Disclaimer: If you can recognize it, it's not mine. If I owned any part of transformers, I would be making cartoons or movies instead of posting stories online.

This story begins in the end of the episode of transformers prime when Optimus got sick…..

Ratchet had given Optimus some medication, and Optimus was beginning to feel better. He should be able to walk soon, and was quickly recovering. For now, Optimus had to rest a bit. But Jack Darby was not so lucky.

Ever since Ratchet had brought Optimus back, Jack had felt sick. But if he said something he might end up being scanned by a certain medical officer. So Jack had been doing his best to keep quiet and act normal. Jack was going to quietly suggest to Miko and Raf that they get out of the way and do something quiet, but his voice

"Jack. How are you feeling?" Ratchet asked while he scanned the sick boy.

"Fine. I just have a frog in my throa-" Jack began, but was cut off by the old experienced medic. The old man trying to scan him was slightly agitated by jack moving his hands as he talked. The fact that jack was obviously lying only further added to Ratchet's frustration.

"Stay still. And why on Cybertron are you lying about your health?" The medic said managing not to shout, but he was getting agitated. Knowing the question Jack would ask, the medic added in a voice slightly showing his agitation- "You made no eye contact. The area under your eyes is red, and so is your nose. Now, what symptoms have you been feeling?"

"Umm…. The ones you just described?" Jack said, hoping Bee wouldn't say how he saw him vomit with the bathroom door open when the scout was in the hall. Jack had told Bee that it was a human bodily function when he saw the young robot about to run off to ask somebody about it. Jack had asked him to keep quiet about it.

Bumblebee began speaking in Cybertronian. By Ratchet's reaction he had told the medic about the incident in the hall.

"Why didn't he- Ok jack, hop on." Ratchet said offering his now gloved hand out to the boy. Not seeing anyway out of this, jack climbed on.

Seeing Ratchet was taking him to Med Bay, Jack had to ask the medic something. This time making eye contact, Jack asked the medic- "What's up with the plastic glove?"

"I'm wearing gloves so as to try and minimize the virus spreading," was the medic's reply. Getting to his giant operating table, he sat jack on the edge.

"Now say 'aw'," the medic said holding a tongue depressor.

"Wait a minute! Do you have to-" Jack began to say, but was cut off by Ratchet sticking the tongue depressor in his mouth.

"This is not a good sign." Ratchet said to himself seeing how Jack's tongue was purple with green polka-dots.

"Hey Arcee, I have the formula for the vaccines I was going to make on the desk. Can you go make them? Miko and Raf get out and stay out of this room. But don't leave Base. And the rest of you, don't you have anything better to do? I will inform you of his state of health when the time comes!" Ratchet said seeing how he now had a small audience.

"Sure." Arcee said as she and the rest of ratchet's 'audience' left.

After Ratchet had scanned Jack a few times, took his temperature, and even took a blood sample (of which Jack had made a big fuss about) Ratchet knew Jack had Cybonic Plague.

The old medic now had Jack lying down on a gurney, sleeping peacefully thanks to medication. Ratchet had told the Autobots in a meeting (minus Miko and Raf, of whom were locked in the Rec. Room under Ratchet's direction,) of Jack's health.

"We have to disinfect everything, and keep the kids in quarantine. If Jack has it, it is likely Miko and Raf have it too. They will need to stay here overnight. Did they take the vaccine?" Ratchet said.

"Yes, but they were oddly quiet about it." Bulkhead said remembering how the kids were oddly quiet about taking a shot. When it came time for Ratchet to update the Autobots vaccines, he was one of the mechs who would run out of the room and only take the shot after a certain amount of threats from the old medic. But the kids just took the vaccine when Arcee handed it out to everybody.

"You make that sound unusual." Ratchet commented in his own special tone.

….. A few hours later…..

Optimus was well enough to walk with Ratchet supporting him, and everybody was happy about it and oddly sad at the same time.

"What happened to Jack?" the leader asked cautiously seeing how one human was missing.

Everybody in the small group assembled passed glances and looked up at Ratchet.

"Jack is infected with Cybonic Plague, and there is not much I can do." Ratchet said, the fact that it was tearing him apart was plain to see.

Optimus was quite alarmed to hear that Jack Darby was sick because of him. "I... He caught it from-" Optimus began but was cut off by Ratchet.

"Optimus, you did not intentionally infect Jack so it is not your fault. It is more my fault because I let the kids stay here. I should've had them evicted from base until you fully recovered and we had everything and everyone completely sanitized. Now Jack is fighting for his life because of me. All I could do was make a human-compatible form of the medication that I gave you and try to ease his pain." The doctor said revealing his breaking heart (spark. Whatever you call it.)

That night Miko and Raf were allowed to go home after being checked for cybonic plague. Jack was stirring at the time of their departure and supposed to wake up soon…

At midnight Jack woke up feeling worse than he ever had before. The Autobots were quietly waiting, hoping Jack may soon be on the road to recovery. The teenager felt very ill, and was about to go back to sleep when he heard Ratchet say, "Are you thirsty?"

"No," was the extremely weak reply as the teen closed his eyes. Then Jack's eyes flew open as he screamed in pain. It hurt everywhere, and he was surrounded by an odd blue light before he blacked out.

Ratchet watched, as he could do nothing to help the teen as he began glowing and screaming. He yearned to do something as the screams stopped and the teen passed out and glowed more, his body changing, but Ratchet knew if he interfered it may end up killing or harming jack worse than the transformation might.

After ten minutes… The glowing stopped and now in Jack's place lay a minicon sparkling. A real live minicon.

"A minicon. After all these years… I thought they died out eons ago." Ratchet said to himself as he began seeing if jack was healthy, functional, and if not how to fix it.

To be continued….

How was it? I hope you enjoyed it and please review!