Title: Shot

Summary: When he woke up in the morning, Chris never would have dreamed that today would be the day that he got into an fight with his Captain, quit his dream job during a stakeout, and tried to keep Wesker from bleeding out on a dirty floor.

Pairing: Albert Wesker x Chris Redfield

Warnings: Blood, swears, horrible grammar, OOCness, etc., etc.

Side Note: Never written anything for Resident Evil before; I'm a long time fan from the sidelines. Feel free to help me improve; suggestions and the like. ...I have yet to run into a story where Wesker gets the hell beaten out of him. So, I decided to write my own. If people like it, maybe I'll do a series. But, we'll cross that bridge if we get to it.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. ...Except for a twisted mentality.

"No?" a crisp voice cut in, not sounding amused. "And just what do you mean by that, Christopher?" He knew that he was a slim change that he was getting out of this with his dignity intact, might as well go for broke and get everything out into the open.

"I'm not letting go," Chris replied with as much courage as he could muster up. There was a very good chance that the blonde Captain was going to haul off and hit him but it was a risk that he was going to have to take. Not because the man was secretly in love with his boss, not because his boss demanded loyalty, and not because the man was a hot piece of ass. ...For women! He was a hot piece of ass for women. And while a bit of his clinging had to do with the pair of gorgeous eyes that he could practically feel glaring at him, the brunette rookie could not bring himself to let go of his Captain. He could still feel the tense adrenaline pumping in his veins when he saw the man slumped up against a wall and clutching at his bleeding body.

"Ever?" there was a hint of amusement in his voice that just made the rookie hold onto him tighter. He made a noncommittal sound from his throat as he buried his face into his superior's shoulder. "...And just what is that supposed to mean, Chris?"

"Just... Can I hold you?" He felt like such an idiot for saying it; there was a high chance that there were teenage schoolgirls out there with more balls than he currently had. A soft sound came from the man that he was hugging and taking that as a yes, Chris tried to calm his breathing while he clung to Captain Wesker. It really was ridiculous, he was clinging to his Captain like a small child would cling to an oversized teddy bear during a thunderstorm in the middle of the night. Not that his Captain was hairy; the man was practically as smooth as a Barbie doll. Well, as far as he could see. He figured that he should have probably have compared the blonde man to a Ken doll, but the blonde hair man his mind jump immediately to Barbie. Hell, he did drive a nice car... Turning his attention away from his rambling thoughts, the rookie instead focused on the blonde man that he was clinging to. He was nowhere near as soft as a teddy bear, either, but he sure was warm and he smelled so good.

Chris continued to hold onto his blonde Captain until the cold-hearted bastard flicked his ear, startling the brunette rookie out of his twisted thoughts that began to compare the blonde man to every cheesy commercial that he could remember. Jumping back at the sudden attack on his ear, the rookie glared at the smug blonde man that smirked victoriously at him. Why the hell was he admiring this man again? Oh yeah; he was awesome. "Now that you have joined the rest of us in reality, Christopher," the golden-haired man said, voice likened to the purring of a cat that wanted to curl up on his lap and be stroked...or of a cobra about ready to sink its fangs into his throat... "I plan on getting out of here and returning to my desk to begin the paperwork on this incident."

And there it was.

In an instant, every twisted fantasy he had about the Captain's good-natured heart, his genuine camaraderie, and supple body shattered in a gruesome and morbid death.


Captain Wesker knew just how much Chris despised paperwork and always set out to destroy him mentally with the amount that he gave him. He could swear that the blonde man did it just to torture him; there was no other reason as to why he got so much more than his more experienced coworkers. Sure, he did screw up a lot more and he swore a lot more... That did not mean that he needed to be on the receiving end of so many incident reports, signing away his soul because of every little screw-up that he caused and how many lives he scarred; children hearing swears, accidently scaring the elderly, injuring a suspect or seven... It always ended the same; inordinate amounts of paperwork handed to him by the sunglasses-wearing son of a bitch who always firmly told him that he needed to write down every event that transpired in detail.

Fuck, he was going to have to write so many goddamn details about this incident and hand them in to his Captain. His blonde Captain with the gorgeous, icy eyes that could freeze his heart in his chest in mere moments. He would have to carefully read over everything he wrote to make sure that none of that slipped into his reports. There was no telling what the unfeeling bastard would do if he found out that he was deeply admired by the rookie on his team. Not that there was anything wrong with his admiration of his tall, unwavering Captain. ...It was just borderline- It was pure admiration. The man was his role model! Simple as that. There was no way that he was falling for his Captain; he was a straight man that was fawned over by females everywhere!

Dark blue eyes watched Captain Wesker as he swiftly unfastened himself from the machines in what appeared to be practiced ease, silencing all of his other thoughts. The man had to be accident-prone if he was this familiar with medical equipment; it was not every day that members of S.T.A.R.S. wound up in the hospital, surely not enough for someone to become familiar with how to untangle themselves from the clinging grasp of sterile devices. Yet, from what the brunette could see, there were very few, if any, scars on the blonde's torso. ...Perhaps he had scars that he could not see? But those would have to be-

"Are you paying attention, Christopher?" Captain Wesker cut in, effectively shaming the rookie and cutting off his perverted thought in one fell swoop.

"...Uhh..." the brunette muttered, trying to think back as to a plausible line of conversation that he could have taken. They were definitely talking about paperwork, that was for sure!

"That is all the answer I need," the blonde man practically sneered as he stood and grabbed all of his personal effects, dressing as much as he could without a shirt or jacket to cover his upper body. Personally, Chris was glad for the lack of material. Not because it meant that he had a viable excuse for staring, and an ever better response for if he got caught staring. He could easily come back with "I think that freckle looks like a heart!" if cornered because, in all honesty, it did really look like a light-brown heart was stamped onto the pale skin that stretched across his chest. It was all alone directly over where the Captain's heart beating inside of his chest, ironically. "Christopher!" the voice snapped, knocking him out of his thoughts once more.

"Y-you have a heart!" the rookie offered up, hoping that he did not sound as pathetic as he thought that he sounded.

"...All living mammals have hearts, Chris," the Captain replied, sounding like he was trying to explain this to a small child.

Unable to stop himself, the rookie crossed his arms in front of his own bare chest and sulked, "You have a heart-shaped freckle!" A golden eyebrow rose in response and Chris could not tell the emotions behind it. Was he confused? Caught off guard? Surprised? Considering him to be a crazy stalker and planning to smack him in the face with a restraining order?

"...I have a freckle that resembles a heart," the blonde muttered dryly as he stared evenly at the rookie, making the younger man feel as though he was being placed under a microscope. Maybe that's how the frogs felt before they were going to be dissected? ...Well, before they were killed. "And this has captured your attention so quickly?"

Well, how could it not? Chris argued in his mind, not even daring to say it out loud. It was an unexpected find; a small heart over the blonde's heart. He never even entertained the thought of the blonde man even having freckles, let along heart-shaped ones. ...Maybe he had more? How cute would that be? Little hearts speckled across his back and toned thighs, perhaps even on his ass. Woah, that was not a thought that he should be having about his Captain. Wanting to strip the man down and check for little golden-brown hearts would be plenty of reason for the taller and more experienced man to physically hurl him out of a window and wash his hands clean of him. The cold-hearted man was enough of a prick to do it, too. He would have no problem tossing a lanky rookie out of a window for staring at his naked body after calling his eyes pretty.

That was going to be a tough thing to live down if he ever decided to tell the rest of the Alpha Team about his slip up. Then again, it would be tough enough trying to live down the knowledge that he had confessed such a thing to the frigid Captain that took immense pleasure from watching them all suffer through insane amounts of paperwork for so much as messing with the coffeemaker so he could not have a cup of hot coffee whenever he wished. The guy was obviously in the office before everyone else but he did not drink a single cup of coffee until it was almost noon. Hell, Chris needed a hot cup of coffee just to roll out of bed in the morning and another top face whatever impossible task, or mountain or paperwork, that his Captain decided to torment him with at any given time of his workday.

The man was a goddamn puzzle filled with broken glass, knives, guns, and morbidly terrifying death around every corner. How he had ever thought that the blonde could be a gentle-hearted human being had slipped him. He could even compare his eyes to icebergs floating in a sea of white and waiting for any poor boat to sail close enough to the danger to be torn asunder. No longer was he the gently winter evening with drifting snow but a frigid tundra that was barren of all fluffy wildlife. Captain Wesker was a dark, cold man that would easily become the death of Chris. He had to remember that if he was going to keep from getting too attached to the bastard and working with him. He was his Captain and he should be treated like it. No more, no less. He could not afford to let his guard down and compare the man to sappy commercials; he could tear a man limb from limb if he wanted to and he had no problem with ending lives.

"Come, Chris," the accented and deep voice called out, making the brunette man snap to attention and look over at the shirtless man that was standing over by the door, turning around and walking out of the room. "We have work to do." The rookie's eyes widened at the sight of a small, heart-shaped freckle on the small of his back as he watched his Captain leave the room, the small freckle moving with ever ripple of his muscles underneath the taut skin.

And like that, all of his fuzzy fantasies had sprung back to life.

...Hopefully the front of his pants would not react in the same way when he rose to his feet.

Review and let me know what you thought.

Thanks for reviewing:

RagerGS8 FF: Aww, thanks!

Meggurra: Ha! I could not think of a more random word that Chris could use and still be slightly (i.e. not at all) in character. Heh, liar; you meant "now."

Kanel: Heh, I'm sure he's enjoying it!

The Vampire Brooke: Heh, thanks! Here's more for you.

Olivia-B52007: Thanks!

ghost117: Heh, well, that's Wesker for you. Chris is a clinger. Uhh...sorry?

Roxprincess741: Heh, same. They're damn near impossible to find. Aww, thanks! Heh, Chris is like a little puppy. Here's more for you.

Polariss: Aww, thanks, sweetheart!