I Don't own MLP:FiM or the song, Luna's Night. Which I recommend listening to as you read this fic. Look it up on youtube

Princess Luna opened something she had not seen in a long time, a music box, her music box to be exact.

The box was just a simple dark blue wooden box, painted with silver stars and on the lid, a moon, it was hers, the night princess' music box.

The tune was just sweet and sad as she remembered, something her sister could never understand why she loved that piece of music so much.

The princess closed her eyes as the familiar melody washed over her, reminding her of before. Before she had become Nightmare Moon, before she was banished, before their parents had died a long time ago.

"Princess Luna" Her sister's voice broke Princess Luna's train of thought, and startled she hurriedly shut the lid of the music box. The last few notes cut short, and hung in the air as Princess Luna's older sister entered

"I see you've found your music box again, little sister" Princess Celestia said, smiling slightly, hoping her sister would be comforted by something that was precious to her.

"I have, it's been a long time since I heard it's tune" The smaller Pony replied, with as smile as she opened the music box again, letting the notes back into the room.