AN: Sorry for the wait guys, it's been forever, I know. I lost my inspiration for this story, and I was busy writing my own novel. I'm back now, though! This chapter is short and sad, it's not the best, but I felt this needed to be said. Anyway I changed my penname. R&R please. I'm working on the next chapter as we speak.

Athena's P.O.V

Not long after everyone has left the throne room, Apollo is already chewing me out.

"You cannot actually be serious! Letting a child of the moon stay in our home is stupid on so many levels, Athena!" Apollo yelled at me. "I don't care how different you say she is!"

"You best bite your tongue Apollo; I am not in the mood. Shadow will stay here, and that is final. Don't you have a sister to babysit?"

"That's another thing! What in earth possessed you to allow Artemis to stay here? Have you gone mad?"

"Peace, Apollo. Can we discuss this later?"

"Athena, time does not make things go away. Time makes things left unsaid worse. Is that what you wish?"

"I am through here, Apollo." I stand from my throne, annoyance creeping into my voice.

"You cannot out run your problems Athena!" Apollo yells after me as the throne room door slams shut behind.


"Not now Persephone. Go be with Hades."

"My lady," Persephone tries again.

"I just wish to be alone for a few hours. Is that too much to ask? In a few hours we will plan. I fear the Volturi will arrive sooner than expected."

Aphrodite's P.O.V

"You should talk to her," Emmett states from his position on the couch.

"She doesn't wish to speak with anyone at the moment, what makes you think she would want to speak with me?"

"She needs a friend and everyone else is too afraid to talk to her."

"If you are so concerned why don't you talk to her!" I snap.

"She needs her best friend," Emmett says quietly.

"That is not I, not anymore. I fear the Athena I once know is lost to us now…"

Athena's P.O.V

I collapse in the middle of all the broken glass. Ares hasn't been back to our room. I pull my knees up to my chest and burry my head in-between them. I let the tears fall freely; I can't afford to cry after today. We need to be ready. I grab one of the pictures on the floor to see Ares and I smiling back at me. I smile through my tears.

He changes me; he makes me a better person. Before him I lived in darkness. I can't afford to have any weaknesses, not when we are at war, he is my weakness. Maybe it's better this way, with us at odds.

I love him so much, that's why I have to let him go.

Ares's P.O.V

I run through the forest, knocking down any trees in my path. I can't say sorry to her, not this time, she hurt me too much. She doesn't even realize she hurt me.

Athena is my life, she makes me a better person; she changes me. I can't afford to be her Ares in the middle of a war, I need to be the cold, killing machine, Ares. Maybe it's better this way, with us at odds.

I love her so much, that's why I have to let her go.