1 Shattered Dreams

2 Trinity

Chapter 1. Aftermath

"Such a peaceful town…" Cloud Strife wandered around Kalm, admiring its simplicity and orderliness.

With Midgar destroyed, many people moved into Kalm, or the area around it. Its population and land demand alike has been booming. Cloud planned to move here when he found a house; after all, he was famous worldwide.

After signing a couple of children's autographs, Cloud left for Midgar. He still carried around his Ultima Weapon, which was lucky because he encountered some bandits on the way.

The thieves only stole a handful of gil, but that was before he nearly killed them. Enjoying the scenery, he saw a field.

The lush grass reminded him of Aeris' eyes, those beautiful emerald eyes…

On arrival to Midgar, he remembered the colossal towers, the putrid stench of vomit and mako, and, most of his life.

Walking on the now littered sidewalks, Cloud stepped on a brown, foul smelling thing. When he saw was under the piece of concrete covering the object, he nearly dropped the slab of concrete. He had stepped on a corpse.

The head rotted into the pavement, and two of the cadaver's limbs were severed. He noticed the body was of what was a female.

Her body was mutilated violently, her intestines spilled out onto the street, and her chest had multiple scars on them. Cloud shook his head and moved on.

He noticed the church where he and Aeris started really knowing each other, was still standing.

Out of curiosity, he went inside. He nearly fell down in shock from what was inside.

Swirling emerald lights twisted and snaked through the air. He thought, "This looks familiar." He could smell the bittersweet fragrance of death; he could feel the warm presence of, lifestream.

The green streaks tingled his skin as they passed through him, as if he was not solid, transparent.

Recovering from his shock, he walked further into the emerald haze.

A familiar pain seized him. His bones were on fire, he felt like he was going to split in two.

He was released from the agony. Just then he realized what it was, the Demi spell. Cloud looked around to see who cast it. No one.

A rustle met his ears, "Who's there!?" A growl responded him. Cloud pulled his sword in a defensive stance. Just then the animal pounced.

"It's so fast…" He swung at the beast with the sword. The dog-like animal jumped off Cloud and dodged the attack.

It attacked again, this time with its teeth. The canine's jaws connected with Cloud's outstretched hand.

"AAARGH!!!" The blood ran down Cloud's arm. Moaning at the pain he pulled out his cure material and cast it on himself.

Reacting to the magic, Cloud's wound closed up quickly and Cloud jumped back into action.

He ran into the monster with sword out. This time the animal was not quick enough. His sword impaled the beast and the canine howled loudly.

Cloud withdrew his sword and slashed at the monster continuously, beheading and disemboweling it.

The beast fell motionless to the floor with a loud thud. Cloud wiped the sweat of his eyebrow.

"What the hell" he asked himself "was that?" The Demi spell seized him again, but now, much stronger. His head pulsed loudly. He felt several of his bones break as he fell unconscious from the pain.