A/N: Hey guys! So I've kinda been obsessing over Bade, so I decided to write a oneshot. First Victorious/Bade fic. Hope you guys enjoy this!

The Real You

Beck weaved his fingers into his girlfriend's dark hair, playing with the blue streak that stood out from the rest. Jade listened to his steady heartbeat, her head lying on his chest, and placed her hand on his stomach. Her fingers drew patters on his defined abs through his gray undershirt. The rain beat down on Beck's RV and made it sound as if the vehicle was being pelted with golf balls. But the raging storm outside didn't matter to either of the two teenagers.

Most people at Hollywood Arts don't understand their relationship. Jade comes off as selfish and bratty—and a lot of the time, she is. Their bickering seems never-ending, and it doesn't make sense to some people why Beck dates her.

But it makes sense to him.

Nobody else got to see what she was like when there were no other people around. She wasn't irritating or insulting (usually) and in fact—she was so drastically different that if anyone from school saw the way she acts with Beck, they wouldn't even recognize her.

"This is nice," Beck murmured, kissing the top of her head, which was something he often did when not making out with her. She responded with a soft 'mmhmm' and continued fingering his abs. He smiled and buried his nose in her hair, inhaling her intoxicating scent.

"Why are you sniffing me?" She let out a small laugh, a non-sarcastic one, which didn't happen very often. She craned her neck to look at him and he raised his eyebrows, a smirk playing on his lips.

"What? Aren't I allowed to sniff my gorgeous girlfriend when I feel like it?" They kept eye contact for a few moments before Beck leaned down, pressing his lips to hers briefly. Jade smiled softly when they pulled back, her fingers reaching up to touch the promise ring hanging around her neck, and laid her head back on Beck's chest.

"Sniff away." Beck laughed, the sound reverberating through his chest and sending tingles up Jade's spine. Rain continued to slam against the RV, but the sound was dulled and faded into the background.

"Hey, babe?"

"Hm?" Jade untangled one of Beck's hands from her hair and laced their fingers together.

"How come you're not like this at school? I'm sure that Hollywood Arts would find this side of you ah…" He paused for a moment. Now was a good time to be picky about word choice. "Refreshing." She sat up suddenly and detached his hands from her hair.

"Excuse me?" Beck sighed and placed his hand on her leg, only to get it swatted away.

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Then how did you mean it?" Slightly frustrated, Beck ran a hand through his hair.

"It would be nice if you weren't so…cold to people all the time. And it would be nice if you let me show you some affection in school sometimes." Jade rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Why should our relationship be the school's business?"

"You know Jade, sometimes I just don't get it. You want to make it known that I'm yours and yours only, but at the same time, you don't want me to be affectionate."

"Around other people!"

"Why?" The room fell silent except for the rain still pounding down outside. Beck kept eye contact with Jade, waiting for her to respond to his question. She turned her head away, instead directing her gaze at the fish tank across the room. He wrapped his arms around her waist and nipped at her ear.

"Look, I just want you to be you. The real you. All the time. That's all I ask." She nodded, still silent, and he smiled. She turned and her lips found his, her mouth curling into a smile.

As much as she criticized him, she loved him.

And if he wanted her to be 'the real her', then so be it.

Reviews would make me so happy! :)