Naruto looked from one eye to the other before he smiled slightly and nodded his head. He stood and held out his arm to shake his hand and Black Star did the same, both of them grabbing the others forearm in an older style of agreement.
While they held each others arms, Black Star looked Naruto dead in his eyes before he spoke. "If you ever do something like that to Tsubaki-chan again, though, I will rip out your heart. Understood?" Naruto chuckled a bit before he nodded his head. "I understand, Black Star. Now if you'll excuse me, I have something to go get ready for." The blonde Meister then turned and walked down the stairs before he heard a soft and familiar voice. He turned up to see Tsubaki smiling down at him and everyone else was looking at her as well. She acted as though she didn't see them and just winked to him in a very un-Tsubaki-ish manner before speaking. "You heard him, Naruto-kun...tonight better be very good to make it up to me."
This caused everyone's eyes, including Naruto's, to widen. All eyes were soon on Naruto who was scratching the back of his head nervously and backing out of the room slowly while speaking. " see guys, I kinda asked her to dinner tonight. It was part of my entire plan to make it up to Tsubaki-chan...heh..." Black Star was the first to react as he sighed and looked to Tsubaki. Naruto stopped and looked to them with a curiosity. After a few minutes, he got the picture and began to converse with his weapons. 'Kyuubi-san, I believe that they have mastered that form of speaking.'
'I think that they have too,Naruto-san. Their bond as weapon and Meister has become so strong that they have created a form of the psychic link. While it may not be as powerful as most, as they have to maintain eye contact and in weapon mode he may have to keep her steady in his hands, they still have created the bond. That could be very useful to them during a fight and in situations such as these when they don't want their private conversations to be heard.' Naruto nodded to this and continued to watch them go through a myriad of different facial expressions.
Black Star could be seen furrowing his brow every so often and Tsubaki made a pleading face that caused the blue-haired ninja to sigh and break their eye contact. He looked down to the powerful blonde and spoke in a serious tone like a father would to his daughter's boyfriend. "If you do ANYTHING that she objects to...then I will slice off what makes you a man. I have no qualms with this threat."
Naruto's eyes widened and he quickly nodded his head before he turned and ran like fox with its tail between its legs. Getting safely down the hallway, he slowed his pace to a walk as his thoughts came back into his mind. 'I honestly think that that is the scariest thing about people. The fact that they can sometimes scare even me. I have to admit that he seems like he is a good kid at heart, just doesn't think with that brain of his sometimes. He's damn smart, but acts like a damned fool half of the time. I wonder if it is some sort of tactic to trick his opponents.'
As he walked through the halls of the now released school, Naruto also began to plan on where he would be taking Tsubaki on his date with her. 'Also...I wonder how I am going to break to her the fact that I am able to practice polygamy. She's from a clan and so is Black Star so they will hopefully understand. I'm simply glad that Blair-chan knows and understands because she is too good of a friend and lover to lose.'
The blonde powerhouse sighed as he walked out of the doors of Shibusen with his hands in his pockets. As he walked down the stairs, he spotted something out of the corner of his eye and was able to deduce, from the blonde hair and the state of dress, that it was Maka Albarn and her partner was nowhere around. He sighed once more as he decided to not have her follow him for long. Stopping in his tracks he noticed that she did so as well. "Maka-san...I must ask why you have taken to stalking me?"
This question did not surprise the Meister and she stood with her arms by her side. "I was wondering why you would go and do something like that to Tsubaki-san but then you ask her out. It doesn't make sense." Naruto shrugged his shoulders and kept his back to her. "I wanted to make up for what I did and this is the first step, Maka-san. Tsubaki-chan is a nice person and I would like to have her as a friend by my side and a partner in battle."
The answer made Maka nod her head before she spoke again. "You seem sincere, but like Black Star said; if you do anything to hurt her, then you aren't dealing with just him. I'm going to kick your ass into the dirt." This caused Naruto to chuckle slightly as he turned his head a bit so that he could see her more clearly. "I would expect nothing less from a friend of hers, Maka-san. Now then, I cannot be late for my date so I must go prepare. I hope that we can talk more in the future and possibly spar. You seem to be rather strong." With that comment, Naruto seemed to flicker out of being, leaving Maka stunned and her eyes wide.
'He's really fast!'
Naruto appeared in his room back at his apartment with everything intact. Looking around, he saw that Blair had taken it upon herself once more to clean up his mess. He smiled softly and turned his head to the window to look at the bar where he knew she would frequently work. 'Sometimes I honestly think that Blair-chan is too damn good to me.' Chuckling a little bit, Naruto began to get undressed as he walked over to his bathroom, leaving his clothes on the floor as he went.
He walked into the bathroom and turned the dials so that the water turned on to a warm setting before he turned to the mirror as he waited for the desired effect. As he looked at his uncovered face, his only thought was focused around the kabuki that he had worn during his fight. 'I paid some damn good money to have that thing made. It's too bad that it couldn't stand a punch from the ninja boy. He's got some fight in him, that's for damn sure.'
The blonde powerhouse sighed as he turned to the shower and got in without further delay. As he did his business, his thoughts soon turned to the black-haired beauty that he was in charge of escorting later on. 'I could take her to that new place that just opened last week. I'm sure that she would enjoy that. But then it would make me simply look like I'm flaunting money. order to make it up to her I need to do things differently. I need to show her the real me. The one that is actually caring and soft. But I can't lay it down too thick otherwise she'll think I'm faking it all. God dammit, I am worrying too much about this! It's like'
Naruto's eyes closed in solemnity as his hands fell to his sides. 'I cannot do that...It is...just...not possible. She wouldn't fall for someone like me anyway. I hurt her and this is only to make sure that she is able to get over the trauma that I put her through...isn't it? Dammit...I can't even answer my own question! But what if she does like me? She said yes, didn't she? Yes, she did! She smiled and giggled and said yes! That must mean that she likes me to an extent! It has to! I just hope I don't fuck this up. I also need to tell her about the fact that I, being the final one of the Namikaze clan, will have to take multiple wives. Heh...I still remember tou-san's face when I first told him about that.'
With a small smile, the blonde looked back to the time that he had told his father about the village tradition of taking multiple wives if the last surviving heir is male. His mask made so many different noises when it grew, shrank and contorted. 'With the fact that she comes from a clan as well, I would expect that she already knows about clan heirs and their obligations. But I don't know how her clan viewed such things. That will definitely make this interesting.'
Naruto continued to sift through his thoughts as he got out of the shower and dried himself off before wrapping the towel around his waist while making his way to his room. He dropped the cloth to the floor as he began to go through his dresser to pull out a pair of black boxers and slipped them on before heading of to his closet. He pulled out a suit that he had tucked away for a rainy day and laid it out on his bed before finding a nice, long-sleeved, white shirt to where underneath it. He put it on and buttoned it up before he put on the black dress pants and buttoned them.
The blonde then put on a belt for good measure and making it look even better with the silver buckle shining in the light. He then put on the black dress vest that completed the suit and buttoned the two buttons that held the thing together. Looking at himself in the full-body mirror, Naruto tugged slightly on the vest to make sure that it was nice a snug against his figure before he went back to his closet to pull out a pair of dress socks and his black dress shoes. 'Wouldn't matter much if I didn't wear shoes, now would it?'
Putting on his foot covering, the blonde maelstrom stood and looked at the clock to see that the time was nearing for him to pick up his company for the evening. He moved with a glide-n-slide grace out his bedroom door and to the door and if anyone were able to see him they would think that he was a man of militaristic stature. Though, they would not realize that it was not that far from the truth of the blonde.
Opening the door to leave, he maneuvered out and closed the door with only a barely audible click to be heard throughout the now empty home. He worked his way down the stairs so that he could begin his small trek upon the cobblestone path towards the general direction of Tsubaki and Black Star's dwellings. Taking various turns and dodging numerous carts so as not to damage his attire, Naruto was honestly making good time.
It did not take Naruto long before he was coming up to the oriental-styled gate that paved the way to the home that Black Star had built for him and his surrogate sister and partner as both a gesture of good will towards his partner and a challenge to himself so as to get even stronger. The blonde whistled in honest amazement as he began to walk along the path up to the sliding door that was the main entrance. Before he even had a chance to make a sound to call for anyone, Black Star had already appeared, sliding to door open and standing with his arms crossed and a rather peeved look on his face.
Naruto sighed as he continued to walk up before he stopped in front of the shorter, but still formidable, ninja. He could tell that he still objected to the date that he had asked Tsubaki out on, but he also knew that, for her sake, he was willing to give Naruto a chance. The blue-haired ninja, actually calmer than normal, held out his hand for a greeting which Naruto gladly returned with a firm handshake of his own. He grinned slightly at Black Star's purposeful tries to crush his hand, but in all ignored the slightly hostile gesture. "So how are you tonight, Black Star?"
The shorter of the two shrugged his shoulders as he let go of his hand and leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed still. "I guess that past your actions earlier, I can say that I'm having a generally good time today. You, Naruto-san?" The older of the two did the same as he shrugged and leaned against a post on the porch while he kept his eyes on Black Star. "I guess that my answer would have to be the same as yours, Black Star. I would hope, though, that we can find some way that we can both get over what happened today. Let it be water under the bridge, or let bygones be bygones as they say?"
Black Star gave Naruto a death glare that nearly...nearly made the blonde flinch in slight fear. "You tried to hurt, humiliate and possibly kill the one person that I have come to see as my sister. Now you are taking my sister on a date. I'm. Just. Peachy." Naruto looked away in shame as he uncrossed his arms and put his hands fully in his pockets, showing that he was slightly uncomfortable. "I never wanted to hurt her or you, Black Star. It was just...something had come over me." He kept looking away until he heard Black Star speak. "I know."
Naruto looked over to him with his face looking confused, causing the shorter ninja to smirk slightly. "I thought you knew so much about us, Naruto-san? That's what you said back in the classroom before our fight, did you not? Well you apparently didn't know that I can see souls just as well, if not even better, than Maka-chan. I saw what happened when I interrupted you. Something darker took a hold of you and it leaked from the very core of your heart. In all honesty, it felt like a Kishin Egg."
Naruto flinched as he heard the words leave his mouth and Black Star immediately knew he had hit something. "So what is it exactly that you are hiding from us, Naruto-san? Is it the fact that you are a Kishin that can perfectly suppress your energy, which is nearly impossible? Or have you already fallen to the madness of a rising Kishin Egg?" Naruto sighed as he looked back to Black Star with a slightly lamenting look. "I'm sorry, Black Star, but I can't tell you anything about that. I told Tsubaki-chan so that she could understand what was wrong with me. When the time comes then I will explain it to everyone."
Black Star scowled and narrowed his eyes at him, but only sighed before letting his face return to normal as he looked down. "For now I'll lay off of you, but if you ever, and I mean ever, hurt her again, then I am going to beat you within an inch of your life before I have you begging for me to kill you." Naruto's eyes widened slightly when he felt a killer intent aimed at him that actually made him sweat slightly.
'For some reason, I honestly am afraid to piss this kid off. If I ever hurt her again, I have no doubt that he could somehow pull that off! It's scary. Normally I'm not afraid of anything, but he can make me actually fear him.' Naruto looked up to the ninja that had his arms crossed as he glared a hole in his head before hearing him speak again. "Don't take this the wrong way, Naruto-san. I have no intentions on acting upon what happened from today, but know that because of it I am going to be far more wary of your actions. I understand, or think that I slightly do, how you are."
Naruto sighed and nodded before he heard a cough that was meant to get both his and his conversational partners attention. It worked and both looked behind Black Star to see a sight that made Naruto's jaw drop and Black Star chuckle slightly at the face of the blonde powerhouse. In all honesty, he wasn't surprised at the face that he made, but it was a nice change from the seriousness of their previous conversation.
Tsubaki had come up behind the two and was all ready to go. Her smile made Naruto nearly melt in his shoes and the dress that she wore made him roll over her body with his eyes. It covered everything but the leg that it showed with a slit up the right side of the black dress. She also wore black heels that brought her up to the blondes shoulder and she smiled while looping her arm around his and he got a look at her hair in its usual ponytail, but it had a different shine to it. It was then that her soft voice shook him out of his daze.
"Are you going to stare at me all night or are we going to go out and have some fun tonight?" She kept her smile and Naruto chuckled while rubbing the back of his head. "Of course, Tsubaki-chan. Black Star and I were just finishing up our conversation so we can head out now if you would like." She nodded with her same smile. Naruto looked back to the blue-haired boy and he shot him a look that said, "Hurt her and you will die a slow and painful death."
Naruto's eyes widened and he turned his head quickly back around as he and Tsubaki walked off. As they left the area, Naruto smiled down to her as they walked with interlocked arms. "So, Tsubaki-chan, what is it that you want to do?" She looked up with a look of thought as she held her free hand to her chin, making her even cuter to the blonde. "I'm not sure...what do you want to do?"
The blonde laughed a bit before he heard not only his stomach, but hers as well, growl from being hungry. "I guess that answers that question! Haha! Is there anyplace in particular that you would like to go eat, Tsubaki-chan? What kind of food do you like?" She smiled before replying to him. "I like to try different things, but lately I've gotten the taste for Italian food. It's so flavorful and makes my mouth so happy!"
Naruto grinned slightly when he heard this and felt her hop when she said it. "You aren't acting like I've seen you act before when watching your missions with tou-san, Tsubaki-chan. You are definitely different outside of a serious atmosphere and I like it." She nodded with a smile still on her face. "I tend to stay quiet when I am on a mission because coming from a clan of ninja; I was trained to be silent when conducting such objectives. When I am not required to do so, I like to just...let go and release who I really am. It's so nice to just let things roll with the tide sometimes, but as long as things remain civil and not get too far out of hand."
The Meister's grin turned to a smile as he looked forward to where they were heading. "I am glad to hear that. It is nice to find a person who can be serious when need be, but still have the feeling of freedom outside of the environment. Where I came from, I was surrounded by people who stayed uptight about everything. They never let things go and never tried to make things better. They focused on the past and would think only of it. It poisoned their minds and eventually led to me being found by Stein-sensei. I was spirited away after losing it for the first time. Ever since then, it has only happened two other times."
Tsubaki looked up to him with her smile falling a bit into worry. "I'm going to guess that today was one of them?" He nodded before speaking again. "The time before was when Stein-sensei and I were trying to figure out what was wrong with me. He invoked my madness and I nearly tore him apart. I would've succeeded had he not smashed into me by overcharging his soul's wavelength into a battering ram with his arms. Until I learn to control it, it remains a danger to me and everyone around me."
He felt her arm tighten around his own and they both stopped while he looked down to her. Her eyes were determined, but they showed her worry for him. "I know that you can control this thing, Naruto-kun. I've seen you before and you are a good person. I know that none of what you did was your fault. All you have to do is whatever you have to in order to control it. Find someone that you can fight for. Find someone who makes you want to stay yourself. Find that person who can keep your heart steady..." Naruto smile softly as he nodded his head with her smiling back to him.
"I will...Tsubaki-chan."
I understand that this took a bitch load of time to write. I am sorry for that. School hates me.
Elemental Shadow Out!