I haven't done a one shot in months so I decided to finally write one.

Disclaimer: If I owned it, I wouldn't be here right now...

The doctor's diagnosis was completely unexpected. All Amelia could do was stay in denial and simply say it was some kind of joke. However, as the weeks went by, that "joke" suddenly became harsh reality. Late evening had fallen on the planet of Montresser; only hints of orange were visible on the horizon. Amelia loved this time of day and it would normally put her in a good mood. But this evening, not even the sight of the beautiful etherium above could cheer her up.

She sat out on the balcony of Doppler's mansion, looking up on at the darkening sky. She was so engulfed in thought that she didn't notice that Delbert was right behind her. He hated to see her like this; emotionless and confused, but he could clearly understand her plight. He walked up and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, making her flinch slightly. She looked up at him but, her once bright green eyes were clouded and dull. Delbert this made Doppler's heart break in two. He sat down on the bench next to her and put his arm around her. Amelia turned her gaze back at the star fill sky above and sighed.

"Everything's going to change now." She sighed.

"It's going to be okay." Doppler consoled.

"But how do you expect me to go through with this?" Amelia asked, her voice shaking slightly. "I'm no good with children."

Delbert pulled her closer. "You're going to be a wonderful mother, Amelia."

"You don't know that." She said looking into his dark brown eyes. "You can't expect a captain, who has spent most of her life sailing the etherium, to raise four children."

"Well, you said that you wouldn't be able to run a ship on your own when Arrow died, yet you did. It's the same principle."

"But there's no way I can be a mother and a captain. It's almost imposable."

Doppler stopped and thought for a moment. He knew that it would indeed be a challenge to raise four children and command a ship. Not to mention, it would be utterly imposable to take Amelia away from the etherium. And even if it was, she would be heart broken. Sacrifices were going to have to be made, but he would never force her to give up something that she worked so hard to achieve. Despite what she thought though, he believed that Amelia wouldn't have any trouble looking after their children.

"Knowing you, you'll be able to do both with ease." he finally said.

"And what makes you so sure?" Amelia asked.

"Because... from the moment I met you... I knew you were a born leader. Sure it's going to be hard, but you'll be able to pull through; you always have."

"And what about my job as a captain? What do you expect me to do about that?" Amelia questioned.

"Well, I'm sure you can still continue; I can look after them with no problem. Not to mention you still have Jim and B.E.N, who I'm sure would be thrilled to have four new playmates." This made her laugh slightly.

Amelia sighed and leaned her head on Delbert's shoulder. "For some reason, you seem to be the only person who ever seems to be able to cheer me up, you know that?"

"Well I'm glad to hear that." Delbert chuckled, planting a kiss in her forehead.

A/N: Wow that has to be the shortest story I ever writen... oh well, hope you guys liked it. Please review