Silena POV

"Ahhhhhhh... ahhhh... ahhh... ahhhhh! Ahhh... EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW!" I shrieked in horror as I sniffed my hands covered in some filthy yellowish liquid, "Gods this is SO TOTALLY GROSS!" I cried in exasperation as I figured out this is some type of urine.

I could yelp for help but I decided to sneak out of archery class to come and take a hot longing shower to relax myself and do some good for my hair. I mean, I just got this F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S hair treatment, that I ordered like six months ago and when I open the striking pink bottle from Victoria's Secret, I felt something different. Or better, I scented something different. Some acid like smell, or just when your pet animal leaves his/her mark somewhere. That is when I got it…

"PEE!" I cried (I mean literally. "I can't…" I lost my breath and started to cry, "I can't believe I just smeared gross pee all over my perfect hair, oh gods!" I blubbered. "I smell like a skunk!"

So, the best I came up with was using water to clean all my body with pure water, afraid to get pee somewhere else on my body. Pee on my charming head is already too much. In case the gross thing left stains on my strings, I chose a yellow outfit to match, if someone passed by and asked: "What is that gross yellow stuff on your hair?" I'd say: "Darling: one, mind your own business. Two, it is fashion, don't you see the yellow outfit to go with it? Humph!" Then, I'd throw my peed hair on their face and walk away graciously as if nothing had happened. But it would be a lie! PEE! PEE! PEE! YOU ARE KIDDING ME, RIGHT? YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING WITH MOI?

Well, when my cabin got back, I tried to be as clear as I could with them.

"Silena… breathe!" Soraia said sniffing me and frowning.

"Beh cupful! Duh… botl… haaaaaaah….pee!" I blubbered.

"What?" Soraia asked.

"Ah… Got it! The calf in the bolt has to pee…" Liam guessed, let's say that Liam doesn't have the best brains ever.

Everyone stared at him, "Sill, calm down. Speak clearly and stop blubbering." Francesca ran her hands through my back and tried to calm me down.

"Dee boot… bottle ha...d p…p…pee!" I said.

"She means that the bottle has pee!" Drew defined.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"What bottle has pee?"

"Shampoos and Condi…tioners all have p…pee." I relaxed a bit.

"Really?" Drew asked, open mouthed.

"I swear for Aphrodite, sis. I swear for our mommy." I explained.

"Oh my gods! Who did this is going to pay!" I said.

Soraia took a piece of paper that was tapped to the wall.

"This explains it…" Soraia read the paper:

"Dear dumb heads,

You wonder why we chose you from all the cabins. Simple, we wanted to hit Ares but they're too strong so we chose the easier cabin. Of course, no offense. (whahahaha, being sarcastic.)That that you scented is pee… Nemean Lion pee. What to do? He peed at me and I just collected it for something like this, that I did to you. I maliciously placed some in your bottles, so yeah… If life gives you lemons do a lemonade (I bet that didn't make too much sense, but, WHATEVS).


"Oh my goshes! Does that even exist, ah, whatevs. A has jumped out of the Pretty Little Liars's books and into our camp!" Liam bit his nails.

"Wait, I am not done yet" Soraia read,

"Ps: kidding, this was just Thalia. But Nico, Percy and I are a team against camp! We are ready! Bring it on! You little spoiled brats! Come and prank us back!"

Percy POV

"Here they come! Here they are!" I touched Thalia's arm gently pointing to the Aphrodite cabin.

"Oh, good morning." Annabeth rose from nowhere.

"Hey." I placed a swift peck on her lips.

"See you later, ok?" She asked, hugging me sideways.

"Ok." I mouthed.

"Ugh!" Thalia moaned, "Look at them!"

"Here they come!" Nico enthused.

The Aphrodite cabin came in graciously, Silena Beauregard came in, and she walked like a supermodel. She threw her hip and bootie to the right then to the left, to right, to the left, and so forth and so on. On her heels, she was wearing a blue mini skirt, along with black heeled boots and a black long coat over a white spaghetti strap.

She, Soraia and Drew walked over on our direction.

"Hey, queen of everything!" Thalia called, Silena batted her eyelashes charmingly.

"Yes, queen of nothing?" She asked.

"Why isn't your stupid hair covered in cat pee. I see your eyes are puffy from crying." Nico taunted.

"You must be as stupid as my hair if you think my eyes are puffy. Well, well guys. It turns out that that rat pee or whatever it is, worked positively for my hair. Thanks for everything. It made Drew's skin smoother and peach like. And it made my hair brighter and glossier." She snickered.

"It is cat pee."

"No, it is idiotic pee." Drew corrected.

"Gnome pee!" Tyson yelled from my side.

"But…" I started.

"Kisses, call me." Silena hugged Thalia and walked over to their table.

"Listen to me" Drew lowered herself to Thalia's height as soon as Silena left, "You freaky virgo! You prank us, we will prank you back! Harder! Silena can be all sweetheart. I'm not!" She walked away.

"Freaky virgo?" Tyson asked me.

"Yeah, like a maiden." I whispered in his ear.

"They'll come for blood." Tyson feared.

"Ha… They'll come for blush!" Nico said.

"Thalia… Something on your back. A note."

"Dear repellent for boyz,

What were you thinking? Turns out that you were wrong… how we like to say: Aphrodite girls ALWAYS win! We might not prank you, but someone will. Believe me…"

Author's note: So… I have the next chapter ready already and I'll post in a short while, maybe I'll even do a combo (2 chapters at once). I need ideas… Give me ideas for pranks… please give me ideas for pranks for the camp to play or for the Big Three. For Camp, I would prefer pranks for people that didn't prank yet such as Clarisse, Pollux, Grover, Chris or any of the others… Thanks for reading please leave a review! :D