Title: Ask the Glee characters
Hello, I thought about this idea for quite a while now and I figured it would be a fun story to do. So basically, the whole idea is that you get to ask any character you would like off of Glee and they'll answer as long as it is nothing rude ;P
The first people you will be able to ask are Kurt, Mercedes, Brittany and Finn. I'll add more people as it goes along and it'll be fun to see what you guys ask. You can also ask me questions if you're ever interested in anything and you don't have to worry about asking the same Glee character over and over again, the only thing I will say is to vary it up a bit and don't stick to one character for too long.
Anyway if you're interested leave a review asking a question and the next chapter of this will be up after I get 10 questions :)
Enjoy! :D