Yay! New Story! I do not own anything WWE related in this story, I only own my OC Ryann! :)
This idea has been floating in my head for a while now, I finally decided to type it out. So tell me what you think of it. :)
Summary: She's 18, He's 28. She ran away from her messed up family. He finds her and falls for her, There is no age when it comes to love right?
Age Don't Matter
Ryann Lynn Johnson has had a tough life. Her Mom is a Druggie, Her Father is an alcoholic; and she has no other family what so ever. She could not wait until she was 18, she clearly needed to get out of this household.
Ryann's POV
Today was my 18th birthday and of course my parents gave me nothing because they are low-lifers and can't afford to buy a crumb off of the ground. I on the other hand saved up enough money to get me out of this state; which happened to be Arizona. I didn't have a cell phone, didn't have a lot of clothes; all I needed was myself to get out of here. I packed up what I did have and walked downstairs.
I peeked into the living room and My mom was smoking a joint and my father was already on what looks like his 5th beer. I sighed and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a piece of paper and pen.
Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm sorry I didn't tell you in person but by the time you read this I am already gone. I cannot take this anymore, if you didn't notice I'm 18 now and I am free to do what I want, so have a nice life.
I dropped the pen and grabbed my bags and walked outside. I was thinking of taking one of my parent's cars but I don't have a driver's license and if I got caught they would take me right back here.
I decided to walk on foot till I got to a bus station. I kept walking and it started to get dark but I didn't care as long as I was out of there.
Randy's POV
We were going through Arizona right now, I was on the tour bus with John, Phil, Paul, and Mike. John was sitting up front looking out the window and I was laying in one of the bed's. I just had a rough match with Mike and we were both exhausted. I was so close to falling asleep. "Hey stop the bus! I think that's a girl walking!" That damn John.
I crawled out of the bed and walked up front. "Who cares! She's walking, we do that every day."
John smirked at my comment. "Funny, but I don't think she should be walking at night. I mean come on man what if some rapist finds her? The least we could do is give her a ride or something.."
I sighed. "Whatever.. do what you want." I walked back over to the bed and crawled back into it.
Ryann's POV
I kept walking and I seen a bus go by me, it looked like a traveling bus. I seen it stop a couple feet ahead of me and I got a little scared because, I have to walk by it and I don't know who is on that bus. I got closer and I seen the door open. I sighed debating or not if I should turn around, but my body just kept walking.
I had my ear phones on, so I hurried up and put my ipod on pause just in case I had to talk to someone. I got to the door and went to go around the bus but a male's voice stopped me. "Hey wait up."
I turned around and a big buff guy in his twenties came over to me. "Where are ya headed?"
I shrugged. "I really don't know."
He chuckled. "So why are you walking in the dark by yourself?"
I smirked. "Well I'm not a baby so I can do things by myself."
He laughed. "Fair enough, I just don't like seeing girls walking in the dark by themselves."
I turned around and called over my shoulder. "Then pretend you didn't see me."
I heard him laugh again and He suddenly got in front of me. "Come on, I really don't want you walking out here; it's dangerous." I sighed. "Okay 1st of I don't even know you and 2nd I don't even know where I'm going."
He stuck his hand out. "John Cena." I shook it reluctantly. "Ryann Johnson."
"Nice name, it's unique." I smiled tightly. "Thanks, I get that a lot."
He smirked. "Now we know each other."
"Damn.." I muttered.
He laughed. "I'm sneaky, so come on at least just come on the bus with us and once you figure out where you're headed we will drop you off." I tried to change the subject. "-Us?"
He nodded. "Yeah there are 4 other guys on the bus with me..So what do ya say?"
I kicked one of the rocks and the ground and watched it get across the road. "What the hell? Why not."
He smiled. "Alright come on I'll introduce you to the guys."
I followed him on to the bus and I was shocked it's like a mini house on wheels. I heard another male's voice. "Can we go now?" John called back. "Yeah, stop your whining Orton." I felt the bus take off and John led me to the back.
I noticed 4 guys, like he said. 2 were on the beds and the other 2 were playing cards at the table. John lead me to the table. "Guys, this is Ryann, Ryann this is Paul and Phil." Paul looked up at me. "Nice to meet you."
I nodded and Phil looked at me. "How old are you?"
"18." I smirked.
He mocked my expression. "You look younger."
I shrugged. "I'm not, I just turned 18 today."
John looked at me. "It's your birthday and you were walking in the dark, care to explain?"
I shook my head. "No, maybe another time."
Phil laughed and John lead me to the beds. "Alright the one in the Tats, is Randy and the one on top bunk is Mike."
I nodded. "Okay."
John looked at me. "You need anything? Water? Food?"
I shook my head and chuckled a little. "No thanks John I fine."
"Alright just checking and by the way Happy Birthday."
"Thanks." I mumbled.
John smiled. "Okay, I'm going to take the couch and you can have my bed-"
I cut him off. "No way, Dude. I didn't even wanna come on here, so as long as I'm here I'm not taking your stuff
away from you; I'll have the couch."
He shrugged. "Alright suit yourself, I'm hitting the sheets when I wake up, you can tell me if you decided where you're going."
I nodded. "Gottcha." I took off my jacket and laid on the couch.
I hit play on my ipod and Metallica came pouring throw my ear phones. I soon enough fell into a sleep slumber.
I woke up to a blanket covering me. I noticed my ipod was off, it must of went through the whole playlist already.
I opened my eyes a little and noticed the tattoo arms. I looked up and Randy was standing over me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I was just giving you a blanket, you seemed cold." His piercing blue eyes melted into mine.
"Thanks." I mumbled and watched him get back into his bed.
Okay guys, I want to know continue or delete? Because if this story is a hit, I will give it my full and un-divided attention! So up to you guys! :)