The telephone rang in the home of Jason Gray and Katherine "Katie" Sully. Katie answered the phone.

"Hello?" Katie asked. Katie's spirits life when she realized who's on the other end of the line. "Esther, how are you? That's good. How are Zeb and all the children? You don't say. Well maybe your Pa and I will have to come out and see this baby. What are they going to name her? Oh that's pretty." Katie said.

"What?" Jason asked looking up from his seat across the living room reading the newspaper.

"John and Olivia are going to name the baby Elizabeth." Katie replied. "Oh Esther, you know Mama would love to see her, but your grandmother is ninety-six years old. I just don't know if she would be up for the trip. Okay, I'll ask her." Katie said and then hung up the phone.

"How is our family on that mountain in Virginia?" Jason asked. "I still can't believe that Esther chose to leave Colorado Springs to move to Walton's Mountain, Virginia." Katie looked at him.

"I feel the same way Jason, but she wanted to get married and have a life of her own. Plus, life in Virginia is probably easier than life here in Colorado Springs. The east has always been more advanced in their stuff than us. I learned that when I went to see Grandma with Mama when I was little." Katie replied. "But, they are wonderful. Esther and Zeb are living with John, Olivia and their children. Olivia and John are expecting that baby any day now Esther says. They children are good. John Boy has his eleventh birthday this month."

"How can we talk to him? It's important that he knows his great grandparents." Jason replied.

"They don't have a switchboard; Esther has to go all the way into town to call us. I couldn't ask her to take him away from his family just to call us." Katie responded.
"Are you gonna talk to your Mama Katie? She would be tickled silly if you asked her." Jason stated.

"Jason, I can't talk to Mama about going. She will want to go, but she's too old to travel. I'm almost too old to travel that far." Katie said. Jason stood up and looked at her.

"Katherine, your mother traveled from Boston all the way to Colorado Springs, she's a determined woman. She can travel from here to Virginia." Jason mentioned. Katie turned away from him.

"That was years ago. Mama left Boston over 70 years ago. I'm 66 years old; my mother is too old to go." Katie said.

"Your Pa has been gone for almost fifteen years; Colleen, Brian and Matthew are in their eighties and can't go see your Ma much anymore. I think she would enjoy going out to see your family." Jason stated.

"Would you two quit fighting about me and let's just pack our bags and go." Michaela said from behind them. Katie and Jason turned around to face her.

"Mama, what are you doing out of bed?" Katie asked.

"I heard you two arguing in here and I had to come see what all the fighting was about. Now come on, that mountain isn't that far away. We can make it." Michaela replied with a smile.

"Mama, that's too far. We can't go." Katie responded.

"Katherine Sully! Your Pa would be so disappointed in knowing that you don't want us to go to Virginia. If your Pa was here, we'd already be on our way to Virginia." Michaela stated. Katie looked down at the ground.

"I know Mama. I'm just so worried about you. I don't know if you're up to the trip." Katie said. Michaela walked over and looked at Katie.

"Katherine Elizabeth Sully, I can get to Virginia just as well as you can." Michaela exclaimed.

"Well, if you're sure you can handle it, let's go." Katie responded.