Marmoreal-The Throne Room
It seemed unreal to Alice, the events of that night, twisted almost. Finally, she had found herself in Tarrant's arms, safe and loved, and all too quickly she was ripped from them by an attack of madness upon her dear Hatter. Even stranger, was seeing Captain Croft here in her Underland, and see him cut down her first mate. It was too much. Life in Underland was very much too Topsy Turvy. For a moment, Alice let herself imagine climbing back up the rabbit hole and doing exactly as her sister said. For just a moment, Alice let herself lose her muchness waver, and felt herself give into the despair…and that was all the time IT needed…
The Mist
"Yessss!" Croft heard the Woman yell. He looked at her from his place on the floor and saw her face glow with an evil, terrible smile. It was the kind of smile that made you realize that horrible things were about to happen. At this sight, another part of Croft's soul seemed to slip from her grasp, as the thought was smiles brought forth the memory of warm ocean nights, in the company of an enchanting woman whose smiles always hinted at adventures and riddles…
The Woman felt Croft start to slip from her grasp but she worried not. Soon, Croft would die from the injuries to his soul took over. Killing those who fought to protect Underland would do one of two things; either drives the killer into a daze, swelling their being with malice or kill a weaker fighter. Croft's very soft love of Alice, and his despair at her jilting was not enough to power the malice needed to keep him alive against Underland's Revenge. Granted, it probably did not help that she was slowly sucking any light out of his soul that was left so that she could go after the real prize. The soul of a Champion.
Marmoreal-The Throne Room
"Alice…Alice….shhh dear….come rest…." Alice heard a whisper at the back of her mind, beckoning her. It was a woman's voice as sweet and soft as a winter breeze, and Alice felt icy exhaustion seep into her bones. She wanted to go to it, and partake in the rest it offered, but she should stay…shouldn't she…
"Alice, you cannot save them. You are naught but a girl…come rest….lay your head down…" Alice shook herself as she felt a haze begin to caress her. The other's voices began to dim, becoming a faint buzzing at the back of her head. She became very aware of her own body, the way her hair grazed her back, the cold stone floor beneath her feet, the dry feeling to her empty eyes and the itchy, salty paths that her tears had left on her cheeks. Her scalp began to itch and it seemed like everyone was getting further from her. Like they were walking down a dark tunnel.
"Come Alice, just rest, you don't want to kill them…like you did Gunnar" the woman's voice turned darker, marked with impatience. Alice's heart stopped. Had she killed Gunnar? It was Croft wasn't it and Alice fought to remember the garden scene, she found it harder to remember who had killed Gunnar, perhaps it had been her? She had killed before, when she killed the Jabberwocky, but that was to save Underland wasn't it?
"Was it Alice? Or was it for Tarrant? Or for yourself? How do you, an Abovelander, have the right to decide who lives here?" The voice was harsher, and with each staccato word she dealt a blow to Alice's soul. Had she been wrong? It seemed so long ago. And yet….perhaps…it would be better to leave, besides who was she? Silly Alice, who thought she could think of six impossible things…
And with that, the Woman, clinging to old insecurities buried inside Alice, buried herself into Alice and with a small pop, Alice and her muchness was confined in a very small box in a faraway place. The Woman stretched inside Alice's skin and smiled her terrible smile, stretching the lips too far across her teeth, knowing that soon her revenge would be complete, and Mirivana would have plenty dead at her dainty little feet…