hey, i'm back with a brand story of kung fu panda. hope you like this one as much as my last one one. well enjoy.

Chapter one no pain

One peaceful day in the valley of peace or so it was in the jade palace. Pound, pound.

Pounding could be heard from outside of the jade palace. Pound, pound. It has been a year since lord shen was defeated and po has trained in all styles of his comrades. Pound, pound.

Tigress: "come on, is that all you got po?"

Po: "you know I am capable of more then that."

Viper: "my gods, I don't know how he is doing this."

Crane: "neither do I and I don't think I want to know."

Mantis: "I do, I want to know how, cause this is awesome."

Monkey: "you try that and you will be a dead bug."

Tigress: "come on, only one more po."

Po: "yea, you know I will win, right?"

Tigress: "yes, and I'll hold my end of the bargin."

Po: "hope so kitten."

Tigress: "po, you know I don't like to be called that out loud."

Po: "relax, they already know about us."

Tigress: "wha-what, did you tell them po?

Po: "no, actually they came up to me and told me we don't have to hide it anymore."

Tigress looks to her comrades with disappointed look. "So how long have you guys known?"

Mantis: "I've known since po told me he had a thing for you, after that I knew it was just a matter of time."

Viper: "I knew just by the way you 2 act."

Crane: "I just saw you guys make out like a few month ago."

Monkey: "same here, I was with crane."

Po: "oh, don't lie you guys, you spied on us, that's what you told me."

Tigress: " (sigh) should have known you guys would do that."

Po then punch the last iron wood tree out of the ground. The tree came out with the same move he used on the last 10 tress. The double punch. After po looked at his hands and notice they were bleeding badly but no pain.

Tigress: "I guess you won, how does it feel?"

Po thought about what to say but only could think of one thing. "No pain."

Tigress was a little puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Po raises his hands to show tigress. Tigress sees that his hands were covered and dripping with blood. "Oh, I see." tigress said with concern. "Don't worry, I have recovered from worst." po said to see if she will stop worrying.

Tigress only thought of one time he was seriously hurt. "I know, don't remind me of that." "Sorry, I didn't mean to bring that up." po said. Tigress wrap po's hands in some bandages that viper brought, she somehow knew that they would need it. Once finished po notices tigress still look down about being reminded of what happen to him when he was blasted by shen's dragon cannon. Po gives her a hug, in witch she gladly to return. After a few minutes everyone started walking back to the jade palace.

Po: "hope shifu does get mad that we were gone for a bit."

Viper: "na, he shouldn't mind."

After about 15 minutes of walking they arrive back at the jade palace. Master Shifu was walking by when he notices his students walking in with laughter.

Master Shifu: "ah, where have been students?"

Po: "I went to go punch some iron wood trees and they came along with me."

Master Shifu: "is it about feeling no more pain in your hands?"

Po looks down a bit. "Yea, it seems I have lost the feeling of pain in my hands." po raises his hands to show that they have been bandaged.

Master Shifu: "I see you have suffered some damage."

Po: "yea, just bloody hands from punching so many times."

Master Shifu: "well, if you can, you can make dinner, ask if you need help with anything."

Po: "yes master shifu." "Then off to rest after." shifu said. "Yes master." they all said.

Once in the kitchen po grabbed everything he needed to make noodles. Tigress help with the table setting along with viper. Monkey, crane, and mantis just sat there seeing how there was nothing else they could do. About 15 minutes later everyone was done and headed to there rooms for rest.

well, my first chapter of my new story. sorry for it being short, just didn't have enough to put in it. well R&R. until the next chapter, bye.