so this is the preview to the second part of this story. I originally never planned to do this but well I decided it would be best this way. :D I don't own Shugo Chara. I will upload the first actual chapter to Second Thorn sometime next week. However if I can at least get one review on this preview chapter I will upload it sooner. :) I just need to know if anyone is still reading.

The second Thorn preview

Utau's pov

These were are allies? A way to cheerful girl named Ran, who looked like she was cosplaying as a cheerleader. A girl named Lulu who looked as if the wind could blow her away. And a blonde shrimp named Tadase.

I looked at Tsukasa waiting for him to say he was joking. "And just what are they going to do? Scold the beast for bad manners?" I heard my brother Ikuto say sarcastically.

Kukai tried to cover up his laughter. Rima was clinging to Amu like usual. Amu was the only one who didn't seem phased. In fact ever since she heared that it was her dear friend who had caused the appocolypse she had been down.

Yet something else seemed off with her. My brother seemed off as well. The way he would look at his lover with guilty eyes worried me. Yet I knew we didn't have time to deal with that right now. The Tadase guy seemed to be the one in charge.

"Look I get it we don't look like much. Though I can assure you we are the top warrior's of the Guardian's." The boy said. I had no clue what these Guardians or whatever were but we couldn't be choosey right now.

Amu stepped forward, "Thank you for your help. We need all we can get." She said in a polite tone.

Ikuto's pov

I bit the inside of my cheek. I didn't like the way the boy looked at my strawberry. I managed to keep in control but settled pulling Amu against me and kissing her cheek softly. She of course reacted shyly but didn't move from my grasp.

Honestly the three "alies" all looked like weaklings. Even if they were in the Guardians I couldn't believe they would be much help. I would look after my family they were on their own. It may seem cruel but I wasn't going to go out of my way to help them.

Not if they were just going to get in the way.

Amu's pov

I was trying not to judge the three Guardians. If Tsukasa thought they would be of help they would be. I trusted him and so I tried to be friendly and polite. "So what exactly is the plan?" I asked wanting to already get this done with.

I was still hurt that this was all Nagi's doing. "Well we will help hold off any beast while you Amu get to Nagi. You will have to distract him and when he let's his guard down... well you know." The Tadase boy said.

Meaning that when Nagi let his guard down I was to kill him. I dug my nails into my palm trying to steel myself against what I was going to have to do. Why did it have to be me. Then again in a way this was all my fault.

I felt Ikuto's hands running up and down my arms in a comforting motion. I sunk back against him. His arms wrapping around me keeping me grounded. Tonight this would all end.

We had to hurry before Nagi managed to completely release the demon king.

- Second Thorn summary-

The demon king would be free if they didn't hurry. With the apocalypse upon them it's up to Amu. She will have to sacrifice in order to stop the earth from ending. To top it off something has been wrong with Ikuto will they be able to fix it all before it's to late?