Chapter Eight

Shilo slumped in her chair and banged her head against her desk several times, pushing the papers on the desk away from her viciously. She was exhausted, wanting nothing more than to head back to the little rundown apartment she has shared with the Graverobber.

Familiar hands kneaded her shoulders gently, working the knots out of the tired muscles. Shilo groaned in appreciation, leaning back and looking behind her with a smile.

"Paperwork got you down?" Zachary asked, a crooked smile gracing his lips.

Shilo sighed heavily. "I have no idea what I'm doing, you know," she replied, looking sadly at the papers now strewn across the floor. "The more time I spend at this desk, the more I wish I had just grabbed you and ran away that day."

Zachary laughed. "Me too, babe. I'm not used to the opulent lifestyle we've got going on now. Living in an actual house? Ugh!" He shuddered dramatically.

Shilo stuck her tongue out at him and smiled, but her mind drifted back to the day of Amber's death as her eyes gazed up at the Graverobber.

"Shilo…" Zachary whispered. Shilo's head snapped up, her chest still heaving. She felt like she had just run five hundred miles. Shilo dropped her knife, her fingers suddenly nerveless. She fumbled to pick it up and stumbled over to Zachary, trying to keep her hands from shaking as she freed him.

She didn't realize he was free until she felt him gently take the knife from her hand and put it on the floor. However, when he started to hug her she gasped and leapt back, pushing him away.

"I'm glad you are alive," Shilo said quickly, beginning to pick up her things. "I've repaid you for your kindness in helping after my father passed. I'll be leaving town tonight so this is goodbye." She buckled the grenade belt back around her waist and head toward the elevator, hoping to get away from Zachary before he spoke.

"You are NOT fucking leaving again!" he yelled, through it came out more of a hoarse growl thanks to his damaged throat. He grabbed her arm and hung on, despite her trying to yank out of his grasp. He winced but pulled her closer.

"You can't just run away from your problems," he whispered, knowing she could hear him just fine. "You can't. And neither can I. You came to get me, even though I'm an idiot. I was an idiot, Shilo. I should've told you…I shouldn't have let you run out the door. I just…I've never heard those words directed at me before. I've never said them to anybody either. But Shilo…" He tilted her face up so he could look in her eyes. "Shilo, I love you. I honest to hell do."

And then he kissed her.

Shilo threw her arms around his neck, not caring that they were surrounded by bodies or that they might die in a few minutes. All that mattered to her was that he loved her back and that he was alive.

The elevator dinged again and Shilo spun around, pushing Zachary behind her and grabbing a grenade from her belt. Two women in leather suits and sunglasses with shotguns strapped to their backs exited the elevator and stood in front of her, placing their hands behind them at their waists.

"We assume you are Shilo?" the one on the left said.

Shilo gave a terse nod, finger trembling above the pin.

"Thank you for removing Amber," the one on the right said. "Your father Rotti's will clearly states that you should receive control of the company. Officially it will be stated that Amber retained control until you reached your majority. Since you are in fact eighteen now, the company is yours. We will have the papers report that Amber died of suicide."

Shilo gaped, opening and closing her mouth trying to formulate a sentence and failing.

The woman on the left handed her a folder. "Please sign these. You will have official control once you have and we may begin rebuilding the company immediately."

Zachary had taken the papers and led Shilo to the desk to sign them. That same day their things had been packed and moved to the Largo family mansion. Shilo had begun work as the president of the company in the morning.

Now three months later, Shilo had finally just gotten the company's budget back on track. Amber's expenses had left GeneCo nearly bankrupt and straightening everything out had taken many sleepless nights.

"Hey Shilo?" Zachary murmured in her ear.

"Hmm?" she replied, now looking at the papers on the floor and wondering how long it would take to put them all right again.

"You don't have to be anywhere for the next two hours," he whispered, his breath tickling her ear. "What's say we turn off the elevator and have some you and me time?"

Shilo immediately flicked the elevator access button on her desk to 'off', spun around in her chair and threw herself at the former Graverobber.

He chuckled, picked her up, and placed her on the desk, somehow removing her underwear in the process. He hiked her skirt up and knelt in between her legs. Shilo moaned and spread her legs a bit wider. He chuckled again and, not keeping her waiting any longer, licked from the base of her slit straight up to her clit and latched on, sucking hard. Shilo moaned so loud Zachary thought her guards would come running, but when the door to her guard's office stayed closed, he renewed his efforts with vigor.

Shilo convulsed and climaxed with a soft scream. Zachary grinned and licked up the juices spilling down her thighs before standing. He gripped her waist and flipped her over, entering her in one smooth thrust. She shrieked and writhed underneath him, pumping her hips back against him as he thrust. He didn't last long, pouring himself inside her with a groan. He rested against her back, panting, and kissed her should as he slipped out.

Zachary collapsed back in her desk chair, trying to catch his breath. Shilo stood and stretched, smiling at him before sitting in his lap.

Shilo kissed him gently. "I love you," she whispered. "I have no idea where I'd be without you."

The former Graverobber chuckled. "You'd have been fine," he said. "You're a tougher beast than I am or anyone I know." He gently pushed her off his lap and into the chair as he stood and knelt next to her. He pulled a small box out of his pocket and smirked at the look on her face.

"Shilo, I love you. You've saved my life from crazy people twice and saved me in countless other ways. I never thought I'd live to see the day where I got to ask this, but now I get the chance to do it. Shilo…will you marry me?"

Shilo's throwing herself into his arms was all the answer he needed.

That's all folks! Thanks for reading and sticking with it through the long hiatus :) I had a blast writing it and I hope you had one reading it.