Sakura sat on the bed with her son at her breast. Just looking at the face she had always known and loved, even if it was on a much smaller scale.

Sayoran walked towards her and sat down, caressing her hair with one hand and his son with the other.

They both knew who he was, even without saying anything. Sakura had tears welling up in her eyes as she gazed, and Sayoran said nothing as they sat there, trying their hardest not to feel resentment towards the witch who had given them a second chance.

Third Chance,

Fourth Chance,

So many 'chances' that they were tired. Tired of the eternal loop they seemed to be stuck in. One that seemed to hurt them more each time it circled around.

It was just like before, there was a decision to be made.

They choose to keep their son.

He grew up never knowing how to fight, never knowing about magic.

Never being sent to the witch.


Once the time passed for Sayoran to enter her house, Yuuko knew what had happened. She supposed she couldn't really blame them, as they had lived their lives several times over without change.

It did, however, mean that what had originally been done, would never come to pass.

It did mean that there was no need for Sayoran to be captured by Fei Wong Reed.

It did mean that there was nothing for Fei Wong Reed to clone.

There would be no place for someone who had never truly existed to exist.

Not if they choose to defer from the rules.


It was Sayoran's 16th birthday, and Sakura had prepared a cake. Nothing fancy, just a small treat for each of them.

Sayoran returned from school to find both his mother and father sitting around the table, a thick slice of cake sitting in front of his chair.

He grinned and hugged them both before sitting down and digging in.


Sakura felt much more tired than usual. Her strength had been steadily decreasing since Sayoran's 16th birthday, though she tried not to show it, and it was getting much harder to do the simple tasks around the house.

She had noticed too that both her husband and son were more tired as well.

Sakura was afraid she had made a mistake.


Something was wrong and he knew it. There was something he should have done, something he was missing.

It was a terribly lonely and unknown feeling that he had bubbling up inside of him, and Sayoran didn't like it one bit.

His mother and father looked so tired, and he could barely keep his own eyes open. Something was wrong, he just didn't know what.


Sayoran struggled to keep his eyes open. He saw Sakura doing the same as she stumbled around the kitchen, trying to prepare a meager meal for the three of them.

His strength was all gone. Sucked out by an unknown power that knew he had done something wrong.

His son was sleeping at the table, his head pillowed on his arms, and was snoring lightly.

He saw Sakura stumble and fall, and was unable to get up to help her. All he could do was look her in the eye one last time.

His mouth moved even though no sound came out.

'I'm sorry'