A/N- Hey all. I think this is the last chapter for this one. I might do a follow up story but I haven't decided for sure yet. I'm not sure if I'm completely happy with this so I might tweek it in the future but I wanted to get it up before I got too annoyed with it and scrapped the chapter completely. As always I appreciate reviews. What you love, what you didn't. I love feed back of any sort. good bad whatever as long as it's constructive. Thanks for sticking by me.

Maura Isles was pacing around her living room. When Jane had left Maura had initially felt lost, Jane the love of her life and best friend had walked out on her. She had confessed her undying love and Jane had walked out on her like she just insulted the red sox… no it had been worse than that. For the first time ever words had failed her. She could find no words, no comparisons, and no way to express to explain the situation. So she paced, pacing required no thought. It was just instinct at the moment. Her mind raced. After the initial overwhelming sadness passed Maura realized it was her turn to take the reins. Up till now she had let Jane have the control, she had made the decisions. Now it was Maura's turn to be assertive, if there was one thing that Jane had taught her it was that there are things in life worth fighting for and Jane was definitely worth fighting for. Jane was the type of person to fall on her metaphorical sword for any person she cared about and if Maura could help it there was not going to be any sword to impale herself on. Maura heard the front door click and she turned around to face a very scared and lost looking detective. Her hair was an unkempt tangled mess, and her eyes showed obvious signs that Jane had most likely been crying since she left.

Maura crossed the room quickly, stopping only inches from her friend. Jane opened her mouth to speak but managed no words before she felt Maura's hand connect with her face.


Once again caught off guard the detective was now pinned against the door, soft lips covering her own and arms wrapping around her neck. Jane wasn't sure what exactly was happening but she could not bring herself to fight off the ME's affections again. Her self-control had been depleted the previous night, and Maura was no longer intoxicated.

Maura pulled away, leaving now extremely confused and flustered detective leaning against the door. It was only a moment before her knees gave out and she slid to the floor. Maura returned to pacing the living room, unable to keep still.


"Seriously what is it with people using my middle name today?!" Jane muttered.

A deadly glare from Maura shut her up immediately.

"I want you to listen to me and I want you to listen well." Maura was pointing at Jane now. Her features a mask of seriousness and her body rigid.

"I don't give a GOOD GOD DAMN if you are a cop or a florist…." Jane's jaw dropped at Maura's use at profanity and a holy name in the same sentence, but said nothing.

"Yes there is no guarantee that when you leave in the morning you'll return, but that is the same chance millions of other people take every day. Granted you have a higher risk than most because of your career path but I understood that and came to accept it a long time ago. What I need more than anything for you to understand Jane is that I love you. This is not just some passing fancy for me. I don't know how long we could have together but one day, just one day where you allow me to love you and you love me in return is worth more than a lifetime with someone else. I'd rather spend every day of the time we both have left together, no matter how long that may be, sixty years or science forbid two weeks. I cannot and refuse to let you run away from this. I am stronger than you give me credit for Jane. You said you can't put me through a relationship with you. Well guess what Jane, too late. I am already in love with you. Please don't let me spend the rest of my life wondering how amazing our time together could have been"

Maura walked over to Jane who was now sitting against the door, her knees to her chest, tears running down her cheeks. Maura crouched down looking into Jane's warm loving brown eyes. She took Jane's hands in hers, subconsciously rubbing the scars there with her thumbs.

"If you don't want me I can understand but unless you can look me in the eye right now and tell me you don't want this then I swear on everything I believe in that I won't let you go Jane. I'm here through good and bad. One good day with you is worth a lifetime of bad. Just knowing I can make you smile, knowing I am the one lucky enough to receive your love, that can get me through anything. Our love can get us through anything. I promise."

Jane was quite for a few moments.

"I'm sorry Maura…"

The doctor looked away. It suddenly felt like she had been stabbed in the chest. She let go of Jane's hands, and started to push herself off the floor. She couldn't let Jane see the pain.

Suddenly Jane caught her wrist, knocking Maura off balance and straight into Jane's lap. Jane's arms wrapped protectively around her.

"I'm sorry I was such an idiot. I know I'm not perfect. I also know that I don't think I will ever figure out why you put up with me, let alone love me. I will never stop thanking the stars every day for it though. You're right. I was being stupid and stubborn and you are a grown woman. I'm sorry it took a trip to my mother's and a lot of smacking for me to figure that out. I can't guarantee this will be easy, but I promise never to give up if you don't. I love you Maura Elizabeth Isles."

The smile on Maura's face could have lite up even the darkest night. She took Jane's face in her hands for another kiss. This one was unhurried and full of love. Maura pulled back and laid her head on Jane's chest.

"I love you too, Jane. Always."