~Hey everyone, I was reading Holes fanfiction from dusk till dawn and I just couldn't help myself. So, bear with me if it's a little slow at first, the story will pick up! 'Taren' in this story is very quiet at first and that's part of her character!~
~Disclaimer: I don't own Holes or any of the characters, lucky too, if I did the whole movie might have ended up being an extended version of the "Dig It" song.
-Driving through a desert in Texas-
I'm not entirely sure how I got to this point.
I felt the bus jerk to a stop, and the cuffs around my wrists harshly reacquainted me with their presence.
Yes, feel free to read that again. Cuffs, as in handcuffs, as in, remind-you-your-not-here-for-the-scenery cuffs. They were warm and stark gray around my almost glowingly pale arms. Come to think of it, everything seems to be warm here, warm and dry.
Now I know why those Texan cowboys have such gruff voices, their throats are probably sand paper by the time they step out into the open air.
Anyways, I suppose I shouldn't expect royal treatment at a youth prison camp. You can read that twice too.
The bus driver spits every word he says, and it's hard to make any sense of it. The way he's unlocking the cuffs, however, speaks volumes and I don't say a word as I allow myself to be ushered off the bus into the cowboy-hating humidity.
Camp Green Lake. I wonder if most people think there is actually still a lake. One quick weave through the World Wide Web expels all illusions about this place, but I suppose most don't bother to look.
The federal site had also said something even more interesting, it was an all-boy juvenile facility. I empathize boy for a likely very obvious reason. Because I'm not one.
I'm sure it's illegal, but the judge had this glint in his eye, when he offered this as an alternative to jail, that just assured me he was having the time of his life knowing that I didn't know what I was getting myself into.
The sound of the bus pulling out behind me pulled me out of my daze.
A tall blond man who seemed to fancy himself a sheriff of some sort was standing in front of me, glaring down. A few months ago, the sight would have turned my face a nice red to go with my deep brown hair, but now I couldn't bring myself to care.
"Taren Rogers?" He ground out, pronouncing Taren, Tar-ron. Like a boy's name.
He was expecting a boy.
A boy.
The man spit on the ground in an obvious habit and continued without waiting for a response. "You will address me as Mr. Sir and only Mr. Sir. You got that?" He didn't seem to cheer up much at the nod I gave.
And he still thinks I'm a guy. I now wished I'd gone for something other than the super baggy t-shirt and black jeans, and a baseball cap with my hair tucked into it.
Mr. Sir gets fed up waiting for me to do something, and pushes me toward one of the many tents lining either side of the camp then bursts into a speech about how I can run if I want, but I'll be 'buzzard' food really quick because this is the only water source in a hundred miles and blah, blah, blah.
I don't listen until I get shoved into the tent and are faced with a generic white boy with sandy hair staring bored back at me. Mr. Sir says something that I tune out but as my black duffel bag is searched and two ugly orange outfits are shoved at me, I pick up "one for work, the other for relaxation" and "washed every six days."
Wait…okay, gross.
The world spins out again and I turn my back to change into the orange jumpsuit, I'm small enough that neither one notices anything out of line from that angle.
I'm being pushed out of the tent with boredom in my deep blue eyes and am handed off to a dorky looking man in safari shorts. I assume they exchange words, but I don't listen.
"I'm Mr. Pendanski, your tent counselor. You may have made some bad choices, but that does not make you a bad person. I respect you Taren (Tar-ron). " The goofy-hatted man smiles down at me. The down, being 5'3, I'm used to. The smile, not matter how rehearsed, I wasn't.
"Thank you." I force out, almost grimacing when it came out deep. Now everyone will be all gender confused. Not just….most everyone.
"You'll be in D-tent."
~Please read and review! I'm kind of floundering with this story and would love some advice on events to come!~