Disclaimer: I do not own Glee if I did Blaine would have a lot more focus.

Eight years old

At a dinner party

My Papa said to me:

"Be a gentleman, Blaine."

"Try to impress."

Try to… "Make me proud."

I knew he meant, "Try to be perfect."

That party ended in

A ripped suit,

Untamed curls,

A black eye,

And a disappointed stare.

Fourteen years old

At a family dinner,

I said to my Papa:

"I'm gay."

"Be understanding…" please?

"Try to accept it…" me.

Try to…" Please, love me still."

That dinner ended in

A black eye,

Unshed tears,

A broken heart,

And a hateful glare.

Sixteen years old

Over the summer

My Papa said to me:

"Blaine, let's build a car."

"Try to bond a little."

So… "Have you met a girl?"

And when I said to Papa,

"I'm gay…" I wish you'd understand

That project ended in

A pained look,

Unshed tears,

A silent summer,

And more hateful glares.

Seventeen Years old

I said to Papa:

"I met a girl."

"Her name is Rachel."

"We're going to try to date."

"Maybe, I was wrong" Please be proud…

That conversation ended in

A happy look,

Laughing moments,

A hug,

And my Papa saying, "I'm proud of you, my boy."

At seventeen

I never said to Papa:

"We only lasted a week."

"I'm definitely gay."

"I'm dating Kurt…" I love him.

Those lies ended in

A huge fight,

Unthrown punches,

A hateful glare,

And my father's disappointment.

Twenty-one years old,

I said to my father:

"I'm in love with Kurt."

"I'm marrying him."

"I don't need your approval."

I just… "I wanted you to know."

Our final conversation ended in

A hateful look,

Unthrown punches,

My proud stare,

And me leaving forever.

I was no longer my Papa's gentleman.

I wasn't trying to impress,

I wasn't his perfect son,

But I was proud,

And in love with another man.

I didn't need what my Papa said.

A/N: Reviews make my day