Title: Suprises
Author: Cece
Rating: PG
Summary: An unexpected visit leads to some secrets.
Disclaimer: I don't own friends.
Spoilers: None really: But this takes place before TOA The Beach.
Distribution: If you want it you can have it. Just let me know where it goes.
[Shopping Mall]
(Phoebe and Monica are looking at clothes)
Mon: (excited) I have to have these pants!
Phoe: I want a pair too! We could dress alike.
Mon: Aww. Lets get a pair for Rachel too.
(Chloe walks in and goes to look around at some clothes.)
Phoe: Oh my god!
Mon: What!
Phoe: That woman over there is Chole.
Mon: Slept with Ross Chloe?
Phoe: Yeah.
(Phoebe and Monica are looking at her, she sees them and they look away.)
Mon: She saw us looking at her. (Chloe starts to walk over) Oh my god. She's coming over here.
Phoe: Just stay calm.
Chole: Hi. I'm Chloe.
Monica: (nervous) Umm..i'm mo...nana. Monana.
Chloe: Cool name.
Phoe: I'm Phoe..(Cut off by Monica)
Mon: Ursala ( Phoebe makes a discusted face) Her name is Ursala.
Chole: Ok. Well, I don't have many friends, so mabey you would like to get some coffee after shopping.
Mon: Sorry. We can't.
Phoe: Yeah. We have to meet our friends at central perk. (Monica glares at her and Phoebe has a "Uh oh")
Chloe: But isn't that a coffee place.
Mon: Park. Central park. (Chloe gives them a skeptical look.)
Mon: (nervous) Sorry. We have to go. (Monica and Phoebe run out of the mall.)
[Central Perk]
(All is there but Ross, Phoebe and Monica. Rachel is in the chair. Chandler is on the sofa and joey is at the table.)
Rach: (tired) And then I had to stay late to do paper work.
Chan: All I do at my job is sit around all day while other people do the work. (Rachel stares at him) Sorry.
(Monica and Phoebe enter. They stand between Rachel and Chandler.)
Mon: You won't believe who we saw at the mall.
Joey: (excited) Santa!
(everyone looks at him.)
Chan: Joe, why would santa be at the mall, in JUNE.
Joey: (embarrased) (mumbles) It could happen.
Rach: Anyways, who did you see.
Mon: Ok. (looks at Phoebe) We saw Chloe.
Chan: Chloe.
Joey: Hot Chloe.
Rach: Slept with Ross Chloe.
Phoe: Yeah. That's the one.
Mon: And she came to talk to us.
Rach: What did she say?!
Mon: Well...I don't think she knew who we were. So we told her fake names.
Phoe: I'm Ursala. (discusted face)
Mon: Anyways, she wanted to get coffee but I said we couldn't and Phoebe said because we have to meet our friends at central perk. We tried to cover up but I don't think she bought it. So we ran out.
Rach: Phoebe. Why did you say that?
Phoe: I'm sorry. It just slipped out.
Chan: What if she comes here.
Rach: You think she would come?
Chan: Well, that is why I said it.
Joey: Man she's hot.
All girls: Joey.
Joey: Sorry. Thinking outloud.
(Chloe enters)
Chloe: Hey Monana and Ursala.(She stands right next to them.)
Chan: Oh no
Chloe: I thought I might see you guys here.
Mon: (fake) Great.
Chloe: (to Chan and Joey) I remember you too.
Chan: Hi Chloe. Long time no see.
Joey: How you doin.
(While all of this is going on Rachel is glaring at her)
Chloe: (to Rachel) Hi
Rach: (clodly) Hi. (Ross enters. He can't see Chloe's face so he doesn't know who it is)
Ross: (goes over to Mon and Phoebe) Monica, Phoebe. Didn't you here me calling your name down the street.
(Everyone is looking umcomfortable)
Chloe: I thought your names were Monana and Ursala.
(They both are glaring at him. Ross is confused.)
(Chloe turns to see Ross)
Ross: (shocked) Oh my god.
Chloe: Ross?!! How have you been.
Ross: (still shocked) Chloe hi. I'm...I'm fine.
(Rachel is looking at them and Ross looks down.)
Chloe: I haven't seen you in a long time. Did things work out between you and your girlfriend.
Ross: (softly) Uh... not really.
(By now everyone is looking uncomfortable . Especially Ross and Rachel.)
Chloe: (sympathy) I'm sorry. I hoped you would have worked it out. I felt bad for taking advantage of you that night. You
were really upset and drunk. (pause). Was I the reason she didn't except your proposal. (Ross's has a look of horror on his face, everyone has stunned/shocked faces.)
Rach: (hurt) You were going to propose to me?!!!
Ross: Rachel please let me explain.
Chloe: (surprised) Your Rachel. (to Ross) You didn't tell her. (he shakes his head) (to herself) Now I get the icy looks. (to everyone) I better go. I'm sorry about everything that happen with you both. (she leaves)
Rach: (teary eyed) I have to go. (Gets up)
Ross: Rachel wait. (she leaves)
Mon: When were going to propose?
Ross: (depressed) I wanted to on our anniversiry, but we kept fighting. Then there was the Chloe inncident.
Chan: Why didn't you tell us.
Ross: I didn't want anyone to know. I didn't think I would ever see Chloe again. Thats the only reason I told her.
Joey: Would I have been the best man?
Ross: (ignoring Joey) What am I going to do guys. I didn't want Rachel to find out because I knew she would be hurt.
Phoe: Just go find her and explain it all.
Mon: Pheebs is right Ross.
Ross: Ok.
Chan: Good luck. (Ross exits)
(M&R, Rach is in her room crying. Ross enters and knocks on her door)
Rach: (wipes her tears) Come in.
(Ross enters her room and closes the door)
Ross: Rachel I'm sorry.
Rach: Why didn't you tell me Ross?
Ross: Rach...we had broken up...and I didn't want you to be hurt. I wanted to tell you but is was to hard. (pause) I figured it wouldn't do any good. I didn't want to cause more pain for any of us.
Rach: Just answer me this.
Ross: Ok.
Rach: Did you keep the ring.
(Ross looks down)
Ross: Yes. (Rach looks even sadder.)
Ross: (goes and hugs her) I didn't mean for any of this to happen like this. I never meant to hurt you. Rach....I'm sorry for eveything I put you through. I just couldn't give the ring up.
Rach: (dazed) I could have been your wife right now if we had just worked things out. (lets go of her)
Ross: You would have said yes.
Rach: Of course I would have. I love you.
Ross: You still love me?
Rach: I uh-I..
(Before she could finish her sentence Ross leans over and kisses her.)
Ross: I still love you Rach. I always will. (looks into her eyes)
Rach: (emotional) I love you too. And-and I now see how much I want you in my life...forever. ( The embrace for a more passionate kiss.)
[Central Perk]
Mon: What do you think is happening.
Chan: I don't know. I still can't believe he was going to propose to Rachel.
Phoe: I wish they had worked it out.
Mon: I know. She would have been my sister-in-law.
Joey: They were a great couple.
[Ross's Apt. Hours later, at night]
(R&R are there.)
(They are sitting on the couch talking and cuddiling)
Ross: Mabey we should go to dinner to celebrate us getting back together.
Rach: (smiles) I'd love to. (she looks down and the back at Ross) Ross.
Ross: Yeah sweety.
Rach: I was wondering, do you still have the ring?
Ross: (softly) Yeah. You sure you want to see it.
Rach: I'm sure. (He goes into his bedroom. A couple of minutes he comes out.)
Ross: Okay. Here it is. (it's in a little white box) (sits next to her)
(She opens it and there is a very bueatiful platinum setting, with two round diamond accents for a larger 1ct. diamond. It looks very expensive.)
Rach: Oh my god. It's so bueatiful.This must have cost you a fortune.
Ross: it did. (chuckles)
(She puts it on and is getting teary eyed)
Rach: You spent all that money for nothing.
Ross: No Rach. I wouldn't say that. That ring got us back together. And I got to see that beautiful look on your face when you saw it. I thank that ring. (pause) Umm......you can keep it if you want.
Rach: Oh Ross. I don't know.
Ross: I want you to have it. I've had it long enough. (smiles) It's your turn now. And who knows, mabey one day it'll finally be used for it's purpose.
Rach: (she places it back in the box and kisses him very passionately) (breaking) Let's go tell the guy's now.
(R&R enter kissing)
All: Oh my god.
Mon: Are you two back together.
Rach: Yes. For good this time.
Phoe: (excited) See. You guys are destined to be together. Like lobsters.
Ross: Yes we are Pheebs.
Chan: This is great you guys. Were all happy again.
(Monica goes to hug Rachel. She notices the the little white box.)
Mon: Whats that?
Rach: (smiling) It's the engagement ring.
Pheo: Lets see! (everyone gathers to see it. Rachel shows them.) Wow!
Rach: Exactly my reaction.
Mon: That's a lot of diamonds.
Chan: (to Ross) You must have spent like a million dollars.
Joey: Are you guys getting married.
Ross: No. Well, not yet. (Rachel smiles at him) I just thought Rachel should have it.
Mon: That is so sweet.
Ross: Well, we have to go everyone.
Rach: See you guys later. (everyone says there goodbyes, and R&R exit)
[Ross's Apt.]
(R&R are in bed cuddling)
Rach: This feels so good. I've missed you.
Ross: (running his fingers through her hair) I missed you too. You've made my life perfect Rach.
Rach: (touched) Aww. You've made my life perfect too. (they start kissing)
The End