***Some important things to read!***

One, this is going to be a project I'm going to work on when I'm not busy with CoGH (my other fanfic) Also, this is not going to be that long. I'm probably going to make it at MOST 10 chapters (probably won't even get there) but then they will be short.

Important too: Since I'm sitting on my bed, writing this, I guess I'm not Cassie.


Chapter 1: End of Story

Clary's Point of View

"Sign my yearbook?" a husky voice asked, sounding a bit nervous. I turned around to see none other than Jace Herondale aka my crush. I was surprised; normally, I wanted to ask him but never had the courage to being the shy person I am and to him I was basically a nobody. He wasn't like Mr. Popular but he was up there, hence not knowing the shy, quite, redhead artist in the back of the room.

"Sure," I smiled, not giving away how happy I was, reaching out for his yearbook. I quickly just wrote the usual for people I didn't know that well: HAGS ~Clary Fray. I made my signature in cursive, making the C and the F all pretty and loopy. It's a girl thing to make it look good and to be nice, not only writing their names like some boys. Boys, I scoffed. If only one day we could figure them out, that would be nice. Whoever that girl would be, she would be rich with a capital r.

I doubt that would happen, not with the way boys act but hey, maybe if someone ever finds a clearer way to say I like you or I don't and I, along with all the other girls, would be set.

"Sign mine?" I asked, holding it out for him after I gave his back. . I mean what was he supposed to say, no? Especially since he asked me to sign his?

He tucked his yearbook under his armpit, a way to keep it there with no hand. I swear, he could have kept it there at his wait if he wanted to. He most certainly was muscular enough

"Sure," he grinned. That grin wanted my heart to melt right there. Jace even had a gorgeous smile. Unlike some boys, he actually smiled with his mouth open instead of the closed lip smiled that boys do in pictures. It's annoying how they think they look better like that.

He took a bit longer than I did and I cocked my head slightly to one side, wondering why. Instead of closing it and giving it back to me, he kept it open and held it out for me.

I took it and since he was still standing there for some odd reason, I looked through the filled signatures, looking for his. That's probably why he was standing there.

Dread coursed through me. Maybe it was a prank with one of his more popular friends. Something that said "fuck you" or "you're ugly". I found it despite my worrying – it was hard to ignore since it was in red marker.

And was Jace wrote was "Will you go out with me? Jace" on it. I looked up at him, seeing his hopefully looking eyes. His face was set to casual but I could read his eyes like a page to a book. All the dread that was in me washed away. Of course Jace wouldn't do that.

Even though he looked like a fallen angel – with the golden good looks he had and his bad boy attitude – I knew, I just knew that he was soft inside. I was able to see through his tough image.

"So will you?" Jace asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I looked up at him, a smile already ghosted on my lips. Who would ever say no to him? "I would like that." He smiled back at me, his face turning blurrier and blurrier by the second.

Until he was only a hazy circle of gold.

I woke up with a smile on my face. That was a good dream, I had to say. It felt so real. If only it was. That would be awesome. And that has to be the cutest way ever to ask someone out! Funny how today is the last day of sophomore year and when we get our yearbooks. It's like my subconscious mind knew.

Stop it! I scolded myself. He would never do that and he doesn't like me. And I don't like him. End of story.

So, what did you guys think? I got this idea, well, if you couldn't guess already, I got it since today was my last day and I got my yearbook. And just like that, inspiration struck. I just hope that this doesn't distract me from my main project, CoGH. Secret word: Summer! And goal: 7? Oh, for all those who don't know about this, if you say the secret word in a review, you get teaser for the next chapter And the goal is for the amount of reviews I'm aiming for. And it is not necessary. It's not like if I don't have 7, I won't post another chapter until you do because I know people who do that and it annoys the heck out of me. So I won't do that.

Please review? Reviews get a sugar cookie =)
