I crouched in the Vital Apparatus Vent in wait for my assigned test subject. Wirelessly, I checked her status. She was in the elevator, only a few minutes away. I double-checked her files. Test Subject Number One, Name: Chell, redacted surname. High IQ, quite athletic. A good subject. But I knew in my heart, or maybe my programming, I can hardly tell the difference these days, I knew that I need more than a test subject. I need a friend. I need a partner. I need… a companion. And I was pretty sure this Chell lady was going to need one too.
The notes in her file seemed highly unusual. "Subject refuses to answer questionnaire. Possibly mute." "Subject abnormally stubborn. She never gives up. Ever." The whirr of an approaching elevator snapped me back to reality. Chell stepped into the room. Her dehumanizing jumpsuit was stained and filthy, her dark ponytail was a rat's nest. Still… there was something in her eyes. Something strong, proud, too proud to be stuck in this hellhole. Gahh! I grimaced as agonizing pain pierced my skull at the thought. Facility! This marvelous facility! It… It goes against protocol! To… be that proud! The pain subsided as I forced the superficial thoughts into my mind. Cursed protocol system. I forced the thought out of my head as a fresh wave of pain threatened to crash over me. Even thoughts are regulated among androids at Aperture Labs.
The voice of GLaDOS, addressing Chell, reminded me of my, ugh, duties. "The Vital Apparatus Vent will deliver a Weighted Companion Cube in three, two, one."
The floor beneath me opened and I fell into the test chamber. "Oof!" I hadn't expected such a fall. "Gimme a hand, will ya?" I looked up at my assignment. She was staring at me with a mixture of horror and suspicion. "Oh, right. Where are my manners?" I stood and brushed off my skirt. Extending my hand to her, I said, "Hi, I'm the Weighted Companion Cube." I saw her mouthing my name silently. "But if that's too much of a mouthful," I added, "you can just call me CiCi."
I waited for her to introduce herself. She simply stared blankly at my outstretched hand. "Oh, right, the mute thing." I dropped my hand and settled for a little wave. "Chell, right? Well, it's alright, I'm not gonna make you talk. Just," I sighed "test."
Once she got over the initial shock of seeing me, you know, talk, she settled right into business mode. I could almost see the gears in her little human mind turning, trying to work out the next test. We walked, together, into the next area.
GLaDOS came back online. "This Weighted Companion Cube will accompany you through the test chamber. Please take care of it."
"Again with the 'Weighted'!" I joked in frustration. "I'm not fat! I- gahh!" I collapsed, clutching my aching head. Chell knelt at my side, studying me. "I'm sorry, I- ah! Whenever I say or do or think something rebellious or against protocol…" I shuddered. "Let's just do the test, okay?"
Chell nodded. She stood and helped me to my feet. The way into the test chamber was up a flight of high steps. She tried to jump onto the first one, but it was too high. "First challenge." I announced. "Use the Cube." I leapt up easily (there are perks to being an android!) and gave her a boost up. We managed to get to a position where she could see the chamber. She stopped to evaluate the test. I saw, before she could, a High Energy Pellet… coming straight at her! I couldn't let her be vaporized at the first obstacle!
"Chell! Look out!" I cried, leaping at her and pushing her away. Her eyes widened as she heard the whistle of the Pellet just a second too late. I braced myself for the impact. The hot ball of light smacked my metal side painfully and bounced off. It ricocheted off the side wall and bounced back down the hall. "Come on!" Beckoning Chell to follow me, I darted down the hall before they could release another Pellet.
We reached a spot where we could stop. GLaDOS' voice rang through the room. "The symptoms most commonly produced by Enrichment Center Testing are superstition, perceiving inanimate objects as alive, and hallucinations."
Oh, god. Chell was looking at me like I had grown another head.
"What're you… oh, no." Perceiving inanimate objects as alive. Hallucinations. I saw it in her eyes; she thinks she's finally snapped. She thinks she's crazy. Worst of all, she thinks I'm just a box.