If you don't want to hear about my sob story, skip down to the bolded sentence below.

I started this story spontaneously after watching the first couple episodes of "Glee Project" season 1. And look where it's at now: nearly 200,000 words and over 1200 reviews. It's been a blast, getting so much positive feedback from a piece of fanfiction like this... but unfortunately, the road that I'm writing ends here.

I haven't run out of ideas. I actually have at least seven pages of notes for different paths planned out for Damian and Lindsay, Marissa and Cameron and Shanna, Sunshine and Abraham, Nellie and Michael and Sam, Blake and Aylin and Charlie, McKynleigh and Maxfield, and many other characters.

The problem is professional school. I'm sort of in a love/hate relationship with it, but when it comes down to it, at least one exam every week for an entire semester means that I can only slack off for one or two days, max, before I have to go back to cramming until 3 in the morning.

I also have to admit that I'm a bit burnt out with this story and would much rather spend my time writing on other subjects - something new, something fresh, something supernatural. I have a bit of a penchant for the supernatural :)

So I'm done with "Glee Project: Live Out Loud!" However, this is my form of apology to all of you for abandoning this story: drop a review and leave me a way to contact you, and I'll send you my outline. Sign in with your account when you do a review and I'll PM my notes to you. Or, if you don't have an account, leave an email address and I'll email a Word document to you. Though beware of Fanfiction and its deleting shenanigans; format your email address as word period numbers at yahoo dot com. So an example would be casanova.123 at yahoo dot com. Get it?

It's been great writing for you all over the past one and a half years.

~ inkbender ~

P.S. In the meanwhile, I am still writing other stories. Supernatural stuff, remember? There's Electric Shock, featuring only Glee characters from the first and second season. From childhood to the teenage years, the superpowered Gleeks take everything the world - and each other - has to throw at them. A Glee-oriented prequel to the book "Michael Vey: Prisoner of Cell 25" by Richard Paul Evans.

And a possible upcoming story that will be told from Tina's POV, who needs more love after being neglected for the better part of three seasons. It will place directly after "Wheels" from the first season - you hear that? Only first season characters! In which Artie suddenly regains the use of his legs after blowing up at Tina for faking her stutter. And so the world as Tina knows it goes to hell, all within the space of 24 hours. Supernatural throwback fic inspired by "Darker Than Black."