Chapter 8
It was morning and the sunrise stretched across the horizon. Crow stared out the window and over the skyscrapers of New Domino City to gaze at the shoreline. His mind drifted back to many years ago when he was trapped in the slums of the Satellite. The place had changed so much since those days but the memories of the struggles that he had faced still remained. He remembered the days that he, Yusei, Jack, and Kalin tried to make Satellite a safe place. He remembered his tutelage under Robert Pearson and his friend's untimely death at the hands of his other friend Bolton. It was after Pearson died that Crow looked after the orphans by himself.
He turned his head and looked at Leo and Luna, still asleep on the couch and curled up under a blanket. Crow smiled. They were so young. They reminded Crow of the kids he would look after, bring food to, and play with. In many ways, not much had changed. The orphans now lived with Martha and Blister and were much better off now than if they had still been in his care. Crow thought about his little friends and before long, he remembered. He remembered the day that he suffered his greatest loss that would be forever engraved in his memory.
"You okay, mate?" Crow turned his head to see Jack step out of his room.
"Keep your voice down," Crow said nodding towards the twins. "These two are still asleep." Jack moved to the kitchen to start brewing some coffee.
"What are you doing up so early?" Jack asked.
"I was...thinking."
"About the encrypted runner data?"
"No, about something that happened a long time ago."
"How long ago?"
"Right after Pearson died and I took the orphans under my wing."
"Crow, they're fine. Martha takes great care of kids. You and I both know that."
"You're right," Crow said. "I know they're okay. I just wish I could have done as good a job as she does."
"Crow, I don't think anybody can match Martha," Jack said.
"You're probably right. And I remember you took some serious effort," Crow joked.
"I turned out just fine, thank you very much!" Jack retorted.
"I know," Crow said. "You've changed, you know that?"
"What? Nonsense. I'm still the Jack Atlas I've always been!"
"Maybe, but would that same Jack have formulated a successful plan to get Yusei and Akiza together? Would that same Jack have even cared?"
"Well, I..."
"And this mysterious new job of yours that you're not telling anyone about. What's with that?"
"Look, Crow. I almost lost everything I ever cared about a few weeks ago. You and Yusei are my brothers and I owe both of you for my mistakes. I know I'm a bit fond of the finer things in life, but I know that it's not worth it to have all of that to yourself."
Crow was shocked. Jack was genuinely trying to be a better person. The two boys sat there in silence watching the sunrise until a thought entered Crow's mind. "Jack," he began, "why did you try to get Yusei and Akiza together?"
"Why did you do it?"
"It was annoying seeing them look at each other like they were in love and not doing anything about it. Honestly, who does that, Crow?"
"You do," Crow bluntly replied.
"Don't tell me you've never noticed that at any given time, you have three women chasing after you. Don't you think maybe you do something about that?"
"I...I did have feelings for one of them...a long time ago," Jack said.
"You don't anymore?"
"I thought she felt the same way," Jack began, "but then she...I'm not talking about this." Jack got up and headed back to his room.
"Fine, Jack," Crow said. "Shut yourself off from everyone, why don't you? I guess you haven't changed after all."
Jack stopped in his doorway. "She forgot," he said. "We went through so much and then she just forgot."
"I'm sorry, Jack," Crow said. "but don't hide this stuff from us, okay? Me and Yusei are here to help out our bro."
"Thanks, Crow," Jack said. "I'm sorry I got so..."
"I know," Crow replied. "And from everything you told me, I know exactly who it is."
Not far away, in Yusei's room, Akiza awoke on Yusei's bed and saw Yusei sitting up against the side, still asleep, but still holding her hand. She smiled and realized he must have been doing that all night after letting her have his bed. She picked her upper half up, shimmied over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Good morning," she whispered in his ear.
"Hmm?" Yusei grunted as he woke up. "Everything okay?"
"Yes, silly," she said. "It's morning."
"Oh," Yusei said. "Good morning. Don't you have school today?"
"Yes but it's still early. There's time."
"Time for what?" Yusei asked.
"To do this." She kissed him right on his criminal mark. "You know, this mark scared me when I first saw it."
"I scared you?" Yusei was surprised.
"Well, I didn't trust anybody back then, I'm ashamed to say, except for Sayer."
"Him," Yusei growled.
"Yusei, he's gone," Akiza said."Remember? He got swallowed by an Earthbound Immortal."
"And even that was too good for him," Yusei said. He always tried to see the best in all people but there was one person he had encountered in his life who he had labeled as irredeemable, Sayer. The man who had tried to make Akiza a soldier in a psychic army and dueled Leo using his powers and extra machinery to make him suffer. As if that wasn't enough, he was also a cold-hearted murderer who had killed Misty Tredwell's younger brother.
"Yusei, I know the memory of him upsets you..."
"It does more than upset me," Yusei said. "Nobody in the world disgusts me as much as he did."
"He was a complete monster, Akiza! I don't understand how you can remember him fondly at all."
"He was still the one who took me in when I had nowhere to go," Akiza said, "even if his intentions weren't honest. I'm grateful to him for that at least, but now that I have real friends, and the best boyfriend in the world, I really am happy."
"I worry sometimes, though," Yusei said. "What if he came back like everyone else did when the Immortal was destroyed? What if he tries to hurt you again?"
"Yusei," Akiza hugged him tighter, "he's not coming back. He's dead."
"I'm sorry, Akiza. I didn't mean to get so worked up."
"It's my fault. I shouldn't have mentioned him."
Yusei stood up. "Come on," he said. "I'll make us breakfast."
Akiza stood up as well and hugged his arm. "I love you," she said.
"I love you too," Yusei replied.
They walked into the kitchen together and saw Jack and Crow staring at the sunrise. "Good morning, boys!" Akiza said.
"Good morning," they both said without turning their heads.
"What's with them?" Akiza whispered.
"They look like they're deep in thought," Yusei whispered back. "Why don't you wake the twins so they can see the sunrise? I'll start cooking over here."
"Yusei, I want to help!"
"You're my guest and it would be rude to make my guest work."
"Fine," she said. "But I'm going to cook for you one day," Akiza declared.
"Do you know how?" Yusei asked.
"I'll learn," she said defiantly. She walked to the living room where Jack and Crow stood and found Leo and Luna asleep on the couch. She sat down next to them and shook their shoulders. Gradually, their eyes began to open. "Good morning."
Leo yawned. "Is it time for school yet?"
"Not quite, Leo. Come watch the sunrise."
"Sunrise? Just what time is it?"
"6:15," Akiza said.
"So early!" Leo exclaimed. "Why can't I just sleep more?"
"It is really pretty," Luna said. Leo looked at his sister as she gazed at the orange ball of light dressed in pink clouds on the horizon. Then he looked at the sun himself.
"I guess it is," he said. "Somehow, I feel better now." They all gazed out the window at the sun heralding the arrival of a new day.
"Eggs are ready!" Yusei called. Crow and the twins ran to the kitchen. Jack began to walk that way when Akiza called his name.
"What is it, Akiza?" Jack asked politely.
"I want to thank you."
"Thank me? For what?"
"For being such a good friend to Yusei that you went through a lot of trouble to get us together. Now I've never been happier."
"Well good. I'm not thinking about making this a habit, though. And if you do anything to break his heart, I swear I will never forgive you."
Akiza hugged Jack right then and there. "Hey, what's this about?"
"You need somebody to hug, Jack."
"I already had this conversation with Crow earlier, thank you very much."
"Then you know that we're both right. Find somebody to make you happy, Jack. You're trying to make up for misdeeds, I know, but Yusei and Crow have already forgiven you for everything."
"Those your psychic powers at work?" Jack asked, then realized she had still lost them. "I'm sorry."
"Come on," Akiza said. "Let's eat. Yusei's food always makes me feel better."
Later that day, Akiza and the twins were at school, Crow was out delivering items, Jack was at his new job that nobody still knew anything about, and Yusei was at home alone on the phone. "So what do you know about cryptography, Blister?" he asked.
"It's one of my specialties, Yusei. What's your problem?"
"I need some Duel Runner data files decrypted."
"That's some heavy stuff. Can I talk you through what I know over the phone or do you need me there?"
"I think you'd better come look at it."
"Roger that. Martha's got me setting up a network at the orphanage today but I can swing by tomorrow and take a look."
"Great. See you then." Yusei hung up and set his phone down on the counter. No sooner had he set it down did it ring again. Yusei picked it back up and answered it. "Hello?"
"Good morning, Yusei. It's Senator Izinski. How are you?"
"I'm doing very well, sir. What about you? What can I do for you?"
"Actually Yusei, I wanted to do something for you. First, I wanted to thank you for looking after Akiza yesterday."
"It was no trouble at all, sir. I want her to be safe too."
"I know you do. I don't think my little rose has ever been as happy as she's been since you two got together."
"Thank you, sir. That means a lot."
"Second, I wanted to talk to you about what you plan to do."
"What I plan to do? I don't follow, sir."
"Yusei, you are the top duelist in the entire city and leader of the top team in the world. You are a hero in everyone's eyes and you're far too modest to admit any of it."
"Um, thank you, sir, but..."
"But I know that all this isn't really what you want. You want to change the future for the better. You want to perfect what your father created."
"How did you know all of that?" Yusei asked.
"You're dating my daughter, are you not? Is she not allowed to tell me things about you?"
"I didn't realize she told anybody."
"Yusei, I want to help you achieve that goal. With your genius, you could pass the engineering exam and become certified to work for KaibaCorp as an Ener-D developer. Your legacy as Dr. Fudo's son will surely help you out there."
"You really think I could make a difference that way?"
"I know you can, and you know, if that plan falls through, you're still the best duelist out there as far as I'm concerned."
"Thank you, sir. How do I go about getting certified?"
"I'll send you the information later," the senator said. "I'll also handle your application and exam fees."
"Whoa!" Yusei didn't want Mr. Izinski paying for all this. "You don't have to do that. I can pay for all that myself."
"Maybe you can, but I want to anyway. You and your generation are the future, Yusei. I want to make sure you have the future you want. Plus, if you do become an engineer for KaibaCorp, I can get ample government funding for your projects, so an application and an exam are both no sweat off my back."
"Well thank you, sir. I'm flattered you have such faith in me."
"I know it's well placed, son. Now I'll let you get on with your work. I'll be in touch soon."
"Bye, Senator," Yusei said as he hung up. "Wow," he said to himself. "This is huge. I could really be an engineer and change the future Aporia came from. I can finish what my father started."
Akiza sat at the lunch tables with her friends, May and Sakura. "So Akiza," May asked. "You haven't really talked to us about him yet. What's it like dating the King of Turbo Duels?"
"May!" Akiza cried.
"Oh, come on!" Sakura said. "You knew we were bound to ask about him at some point."
"I've only been dating him for five days!"
"Akiza," May said, "this isn't just some guy who spouted a stupid pick-up line. This is Yusei Fudo! You've been in love with him for, like, ever!"
"Ever since you came back to Duel Academy, you haven't shut up about him and how great he is," Sakura said.
"Well he is that great," Akiza said sternly. "He just is."
"You were always too shy around him to say anything, though," said May. "What happened?"
"Jack Atlas began meddling. That Turbo Duel between him and Yusei on Friday? Jack staged it so Yusei would get the courage to ask me out. I guess it worked."
"I love Jack Atlas!" Sakura exclaimed. "He's so suave and powerful! Can you introduce us?"
"Not until you calm down," Akiza said.
"What about your other teammate?" May asked. "What was his name? Raven? Rook?"
"Crow Hogan," Akiza confirmed.
"Crow! I knew it was a bird!" May exclaimed.
"And your mechanic! He was REALLY cute!" Sakura piped back up.
"Both of you, calm down! You're both obsessed with my team!"
"Akiza!" came a voice from far away. She looked around and saw a red duel runner pull up in the parking lot.
"Ah! It's him!" Sakura squealed.
"Calm down, you two, or I won't let you talk to him," Akiza scolded.
"We'll shut up now," they both said.
Yusei dismounted his runner and walked up to the table she was sitting at. "You left your physics textbook at my place," he said holding the giant book out to her.
"Oh, well thank you for returning it to me," she said.
"Not a problem," he said. "Let me know if you ever want any more help."
"Yusei!" May piped up, unable to contain herself.
"Yes? Hey, I remember you," Yusei said. "You screamed at Jack and I on Friday when we came into the office."
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that," May said. "I wanted to ask! Are you training Akiza for the graduate tournament?"
"I wasn't aware you were entering," he said to Akiza.
"I'm not," she said. "I have too much to do to participate."
"Well maybe Yusei could train me and I could enter..." May began.
"On second thought," Akiza interrupted, giving May a harsh glare, "I could probably find the time to play a few rounds."
Yusei was unsure of what exactly was going on so he changed the subject. "Akiza, I got a call from your dad today. He said he can help me get into KaibaCorp as an engineer. I could continue my father's work."
"That's great, Yusei! Wha..." Just then the bell rang, and it was time for the girls to return to class. "Sorry, Yusei," she said. "I have to get back now but we'll talk later, okay?"
"As you wish," he said.
"I love you, Yusei," she said, hugging him. "Thank you for bringing my book."
"I love you too, Akiza. And you're very welcome." Akiza let go of him and caught up with her friends. "May, you better not try anything like that again."
"It was just a ploy to get you to enter the tournament, silly. Yusei is incredible but he's yours. I know that."
"Thanks, May," Akiza said, "but now I have the tournament and physics to worry about! Thanks a lot!"