All of New Directions were planning a picnic for summer, but Kurt wasn't planning on going until Blaine found out that he was invited and insisted on it.

They arrived at the park, and Finn, Sam, Mike, Puck, Artie, Lauren, and Blaine were all playing football, while Rachel, Mercedes, Santana, Quinn, and Kurt sat and watched. "Kurt!" Puck yelled, "Come and be kicker on our team!"

"No thanks. I think I'll stay in the shade."

"C'mon, man! Don't be such a wimp!"

"Puck, leave him alone. If he doesn't want to play, he doesn't have to," Finn stated protectively. Since Finn and Kurt were step-brothers, Finn knew about Kurt's condition. Kurt had a mild Sun Allergy, if he was exposed to too much light, specifically sunlight, he would get an allergic reaction. Any time Kurt knew that he was going to be outside, he had to take a special pill, and always carried an Epipen.

Puck rolled his eyes, and Kurt thought that would be the end of the discussion, but the girls seemed to want to talk about it too. "Kurt," Quinn said, "I thought you were good at football?"

"Yeah, but I just don't want to play."

"Why not," Mercedes asked.

Kurt decided that they wouldn't give it up so he just came up with an excuse. "It's too hot. I don't want to get all sweaty."

"Well of course you're hot, you're wearing jeans and a sweater! It's almost 90 degrees out!"

"Look, I like to layer. You know that, Cedes." The truth was if he didn't layer, he would get an allergic reaction on his skin, and it would turn red and swollen.'

"Well, why did you layer if you knew that we'd be outside?" Rachel asked.

"Fashion always comes first," Kurt said matter-of-factly, "Not that you'd understand."

That statement seemed to shut Rachel up.

It was almost dusk, and everyone was starting to head home.

The next day Kurt woke up to find little bumps on his face, and arms. "I knew I shouldn't have gone yesterday," he said to himself. He was examaning the rest of his body to see if there was anymore damage, when Finn yelled, "Kurt? Are you going to the park today?"


"Are you okay?"


"Then why aren't you going?"

"Because, Finn."

"Because why? Did you have an allergic reaction?"


"Are you sure you're okay? Do you need anything?"

"No, Finn I'm fine, I just can't go outside today."

"Okay, but Mom and Burt are at work, so if you need anything, just call me, okay?"

"Yes, Finn."

Kurt's condition was kind of like sunburn; You don't notice it while you're outside, you only notice after. First, he would get sunburn, but then it would turn into little bumps. If it was really bad, then he would start swelling, and then he would start to find it hard to breathe. If that happened he would have to use his Epipen, and then go to the hospital. He only had to use the Epipen three times, and only had to go to the hospital twice.

After Finn and Carole moved in, Kurt and Burt had to tell them about his condition in case there was ever an emergency and they needed to know what to do. Kurt didn't like to tell people about it because everyone treats him differently.

Even Finn started acting weird when he found out. He would shut all of the blinds when Kurt came in the room, and would constantly be asking him "Is that too much light," or "Are you okay? Do you need a blanket," but plus, Finn was just always awkward.

Kurt had to make sure that no one else knew, but he had to put his health first, so he just stayed home.

Soo... I read on Gleefinders that someone was looking for a fic like this, but there weren't any, so I took it upon myself to write one. I promise it'll get better, but I had to start it off somehow.

I don't own anything to do with Glee.

Please review! :D