Gambling can turn into a dangerous two-way street when you least expect it. Weird things happen suddenly, and your life can go all to pieces.

-Hunter S Thompson

Harry stood in a hooded, midnight blue robe on the pier, waiting. Despite the fact that he was about to meet with the most important political figure of his country, Harry didn't feel nervous. Harry had come to realise that, when faced with death all the time, politics seemed like a form of art, not battle.

A deafening crack filled the air, as several people apparated. Harry turned slowly to see who they were.

Scrimgeour was an imposing figure, even standing between two Aurors in their official robes halfway down the pier. The Aurors, Dawlish and Shaklebolt, began privacy spells. When they were finished they began to move towards Harry.

Scrimgeour spoke when he reached a few feet away. "Mr Potter, this meeting never happened for either of us, and those privacy spells will ensure it, you understand?" he asked, his yellow eyes scanning Harry, rather like Dumbledore's piercing blue eyes used to.

To be sure, Harry checked his occlumency shields before replying, "Of course."

Scrimgeour didn't speak for several moments, and when he did, he wasn't polite. "You're creating a shit-storm out there, Potter."

Harry just raised an eyebrow.

"When I suggested that you use your name, I wasn't suggesting using it against me."

Harry laughed. It was hollow and humourless. "You're taking this far too personally, Minister. This isn't about you and it isn't about the Ministry. This is about truth. You're spinning what little truth you have so that you can create a story that gives you popularity. Lucius is dead. His death was directly caused by Draco failing his mission, a mission Draco only attempted due to threats to his family's life. As you can see, his worry was warranted."

"So you say." Scrimgeour's heavy set eyebrows narrowed into a frown. "You have proof?"

Harry gave him a sheet of parchment from inside his pocket. "Read the unedited version of my brief, off the record. There's enough evidence in there that I can make the Malfoys look very sympathetic to the court. Enough that I can bury your office and what's left of your tenure in bad press. Just like your office once did to me. This is war, Minister, but I won't allow a miscarriage of justice."

"I don't like being held by the balls, Potter." Scrimgeour growled.

Harry laughed, again. "Then maybe this will… relieve the pressure. I have information. I can make you very popular, Minister. There are currently six people, two Aurors, two Wizengamot members, an Unspeakable and a member of the Senior Undersecretary's office who are spies for Lord Voldemort."

All three men looked surprised at this information. Scrimgeour had to take a moment to compose himself. "What? How do you know this?"

"Friends in dark places." Harry replied, offhand. "I will give you three names now, three tomorrow. After you dismiss the charges against Narcissa and Draco, with prejudice." Harry didn't want the Ministry to be able to refile charges.

Harry raised the manilla envelope in his hand. "These files have everything that is necessary to find and convict them, legally. I'm not holding you by the balls anymore, Minister, you have a choice: abject humiliation or become one of the most successful war-time Ministers for Magic? Try Draco and Narcissa and I'll destroy your career. Take this file, and start cleaning house."

Scrimgeour pondered for a moment or two. Harry expected this, his deal seemed too good to be true.

"Give it to Dawlish, if we find that its all true, I'll dismiss the charges tomorrow."

Harry handed the file to Dawlish, smiling. "That's fine with me. I'll contact you tomorrow night with the last file." Harry turned to walk back to the end of the pier and disapparated. He paused for a moment. "Oh, a word of warning, Minister. Until the war is over, this information didn't come from me and don't look for the person who gave it to me either." Harry nodded to the three men in turn. "John. Kingsley. Minister. Goodnight."

They parted ways with simultaneous cracks of magic.

Elphias sat in the same armchair that he did yesterday, The Wizengamot had filed in over the last half an hour with the Minister bringing up the rear. A few minutes later, Draco and Narcissi were escorted in by the same guards who had brought them through the day before. Everything had a certain symmetry to it, Elphias thought.

He looked up to see Potter striding into the Courtroom flanked by the young Granger and Alastor Moody. Potter had changed since the first time Elphias had met him. Potter had been a brave boy, even back then, but he was still just a boy. Since his old friend and colleague, Albums, had died, Potter had become a man. He was sad that his old friend had missed it. He would have been proud of what they boy had become.

Elphias nodded to him, and turned towards the Minister, sitting at the head of the Wizengamot. "Well, shall we begin?"

Scrimgeour cleared his throat. "Before you begin, I have something to say pertaining to this case." Scrimgeour captured the gaze of everyone in the room. It was this, Harry realised, that made him a good Minister for Magic. When he spoke, people listened. The quality of a leader.

"The Offices of the Minister for Magic and the Senior Undersecretary have reviewed the evidence given to us by Mr Potter, as the head of the Noble and Ancient House of Black, and the Malfoy family. We have come to the conclusion that there is no basis to argue that either Narcissa and Draco Malfoy were willing participants in the plot against Albus Dumbledore and both acted under duress, from both Lord Voldemort and Lucius Malfoy.

As such, and for the inconvenience of arrest, trial and public scrutiny, the case against Narcissa Malfoy, neé Black, and Draco Malfoy is dismissed without prejudice. This means that every action and crime submitted against them here is believed by the Wizengamot to have been acted under duress and may not be brought before this council again. I'd like to take this opportunity to issue a formal apology from my office and this council for your inconvenience.

You are free to leave this Courtroom at the close of this hearing." His eyes shifted slightly towards Harry, who nodded imperceptibly. "I declare this hearing and case closed. Good day ladies and gentlemen."

Draco didn't watch as the madness happened around him. Harry had done it! Harry had bartered for their freedom with the Minister for Magic, himself. Hundreds of feelings washed through him, and Draco began to feel overwhelmed. He didn't know how long he was sitting there, on the verge of a panic attack, until a voice cut through all of the emotions, dragging him back to the Courtroom.

"Draco," came the voice as his head began to clear. "Draco!" Harry shouted.

"What is it, Harry? Don't shout," Drago said with a small smile.

Harry looked at him for a few moments appraising him. "We have to go, right now,"

Draco noticed that Harry appeared rushed, and just as daydreamed as he did.

"Someone just left here and told Voldemort the outcome. I think he might be coming himself," Harry said, handing his mother and him their wands.

"Let's go then," Narcissa said, standing from the accused's chair. A wave of her wand and their robes fluttered in a magical wind, changing from grey to black.

Harry turned to Moody, who was walking towards the door, "Alastor, alert Kingsley and Amelia! Have them clear the Atrium for our departure. And I want Auror cover!"

The gruff man called back over his shoulder, "Already on my way!"

They waited a few moments to give Alastor time to do as much as he could, before Harry told them to be ready. Hermione walked back into the room, giving Harry a quick nod, to let him know the Atrium was clear and the Ministry was being evacuated.

"Lead the way to the Atrium, Hermione. Kingsley and Alastor will be waiting to take up the guard when we get there."

A few moments later, and they were in the gold-cage elevator. Harry looked at Draco, who was on the verge of laughing at the awkward tension of the lift, combined with the terrible magicked music. Harry caught his eye and they began to laugh together. Hermione and Narcissa looked at the spectacle as if the pair had gone mad. A second later, however, and no-one was laughing. Harry was on his knees, clutching his forehead. He looked at the three gathered around him. "We're too late!"

Harry threw up his occlumency shields, and cleared his mind. When he had gathered his wits, he managed to stand, just as they reached the atrium.

"Keep your wands out, guys. If this goes south, we may have to fight our way out." Harry looked at Draco and Narcissa. "Try and look like we're going to get out of this alive," Harry said, laughing. "Game faces on."

All four of them drew themselves up, and walked out of the lift. Kingsley and Alastor met them at the lift, joining the retinue. They walked towards the fireplaces.

Voldemort's hiss reverberated around the empty Atrium."Potter, you're beginning to get on my nerves." Harry held up his hand and the party of six halted. Harry began to look for the source of the voice.

The air shimmered in front of them, before revealing Voldemort and five Death Eaters behind their masks.

"Thank you. Your followers too scared to show their faces, Riddle? Or is the uniform mandatory for Death Eater outings these days?" Harry said, nonchalantly.

Voldemort's slit nose flared and his teeth bared. "Very brave, boy. Very brave to taunt your executioner... I have a proposal for you. Give me the Malfoys... and I shall let you live."

"That's not going to happen, Tom," Harry laughed at him.

Voldemort smirked, but could not prevent the flare in his nostrils. "Following right in Dumbledore's footsteps, aren't you, Potter. Helping the needy; blood traitors and mudbloods."

"It gives me no shame to admit it, Tom. I don't see it as a bad thing, like you do." Harry appeared calm and collected, but his eyes were sharp and narrow; assessing everything around him from the distance between them and the Floo to who his opponents were.

"You will do, after a few hours under the power of my wand." Voldemort raised his wand and the air shimmered between them. Harry didn't even move to block Voldemort's spell as all of his companions raised their own shields between them. The air cracked and hissed with magic, spitting light and heat throughout the atrium. Harry simply peered through the smoke.

"Enough posturing, Voldemort. You don't want to fight me here. Not where you're vulnerable."

Voldemort was laughing before Harry had even finished talking. It was chilling; Draco and Hermione visibly shivered.

"And why, Potter? Why should I, the most powerful Dark Lord who has ever lived, fear you? I have proved time and time again that you cannot beat me!" Voldemort laughed, and so did his companions, who until now had remained silent and stationary.

Harry raised his hand and tossed something at Voldemort. Voldemort and his followers raised their wands and erected shields of their own, but whatever Harry had thrown passed straight through and Voldemort caught it in his hand. It dangled through his fingers, and the whole room was riveted on Slytherin's locket, broken and charred. The air in the room thickened with magic, becoming oppressive. Harry stared down Voldemort as it became hot. Voldemort didn't move, speechless and angry.

Draco was tense and he could feel that everyone else was tense too. He had never seen his mother looking so highly strung. She was like a snake, coiled and ready to strike with her poised wand. Suddenly, they were all thrown back by a wave of red magic, which tore apart the chimneys and foyer, sending shards of black tile flying through the air. A loud piercing crack permeated the room, and Voldemort and his Death Eaters vanished.

Harry wasted no time on the small victory and began herding everyone to the exit. Before Draco knew it he was being hoisted up from the floor by Harry from behind. The voice from behind him, however, was addressed to everyone. "Everyone to the Great Hall of Hogwarts. I don't trust that Voldemort won't send more lackeys."

Moments later, they were all safely in the Great Hall, with Harry bringing up the rear.