Author's note: This story will be written in short entries, please enjoy!

She was cleaning the kitchen, and getting impatient.

"Master should be home soon," Rain reprimanded herself, "And I need to finish the kitchen!"

Really, she didn't need to, but thought that Master would like actually having a clean kitchen. She chuckled to herself as she always did when remembering the havoc Master unleashed when cooking, the food was delicious of course but the kitchen always had to pay dearly. Her goal was to learn how to cook better than Master so she could take over making the meals and then hopefully there wouldn't be such messes to clean up after every meal.

While absently thinking about her goal as she scrubbed at the pans, she heard a plane over head, and for some reason it was louder than usual.

"Planes don't sound that loud normally, do they?" she had to question herself because that noise... was it just her, or was it getting louder?


Rain screamed and her hands flew to cover her ears as she instantly crouched, waiting for the next impact...breath, Rain. How does it work again? Out, and then out, in and then out. Right? Oh gosh how can I not remember? Dang it, come on... Let's try again, in and out, in and out.
Rain felt better getting oxygen to her lungs as her body suddenly remembered how to breath, but now curiosity was kicking in.

What was that noise? Did anyone get hurt? Should she check?

Rain pondered only a moment before she was standing up again and running to the door, needing to see what had happened. The half scrubbed pot laying forgotten on the floor.

A gasp could be heard as Rain saw the damage that lay before, and yes it, it was worse than Master in the kitchen.