Author notese : I just watched the parent trap and thought it would be perfect for Jibbs. I know it has been done before by greeny-blue- lights and they have inspired me and please don't hate me.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except their two daughters Leah and Mia

The parent trap.

"But I don't want to go to some boring summer camp for three weeks" Leah Gibbs whined

"You need to socialise, you need friends your own age" Leroy Jethro Gibbs said to his daughter but keeping his eyes on the road.

"I have friends; I have Abby, McGee, Tony and Ziva"

"I said your own age"

"Tony has the mental age of a thirteen year old" Leah said with a slight giggle.

Jethro chuckled at his daughter's response. She did have a point DiNozzo did act like a teenager sometimes.

Jethro pulled up to the entrance of the summer camp. Jethro got out of his truck and got her duffel bag out of the back. While Lea jumped out of the truck. They walked to the sign in area together.

"Name please" The bubbly blond women behind the table asked.

"Leah Gibbs"

"Ok welcome to summer camp, Leah here is your room key and an itinerary, you will be sharing your room with one other girl" The blond said with a big smile.

Gibbs and Leah moved away from the sign in desk so they could say their goodbyes.

"You be good champ, try and make friends, you're a great kid once people get to know you just let them get that chance" Gibbs said hugging his daughter.

"Are you sure I can't just spend my summer hanging out at NCIS with you" Leah said batting her eyelashes.

"Positive, come on it will be fun, please don't get into trouble and remember I love you" Gibbs said pressing a kiss to his daughter's forehead.

"I'll try but I'm not promising anything and for the record I love you to" With one last Hug and a kiss Gibbs left his daughter to settle in at the summer camp.


"So why do I have to go to summer camp again?" Mia Shepard asked her mother, still confused as to why she was being sent away for the first three weeks of summer.

"Because moving is going to be very stress full and I think it would be better if you were at camp and this way you can make some friends" Jenny Shepard explained to her daughter.

Mia sighed and looked out the window.

"Look, we discussed this, me taking the Director position would mean we had to move to D.C and you said you were ok with that" Jenny said trying to make her daughter feel better.

They pulled up at the camp and there were kids running around and screaming, something Mia hated. Her and her mother always travelled a lot and they never stayed in one place for more than 2 years. So she never really got to make lifelong friends and was often lonely, something Jenny felt very guilty over. So she had promised this was the last time they would move.

They walked over to the sign in desk were a bubbly blond was signing in people.

"Name please" The blond asked.

"Mia Shepard" Mia said.

The women looked Mia up and down. "Hey didn't I sign you in all ready" the blond asked.

"No" Mia said looking at the women like she had gone mad.

"Oh, ok, Here is your room key and an itinerary, welcome to summer camp" She said shaking her head then wore a big smile.

Jenny and Mia walked to a more private place to say their goodbyes.

"My security detail will pick you up in three weeks, I wish I could pick you up but I'll be busy at work but I'll come home early just for you and your room will be decorated just how you asked it to be" Jenny said hugging her daughter.

"I'll see you in three weeks, love you mum" Mia said before her mother let her go and left her at the summer camp.

Mia took a deep breath then decided to go and find the cabin she would be sharing, at least that way she would only be surrounded by one person not hundreds.

Leah had already found her room and was unpacking when the door opened and what she saw made her almost faint.

Mia found her cabin and could hear someone moving around inside. She opened the cabin door and what she saw made her not believe her eyes.

What they both saw, was the same thing. A girl that was identical to them.

"YOU LOOK LIKE ME" they both said at the same time.

So what did you think? Shall I continue? Review and tell me.