First fanfic. Please read and review, suggestions are very welcome.
Disclamer: KHR is owned by Akira Amano.
Note: Nagi and Mukuro are 9 and 12 years old here, respectively.
Nagi was sitting in a corner playing with her pet cat, Yuki, when her parents came home. She paid it no heed. Even when they came home, her parents never even talked to her. They always worked late, and when they came home, they were always busy with their own affairs. The servants bowed when Nagi's parents walked in.
Nagi looked in surprise as she saw a boy, not much older than her, following them in. The boy had blue hair and mismatched eyes. Nagi stared at him with wide eyes. Noticing the girl's gaze, he looked at Nagi with a smile, who blushed and looked away.
"This is our new son. Aradate Mukuro." Nagi felt small tears forming on her eyes. They had finally decided to replace her. They had always wanted a son, but instead they got a daughter.
"Ah..." Yuki jumped out of Nagi's arms and padded away. Even her beloved cat no longer wanted her. Nagi sat crying into her sleeve while her parents talked about their new adopted child, completely forgetting that they still had Nagi. She didn't know how long she cried.
Nagi felt a hand on her shoulder. "Hey." She looked up, half of her hoping to see her parents, the other half knowing it was impossible. The boy with blue hair knelt down beside her, smiling. "A-ah! H-hello," Nagi said, surprised to see him. She realized that he still had his hand on her shoulder. "Kufufufu... you seem to blush often," he chuckled, amused. Her cheeks turned redder. "It's something I inherited," she murmured.
"My name is Rokudo Mukuro. It's a pleasure to meet you." the boy said, smiling even wider. Nagi couldn't look at Mukuro without her face feeling hot. Her parents and servants almost never smiled. "I'm Aradate Nagi. I-it's nice to meet you." she replied quietly.
This girl was so amusing. She was so innocent. Every time he smiled at her, she would blush. Mukuro could tell she had the potential to become an illusionist when he first saw her. It was strange that such a shy, gentle girl could be the daughter of two brash, arrogant people. Her parents hadn't said anything about a daughter. However, Mukuro knew that this girl called Nagi would be useful.
His train of thought was interrupted by a soft voice. "U-umm... Rokudo Mukuro-san..." Rokudo Mukuro-san? "Just Mukuro is fine... Nagi," Mukuro broke in. Nagi looked up in surprise. He nodded, grinning.
"T-then... M-mukuro, you're going to be living here now, right?" Nagi asked, trying to hide a faint blush. Mukuro chuckled and answered, "Indeed. I can keep you company from now on." Nagi's face turned bright red, but she couldn't help but to feel happy.
Two months passed. Nagi was happy to have a person to interact with and Mukuro was pleased with his new little sister. It was nighttime, and the whole family was at home. Everyone had just finished dinner.
There was a loud knock. Nagi heard the servant open the door. A gunshot shook air. Nagi froze in shock of the loud noise. She saw Mukuro tense. "Mukuro?" Then she saw many large men in black suits enter the room. Mukuro pulled her suddenly behind a cabinet. She would have yelped if he hadn't covered her mouth at that moment.
They were here for him. Mukuro had enough sense to hide Nagi and himself. He pulled her into an embrace so she couldn't see what was happening. Nagi blushed and tried to pull away in shock, but he was firm. All of the men were holding weapons. Mukuro saw pistols, knives, and rifles.
"Where's the boy?" demanded the man whom Mukuro assumed was the leader. All weapons were pointed at their parents. A servant tried to run away and was shot. Nagi looked up at Mukuro in fear and confusion. She had no idea what was happening behind her. Mukuro never intended for her to know.
Their parents were genuinely scared. The father spoke up. "Do you mean Mukuro?" The leader walked up to him, pointed the gun at his face, and growled, "Where is he?" Crap. Mukuro and Nagi could hide from the attackers, but their parents could see them. "Over there! He's behind the cabinet!" his mother cried. Fool. Did she think that they would spare her? It was too late, however. Both parents were already dead.
Nagi couldn't help it when she heard her parents yell. She whipped around and froze. She had never seen blood in such large amounts before. She heard Mukuro whispering angrily. Many large men towered over them now. "Get up. Boy, you're coming with us."
Nagi hesitated. They were trying to take Mukuro away. Everyone else was already dead or dying. Who did she have left? Just as the man reached a large hand towards Mukuro, Nagi jumped up. Several bullets just barely missed her. A knife sliced her right eye. She was kicked in the stomach, sending her against the cabinet.
Nagi felt pain everywhere. She tasted metal in her mouth. Even at the end of her short, sad life, she was useless. The last sound she heard was Mukuro shouting her name, and she drifted away into darkness.