A/N: HI! im on a roll and im updating all my stories 'cause I'm in the mood, so here it is! I hope you like it Liz! and the rest of you too!

Disclaimer: I dont own Maximum Ride or this song!

Requested By: Liz

Song: Felt Good On My Lips

By: Tim McGraw

Couple: Ella and Iggy

Said her name was a hand me down name
From the side of a family that long ago came
Over here on a boat from somewhere in Spain
Sounded to me just a little bit strange, I guess.
But I have to admit, it felt good on my lips.

I was at a bar completely bored out of my mind. This was supposed to be fun, I mean my buddy Fang was over there dancing with he girlfriend Max, and even my little bro Gazzy was dancing with some chick I didnt know. (A/N: NO ITS NOT ANGEL!)

I sighed and ordered another drink.

I sighed and covered my face with my strawberry blond hair,

thats when a girl sat down next to me.

I looked over to her, she was wearing a tight red halter dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, she had glossy black hair and flawless tan skin. She had these perky bright brown eyes, and a killer smile.

She turned to me and stuck out her hand, "Hi, I'm Elenora Martinez, its nice to meet you" I looked at her hand for a while then took it, and replied with my own name, "James Griffth, but you can call me Iggy" and I smiled.

she smiled back and told me, "And you can call me Ella" I said her full name in my head, Elenora Martinez, sound exotic.

We turned to the bar and we talked for a while.

"I like your name, where's it from?" I really did like her name, there was a certain ring to it that I liked, it felt almost right saying it.

"Elenora? I got it from my great-grandmother, she was from Spain, and she helped my mother and grandma get to the states, so my mom decided to name me after her, kinda of in honor of her." she took a sip of her drink.

Since were were echanging name stories I might as well tell her mine, "I got the nick name Iggy, form Igniouse, because I'm kind of a pyro, you know people that like playing with fire, yup that's how I got called Iggy, actually you see that guy in black dancing with the blonde girl over there?" I pointed out Max and Fang, she nodded her head.

"That's my sister!" she shouted over the music.

That was shoking..."Really?" I asked, how have I never been introduced?

"Yeah, but I have been gone for school lately so..." oh that explains it.

"Well they stared calling me Iggy" I told her. We were listeing to some crappy country song when Ella stood up and whispered in my eyes, "I'll be right back."

She tipped the DJ to play her favorite song
A Spanish little number that was a rockin' on strong
She grabbed me by the sleeve and said lets go and get it on
By the second chorus I was singing right along with it
I don't know what it meant but it felt good on my lips.

With that she disapered. I had a feeling she wasnt coming back, but then a song came on.

It was fast paced, and the crowd seemed to like it, the the singing started, spanish, which gave me the impression the Ella picked it.

Then I saw a flash of red and a tugging of my arm.

"Come on Iggy, lets dance!" I was hesitant, then followed, her more or less dragged me the the middle then we started dancing, shaking her hips like an expert.

I started moving to the music, finaly getting the hang of it, after a while I started having fun, this girl was like a shot of life, better then all the drinks at the bar.

She sang the lyrics, and taught them to me, and before you know it were singing to the songs, all in spanish, god know what i'm saying but hell it was fun.

Oh oh oh I.. I wanna go crazy
You can go crazy too
Oh oh oh I.. I wanna go crazy
I wanna go crazy with you

Everybody sayin' whoa how sweet it is
Whoa yeah it felt good on my lips

We danced endlessly, it some point my hands ended around her waist and her arms around my neck.

I felt like I was soaring, like I could do anything!

She ordered us a drink
It was a purple kind of pink
She said it's got a shot of a little bit of everything
Mello yellow umbrella for a fella like me
It was just a bit mello for me to be seen with

"Hey Iggy, I'm thirsty want to get something to drink?"

I nodded and then we were off to the bar again.

I ordered a beer while Ella ordered some tropical drink.

When they got back I drank mine and Ella drank her, it it was huge, and looked tropical, she saw me looking at it and asked me, "Wanna try some?" once again I was hesitant then nodded my head.

But I took a sip
Yeah it felt good on my lips

"What the hell" I said and took the drink, it had a girly umbrella and then I took a sip, and oh my god it was heaven.

Oh oh oh I.. I wanna go crazy
You can go crazy too
Oh oh oh I.. I wanna go crazy
I wanna go crazy with you

I turned to her and asked, "What's in this? Its amazing!" I took another sip, more like gulp, then gave it to her, then I ordered one myself and the bartender looked at me kind of funny, then I asked him if he tried one, and he shook his head, so I told him to just get me the drink.

"Its like a huge cocktail! Its got a mixture of sodas, margarita mix, and alcohol!" She laughed and fished her drink.

Once I got my drink I slurped it up then I dragged Ella to the dance floor, because dancing with Ella was intoxicating.

We laughed and just had fun.

Everybody sayin' whoa how sweet it is
Whoa yeah it felt good on my lips

When the lights came on and they hollered last call
I was busy getting lost in her cherry lip gloss
In a little corner booth I don't like no talk
She leaned in close and gave me one long and wet
A goodnight goodbye kiss
And It felt good on my lips

I didn't realize that it was almost 5 in the morning, that was the club closed, so when the DJ announced that it was the last song I looked at Ella, not wanting the night to end. The night started out crappy, but it sure ended nice.

That was an understatement.

The song ended and the light turned on, we looked around and blushed, the place was almost empty, there was a few people, Max, Fang, Gazzy, the girl Gazzy was with, who had dark skin, and black hair.

"I think I have to go, I came with Max, and it looks like shes about to leave. I looked to Max and say that she and Fang were in fact saying goodbye.

"Will I see you again?" cheesy line I know.

"Maybe, I mean I like you James "Iggy" Griffith" I liked the way my name sounded when she said it.

"I like you too, Elenora "Ella" Martinez" then I leaned down and captured her ruby red lips, they tasted like cherry.

The Katy Perry song 'I Kissed a Girl' ran through my head.

After our goodbye kiss Ella grabbed my hand and took something out of a her bag that I hadn't noticed she was carrying and wrote her name and number on my hand.

"Call me okay?" then she was off, running to Max's side and they left.

Whoa how sweet it is
Whoa yeah it felt good on my lips
Whoa how sweet it is
Whoa yeah it felt good on my lips

I walked over to Fang, "I see you and Max's little sister hit it off fine, dont you think Gazzy?"

completely ignorring the two all I could thing was woah, all the way home.

A/N: OMG! haha do you like it? IT WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE! ha so tell me what you think by reviewing and also recommend some songs! I'll get to them!

Yes that is all Darkkiss15 OUT!