I had been leading a semi normal life for most of my life. Go to school. Come home. Do homework. Eat dinner. Go to sleep. Act like I don't miss my mom. Act like just because she is gone for 23 hours of the day doesn't mean that she is a bad parent. Act like I still love my mom even if, in her life, work comes before family.

My name is Abigail Amidri. People call me Gail. My mom is surgeon at some famous hospital. I never bother to learn the name of it. I hate it. That place takes my mom away from me. I normally come home from school with my friends to find no one in the house. This day was no different.

"Hello?" I asked. I didn't think anyone was home but I could check. No one was home. Me and my friend, Michelle but her friends call her Elle, entered the huge mansion. Elle was scared of my mom. As a lot of people were, but Elle was one that didn't show it. Elle is always amazed by my house. I've gotten used to it. You know those houses in movies that you wish you had. They have marble floor and everything you could possibly want. Well my house is that and more. My house is bigger than those in movies, has more rooms and everything else you would and could want. But most importantly it is more empty.

"Is your mom still at the hospital?" Elle asked. All of my friends came in, Laura, Adara, and Emily. We were best friends. We all went to an insanely rich school for spoiled kids. The reason we became friends is because we are the few amount of people there who aren't snobby.

"What do you think genius?" Adara said.

"I was just wondering." Elle said.

"It's okay. I sometimes hope she is home but it's okay. Even I have trouble accepting the fact that my mom doesn't like me." I said.

"Don't act like that Gail. That isn't a positive attitude." Laura said. Always the positive.

Laura is an energetic ball of energy. She has brown ringlets that are beautiful. She doesn't even have to do anything to look pretty. She could get out of bed and walk to school and she would still look beautiful. Adara has black hair and cares about how she looks way too much. She is always checking her makeup. Emily is blond. She is a genius. Like seriously a genius. Anyone who knows her wouldn't dare joke about dumb blondes. They will get hurt bad.

Now me. I have black hair. I have black eyes. I am pretty normal except for my ADHD. I am not Goth so don't think that. I was left on my mom's porch when I was a baby. She took me in. This was before she became chief of surgery. Now I rarely see her.

"Let's listen to music!" Adara suggested.

"Sure. It's not like that's what we do every time." I said sarcastically. Adara rolled her eyes. I walked over to our sound system. We had a room dedicated to music. When we got inside I turned on the music. We were listening to Born this Way by Lady Gaga. After about 20 more songs we stopped and exited the room.

"We have to do homework now you guys." Emily said. She always was the one to keep us on track.

"But Emily-" I whined.

"No Gail. We are doing our homework." She said. I faked a pout. We all laughed. We walked over to our bags. I had to do my Spanish homework. Emily had to do English. My worst subject although I have no excuse as to why I am bad at it (I have no dyslexia or any other disease to getme out of it). Laura had to do Math. And Adara had History. I started on my Spanish.

"Do you guys know what how to say 'what time is it'?" I asked.

"Que hora es?" Emily responded.

"What was the Sumerian form of writing?" Adara asked.

"Cuneiform." Emily responded.

"Could you help me with a problem Emily? Factor 6x2 + 24." Laura asked. Emily moved over and explained the problem.

"...So in the end the answer is (3x + 6) (2x - 4)" Emily concluded.

"Thanks." Laura said.

"Now who in the end of Romeo and Juliet was still alive." Emily said.

"We aren't going to help you cheat." I said faking offendedness. She glared at me.

"Fine..." I said ranting off the names. We were finishing our homework when we heard a slam. I jumped a good ten feet in the air.

"What the heck?" Adara exclaimed.

"I have no idea. Don't ask me." I told her. I walked over to the front door. I opened the door to find a-a-a-.

"What the-are those monsters?" Laura asked peeking over my shoulder. Her eyes were as wide as the sun.

"I have no idea what those are. I just know that I am going to close the door slowly and we are going to walk backward as if we never saw this." I whispered to her. My friends nodded in agreement. I closed the door but before I could close it fully. A guy slipped through.