A/N: So, I've decided to try writing an actual story, since I've only done oneshots, and I got this idea in my head, so I decided to write it. Hope you like it.:) R/R please, let me know if you think I should continue.
Falling For My Best Friend

Clare and Eli have been best friends for as long as they can remember. Eli tried to warn Clare about KC, but she wouldn't listen. So, Eli wasn't surprised when he got a call from Clare one morning. She said, "You were right," then hung up. Eli immediately knew what she was talking about, since he had seen KC and Jenna sucking face, after school one day, after Clare had gone home. Eli told Clare what he saw, but she wouldn't believe him, couldn't believe him. KC would never cheat on her; he and Jenna were just friends, right? Well, that's what she thought, anyways. So Clare wasn't all that surprised when she saw a hearse pull up in front of her house.
Eli's POV

When I saw KC and that girl, who was supposedly one of Clare's best friends, making out in the hallway after school the other day, I was pissed. I mean, how could he do this to Clare? Sweet, innocent, kind to everyone, Clare?

After I left the school that day, I drove to Clare's house, ready to explain to her what exactly that little boyfriend of hers does when she's not around. I told her what a lying, piece of crap, cheating asshole of a boyfriend he was, but Clare wouldn't have it. She insisted that I was just trying to break them up because she knew I didn't like KC. I tried to explain to her that I would never do that, because even though I don't like the idea of Clare dating that phony, I would never lie about that.

Because, even though I may have feelings for her, I just want her to be happy. And she doesn't know about these feelings, because, if she did, our friendship would never be the same. I'm not just saying that because I don't know if she feels the same way or not (which she doesn't), but because, if we did date and broke up, I'd lose my best friend. Sure, I'd still have Adam, but I can't lose Clare, because, without her, I don't know what I'd do. Literally. We're always hanging out. And because I can't go more than a day without seeing her gorgeous blue eyes. Cheesy, I know, but her eyes are amazing. They're so deep, so clear, such a pretty blue. I can always tell her emotions, just by looking at her eyes.

I know what you're thinking: when did I, badass, sarcastic, hearse-driving, troublemaker, Eli Goldsworthy, become such a sap? To be honest, I don't even know. This girl messes with my brain and my heart, without even realizing it. If only she felt the same way…

But anyways, back to KC. Clare just called, and in those three little words, I could tell what had happened. So, I jumped in my hearse, and sped over to Clare's house. I needed to know what happened, to make Clare realize the truth about KC.

I got to her house, and I knock on the door. No cars in the driveway, her parents are gone. Like always. Poor Clare. I wait five minutes for Clare to answer the door, but she never does, so I walk right in and go up to her room.

Clare's POV

I was sitting in my room, wallowing in self-pity about how unfair this was, and inwardly scolding myself for being so stupid as to believe that there was nothing going on between KC and Jenna. All while regretting not believing Eli about KC. He's a cheating asshole, who's so full of himself.

KC doesn't know that I know he's cheating on me. I plan to confront him about it later, and tell him off about what a terrible person he is, and to make sure Jenna knows not to mess with me again.

I was thinking of ways to publicly humiliate them, when I saw Eli's hearse pull up in front of my house. I wanted him to come in and comfort me, but I right now I just wanted to be alone, so when he knocked on the door, I didn't let him in, just blasted my iPod. I put it on shuffle, and Dear John by Taylor Swift came on.

Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone. Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? The girl in the dress cried the whole way home. I should've known.

That last part kept lingering in my head: I should've known. I should've known that there was something going on between them, but no, I had to believe Jenna's fake voice, when she claimed that she wasn't interested in KC, and that she would never do something to hurt me like that.

Well, I took your matches, before fire could catch me, so don't look now. I'm shining like fireworks, over your sad, empty town.

Right then, I made a promise to myself, not to let KC or Jenna see how much they hurt me, and they would most certainly not see me cry over this.

My thoughts were interrupted when Eli suddenly burst through my door, looking like he was ready to rip someone's head off. That makes two of us.

"Clare, what happened between you and KC today?" he asked gently, trying not to say the wrong things, in case I was about to burst into tears.

"Nothing, exactly. I was about to leave school today, when I realized I forgot my History text book. I walked about halfway to my locker, and then saw Jenna and KC leaning against my locker, making out. I was upset, so I just turned and ran home. Then I called you." I explained with my eyes closed, willing the tears not to fall, especially not in front of Eli, I didn't want him to see how pathetic I was, crying over something we both knew, deep down, was true.

But to my surprise, Eli leaned down and kissed my forehead, wrapping his arms around me. It felt…nice, comforting, caring. Like he actually cared that this douchebag hurt me. I took comfort in that thought, but I realized my thoughts from a few seconds ago. Did I actually just say that I liked the way Eli was holding me? Right after I found out that my boyfriend is cheating on me? No, I was just upset about KC, that's all. It's not like I have feelings for Eli or anything. He's my best friend, that would just be awkward. Besides, I can't trust my feelings right now, anyway. I just found out I was being cheated on, I don't have feelings for Eli, that would make me feel like a cheater. I know it's completely different than what KC did, but if I had feelings for Eli while dating KC, I would just be leading KC on. I'm not that kind of person, I couldn't be. So, if after I dump KC, I still think I have feelings for Eli, then I'll go from there.
A/N: I actually wrote a way longer chapter for this, but I decided to split it in two, so that if you want me to continue, then I won't run out of ideas as quickly. Review please. Should I continue?