Chapter 6:
It had been one week since James had been in the beautiful city of Paris France. He was loving every minute of it. However, nothing could possibly take away the pain of being away from his friends and his true love. James sighed. As he walked onto the set. He hated that him and Carlos were no longer together. They were supposed to be together. And James believed that. As James walked onto set he smiled to himself as he saw his personal assistant Janie.
"Morning Mr. Diamond…" Janice said as she handed him his revised script for the day.
"Janice… how many times must I tell you that you do not need to call me Mr. Diamond?" James asked giggling.
"Sorry force of habit…" She blushed.
"How was your week? I couldn't help but notice that you weren't on set…" James mentioned.
"Sorry about that…Um I just went through a major breakup with my fiancé…" Janice replied.
"Oh no…I'm so sorry…" James sighed. "When were you two supposed to tie the knot?"
"We were planning on having a Christmas wedding this year…" Janie sighed. "But I guess it was for the better…" Janice replied.
"I feel so sorry for you…Nobody should go through that…" James sighed.
"Says the biggest heartbreaker in America…" Janice snorted.
"How do you know about that?" James asked.
"Oh sweetie….Even though I live in London England it certainly doesn't mean that I don't know about your relationships…" Janice replied.
"Well what if I changed my ways?" James asked.
"James Diamond changing his ways? Now that has to be some miracle…" Janice laughed.
"Why not? It could happen…" James defended.
"I highly doubt it…" Janice laughed.
"You want to bet?" James offered as he held out his hand.
"Ok…loser gets to treat the other to dinner and pay the bill…" Janice laughed.
"Deal…" James said as he shook hands with Janice.
Logan was packing the last of his belongings into boxes. He couldn't believe it. He was going to be going to medical school in Paris. The best part was that Camille and James would be there with him. Logan turned around when he noticed that Kendall was standing in the doorway.
"Oh hey Kendall…I didn't see you standing there…" Logan smiled.
"Hope I didn't scare you too bad…" Kendall giggled walking into the room.
"Nah I barely got scared at all…" Logan laughed.
"Oh sure…" Kendall giggled.
"Is Carlos around?" Logan asked as Kendall sat on the edge of the bed.
"I doubt it…He's too busy with getting together with Abby…" Kendall sighed.
"Poor Carlos…He must still be heartbroken with his breakup with James that he decided to chase after someone else…"
"James must be heartbroken too…" Kendall admitted sadly.
"But at least he's distracted with the movie he's filming…I kind of wish that Gustavo and Kelly didn't end up coming up with the idea…That way things would stay the same for the couple…" Logan said as he taped up the last box.
"But we can't blame James for following his dreams though. He deserves that much…" Kendall replied.
"Yeah your right…" Logan said as he stacked the last box in the closet. "There that's just about everything in my room…" Logan said looking around the room. Logan couldn't believe it. He was heading out to conquer his dreams.
"I'm really gonna miss you…" Kendall sighed.
"I'll be home for Christmas…and we can always text and email each other…" Logan pointed out.
"But it won't be the same as seeing you every day…And with Carlos out with chasing after Abby…I'm going to be so alone in the apartment…" Kendall sighed.
"You still have Katie and your mom to keep you company…" Logan said as he hugged Kendall.
"Why is everyone moving on with their lives except for me?" Kendall asked as he went to go sit down on Logan's bed.
"You'll get to moving on eventually…I mean you can't just stay in the apartment forever now can you?" Logan laughed.
"I know…" Kendall laughed. "But I just want to know what exactly I want to do with my life. I mean there is no way that I can possibly play hockey now because of the popularity of the band, and it seems that everyone is doing what they always wanted to do. I mean Carlos is finally getting started on his writing career, James is shooting a movie, and you're going to be a doctor. What am I going to be doing?" Kendall sighed.
"No matter what you decide to do Kendall, I know you're going to be amazing at it…Just follow your heart and you'll find out what you really want to do…" Logan said giving Kendall a reassuring nod.
"Thanks for helping me out Logie…" Kendall sighed. "I'm going to miss your wisdom the most…"
"I'm going to miss your hectic plans that always end in me and the rest of the guys get in trouble…" Logan giggled.
"Hey those schemes made our friendship special you can't deny that…" Kendall laughed.
"They sure did…I just wish that there could have been less scheming…" Logan stated.
"Well we're done with our devious ways since we are all growing up sadly…" Kendall replied.
"It was bound to happen anyways…" Logan said.
"But not this fast…" Kendall sighed.
Carlos walked into his bedroom. He had one of the biggest opportunities at the palm of his hands. He had learned that SkyFall Pictures, which was only the biggest movie and television studio were looking for aspiring writers and directors for the fall. Carlos saw this as a massive opportunity. He needed to get his talent out there. As Carlos sat down on his desk, he began to think of potential stories that could be good enough to show the executives. Because one student from the film writing class would get a chance to produce their written project for TV or the big screen. It was everything that Carlos could have possibly wanted. Carlos has written and directed several short films with his four friends and other inhabitants of the Palm Woods. But this was the real deal.
"OK Carlos now…You need to come up with a good plot for a story…" Carlos said to himself as he stared at the blank word document.
Carlos remembered the first time that he had discovered his passion for writing. It was a getaway from the hectic home life that he was in. Both of his parents were about to get a divorce, and the family was still dealing with the death of Carlos' younger brother Antonio. Carlos smirked. He may have just found his project. Carlos began to work magic as he decided it was time for the world to find out who Carlos Garcia really is.