Title: Ardor
By: Metamorcy
Summary: AU, A one-sided love has always been the hardest thing to deal with. Tsuna only wished that maybe one day, Fong can look at him more than just a friend.
Disclaimer: Seriously? Don't own, just the idea
N/A:This is a long series. I think about 20 chapters or so. I have all of it written out. I just need to type and look over them. This is be a bit different than the usual I've written. Fong may act slightly odd but he will still be the same person. I'm putting a differnt protray over his character. This could be considered an Present setting.
Also, please read the bottom for some new announcements. Thanks!
Beta'd by gracefulsunshine
Chapter 1 has a one-sided love
Tsuna had known for the longest time possible that he loved his best friend more than just a friend. He loved the way the other would smile at him and make him feel at peace. The way his heart would flutter at those simple touches and his body would just melt at the wonderful voice as it passed those red lips. He loved every bit of it.
But he would never admit it.
His best friend was the best of the best and he didn't want to lose him because of his one-sided affections. Tsuna would rather hold his feelings in then watch his crush run away. Because if that happened, he'd be all alone…
And so, he remained quiet for three whole years, watching as his crush got girlfriends, and proceeded to lose them. Regardless of that, he remained by the man's side, smiling softly, never feeling attracted to anyone else besides the person standing next to him. He decided early on that that was probably the end of him, right there.
"Hmm?" the brunet peered up curiously, forgetting about his cup of frappe that was in his hands. His eyes glanced up at the person in front of him, at his crush, with a smile. "Yes, Fong?"
Said man sighed. His dark colored eyes, almost black, stared at the brunet with inquisitiveness; he, himself, raised a hand up to push back a bang that had fallen onto his face. "I see you're daydreaming again. Well, anyway, I was asking you if you've found anyone to go out with yet. I mean, seriously, Tsuna, it's been three years since we've become best friends, but I've never seen you on a date with anyone, even before we became friends. I'm worried about you."
Tsuna just smiled, laughing to himself, and waved a hand before him. "There's no need to be worried about me. I chose to be like this." He brought his drink up to his lips and slowly sipped the fluid, letting the still hot liquid travel down his throat. He knew the real reason as to why he was still single. His affections, the one he wanted the most, was right across him. But he would never say it out loud.
As stated before, the brunet had watched many of Fong's lovers go by and when they appeared, he would step back, far back. He would just disappear out of their relationship completely, go as remote as possible from Fong. He didn't want to see someone else with his crush but what could he do about it? "But what about you? You're still going out with that… What's her name?"
"Yes, her."
Fong sighed, shaking his head, and leaned forward onto the table. "I swear, Tsuna. You never seem to remember their names. What's the point in telling you?" The Chinese man rested his elbow against the hard surface, using it as a base for his chin. "But forget it, I haven't seen you in a while, and I've been wondering on how you've been doing. You've been canceling on me a lot lately. Actually, it's to the point that I had to drag you out of your place just to see you today. Did something happen?"
Tsuna closed his eyes, breathing softly, and glanced outside for a moment. "Nothing's happened. I just didn't feel like going out the past few days. That's all." It was a lie. To the brunet, however, it wasn't. He wanted nothing to do with Fong and his… girlfriend. He wanted nothing at all. He didn't want to see that blasted woman hanging off his crush, giggling like crazy, and whispering things between them. Tsuna glanced over to the side again, watching people pass by the window, then down at his phone when it vibrated, indicating that a message had arrived. He looked at it, recognizing the name as one of his friends and colleague, Gokudera, and began typing a reply back. Fong noticed this action and reached over to snatch the device away, holding it just out of the other's reach. "H-Hey! Fong, give it back! I need that!"
"No. I'm not letting you go anywhere. For today, the entire day, we're going to be hanging out together like we did in the past. I won't be hearing any excuses from you."
Tsuna blinked and then pouted. "Fong…"
"I won't hear it."
Groaning, the brunet couldn't help but smile. 'Typical behavior. Happens every time he tries to get me to go out with him.' He knew what would happen next. They would spend the whole day beside each other, talking and hanging out like normal. Tsuna would just go along, allowing himself to be pulled by Fong. And by the end of the day, the brunet would start making his way back home to hole himself up until he had to go to work.
Nothing new happened after that. And so, life continued.
Before long, Tsuna would hear the news that Fong and his current girlfriend had broken up over something. It was a cycle Tsuna was all too familiar with. The moment he would hear the information, he would go to the store to buy ingredients for a recipe and head on over to Fong's place, offering to cook up a meal every single time.
"Tsuna? What-what are you doing here?" The Chinese man stared at his best friend in surprise, not expecting such a sudden visit, and then glanced down at the bags of food. He blinked his onyx eyes in question, not exactly sure on what was going on. "What's that?"
The brunet tilted his head and peered at over his crush, taking in the other's facial features, before frowning. Fong looked exhausted, skin pale in color, and was somewhat depressed; the breakup probably was worse than usual. Tsuna sighed at that, hating every time he saw Fong like this. "I heard the news, so here I am, offering to cook some food to make you feel better." He jiggled the plastic bag for a second before stepping right in, ducking underneath Fong's outstretched arm that was resting against the door frame. Immediately, the brunet went to the kitchen, dropping the bags onto the counter, and began pulling pots and pans out of the pantry. Fong, deciding to not say anything, closed the front door behind him. He followed along as if he was lost within himself, watching as Tsuna got to work. Sighing, the Chinese man collapsed into a kitchen table chair, still observing the brunet work his magic from behind.
"Thank you, Tsuna. I could really use that wonderful cooking of yours right now." Fong leaned over and rested his head against the table, with arms folded underneath. The brunet glanced over at that and when he saw the other looking so miserable and worn out, he frowned again. Getting everything out and ready, he went to make some hot water, getting the tea leaves out from one of the cabinets. Before long, a steaming cup of oolong tea was placed in front of the other with a sharp tap. Those black eyes peered into the liquid, seeing his face reflecting back at him, and took the cup into his hands, sipping onto it slowly. A weak smile appeared on Fong's lips at that and peered up at the shorter man, who had by then gone back to work. "Really, Tsuna, thank you. Sometimes, I wonder what will happen to me if I don't have you around. Maybe you should move in with me."
Turning to his crush from the kitchen counter where he was cutting something, Tsuna smiled softly. "And I'll tell you every time that that's not going to happen." He rotated back, letting his expression drop. 'Because then I wouldn't be able to control myself. I'd want you all for myself.'
Using those small fingers of his, he started working on combining ingredients together into a pot. He had decided on making curry, Fong's favorite type of food, along with tofu. Then, Tsuna added chilies and other spices to make it the way the other loved it. He carefully added the potatoes, small pieces of chicken, eggs, and other things, mixing everything together into a pleasant and perfect blend. Meanwhile, rice was cooking in another pot, with the water steaming out from the top. As he placed the finished plate in front of Fong, the older man smiled brightly at the brunet, almost as if he had gone back to normal, but Tsuna knew better.
"Really, Tsuna. I mean it. Thank you." Taking a bite, the Chinese man melted at the divine taste and instantaneously went for another mouthful. At the fifth bite, Tsuna had settled into a chair with his own food and Fong paused for a moment. He held his spoon in one hand and stared at the other for a few seconds, tilting his head to the side. "You know, I hope we remain best friends forever, Tsuna."
Tensing for a second, the brunet tried to hide it behind some movement and then he smiled, his lips twitching. "Yes… me too."
I have this bad habit of making my Fong27 somewhat depressing… Why? And someone will ask me about Fong's character, he does act slightly different, perhaps not as mature, but considering that this is supposed to be present setting, any normal person would have their ups and downs. HTat may not have answered the question but it will give you more insight on Fong himself... Hopefully.
Alright, three things to announce:
1. About the Fong27 contest I have going on, the deadline to turn in your stories is the 30th of June. That's next Thursday. I hope to see more submissions by then. And my thanks to all those that have already participated. The link for the site is at the bottom.
2. Also, I've added a whole bunch of khr doujinshi for sale, it ranges from 6927, 1827, X27, R27, SpadeGiotto, and many more. The link is at the bottom as well.
3. Another thing, due to an inspiration, I have started scanning yaoi doujinshi again. I currently have about 5-6 of them up, please note that some are hardcore so download at your own risk. I have stated the rating for them. But to access them, you must be a registered member of livejournal and have friend me. Otherwise, you'll be denied access and will be unable to see them. An example of a doujinshi that is currently up are a cute Fong and Hibari (who are both cats) living with Tsuna. I'll upload more later on.
This link goes to the navigation page where all the above has been started. This will help bring you to multiple sites, just make sure to take out the spaces - http :/ metamorcy1. livejournal. com/5475. html