The next few weeks both Sookie and I were really busy with work and a few other commitments. We weren't able to spend a lot of time together, but we managed to have dinner together most nights before we both collapsed in exhaustion. Sookie had the work started on the club she wanted to open. Her 21st birthday was in late October and she was hoping to open it that week. She had purchased the building 2 years ago. It had been occupied then, but the tenants moved out 3 months ago and it was actually an ideal location for a nightclub.

I had to go to Houston for a couple of days for business in late August and I asked her to come with me. She was hesitant at first and I didn't push her. I think she wanted to see more of the world, but was still somewhat afraid to venture too far from home. She finally told me a week after I'd asked her that she would go with me. I immediately called the hotel and booked a 2 bedroom suite for us.

Our flight was pretty quick. It was Sookie's first time on an airplane. She was nervous. She was excited. She squeezed my hand hard during take off. Once in Houston, I did spend several hours each day in meetings. She stayed in the suite and did work of her own. When I was done, we'd spend the afternoon seeing the sights. I took her to the space center. We went to the Health Museum. I took her to a rock climbing gym. I thought she'd get scared, but boy was I wrong. That tiny woman harnessed up and started climbing like she'd been doing it all her life. She was smiling and laughing the entire time. Of course, we went to the Galleria and went ice skating…also a first for Sookie. I knew how to ice skate a little bit. Sookie didn't. She spent a good deal of time on her ass on the ice and, well, so did I. We had a blast for those 2 days.

The weekend after we got back from Houston I took Sookie to meet my family. She knew Pam already, but call me crazy, I wanted her to know the rest of the family was normal…nothing at all like Pam. Mom and Dad absolutely fell in love with her. I had brought a couple of women home to meet them before and they were always nice to them, but with Sookie it was so different. They hugged her and they chatted all afternoon. When Sookie helped my mom and little sister work on dinner I think Sookie solidified her place in my mom's heart. No other woman I had brought home ever had any real culinary ability or any real ability around the house at all.

Sookie was nervous to meet my family, but quickly relaxed once she got around them. They were all enamored with her. She answered all their questions. All were impressed and in complete awe of this woman when they learned about all had accomplished at such a young age. Mom, Dad, and my oldest brother pulled me aside separately and told me 'not to let this one go.'

On the drive back home Sookie and I chatted easily.

"Well, my family fell in love with you. I'm afraid you're stuck with me," I told her.

"Oh, I don't know. I think maybe I could still go hang out with your parents even if you suddenly disappear. I like them. I was nervous, but they are all actually really cool."

When we got back to our building we grabbed the leftover that my mother sent home with us and walked inside. We were met with my ex-girlfriend, Julie. Why the hell was she here? I hadn't spoken to her in maybe a year or so. She sauntered over to us.

"Hey there! I've been waiting for you," Julie tells me.

"I can see that. Why?"

"I've missed you." Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me. She hasn't even looked at Sookie once.

"Ummm…okay. Sookie, this is Julie. She and I dated maybe a year and a half or two years ago. Julie, this is Sookie," I had my hand on Sookie's lower back making it clear that I really wasn't interested in anything Julie had to say. She was a nice girl and all, but that was ancient history. We were never all that serious with each other. So, this is truly coming out of no where.

"It's nice to meet you," Sookie says with a smile to Julie while holding her hand out. Julie doesn't extend her hand and after a moment, Sookie drops her hand and her smile. Julie barely glances at Sookie before looking back to me.

"Eric, can we talk?"

"Julie, we don't have anything to talk about. Now, Sookie and I have had a long day and we'd like to get upstairs and get to bed."

"You're kidding me, right?"

"Actually, no. Good night."

"This…this little blonde tart lives with you, Eric?"

At this point, Sookie turns to me and says "Eric, look, why don't you talk to her. Clearly she isn't going away until she does. I'm pretty tired. I'll just see you tomorrow."

"I don't want to talk to her," I say honestly.

"Eric, I'm going to bed. Talk to your…." Sookie looks around me to Julie, "friend. Thank you for today. I enjoyed meeting your family." She stretched up on her toes and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you for going with me. They loved you." I gave her a hug. When we pulled back I asked "Breakfast in the morning? I'll cook."

"I'd like that."

"Okay, come for 8. I'll have the coffee ready. I know you are cranky before that first cup." She giggled.

"Sounds good. Now, go talk to your friend so you can actually get some sleep tonight." I rolled my eyes. I so didn't want to deal with Julie's bullshit now.

"Fine. Good night."

"Good night." I watched Sookie get on the elevator and didn't turn away until the doors closed. I took a deep breath and turned around.

"What do you want?"

"Don't be like that, Eric. I just want to talk. We were so good together, baby." As she's saying this she comes closer to me and tried to wrap her arms around me. I, as politely as I can, stop her arms and keep her from touching me as much as I can.

"Julie, I don't know what's gotten into you. We've been over for well over a year. We haven't so much as spoken to each other in at least a year. I don't understand why you show up here and start this."

"I've been thinking about you. I think we should give us another chance."

I couldn't help but laugh which seemed to piss her off.

"Surely you aren't telling me that you are with that…blonde. What is she? 18? What the hell could she possibly offer you? She must only want your money."

"Go home, Julie. Don't come back. I don't know why you're acting like this all of a sudden and honestly I don't care. If you come back here, I will be forced to have you removed from the building." I turn and walk to the elevator. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait too long. The doors open and I step in. I turn in time to see Julie walk out the front doors of the building. I have no idea why the hell she came here tonight. I don't remember her being a psycho, but she sure as hell was way off tonight. Clearly she remembers our relationship as being something a lot more than it was. Hell, we dated maybe 3 months. In fact I can probably count on both hands the number of times Julie and I actually went on actual dates during that time. So, to say I was confused would be an understatement. Oh well. I went to my place and checked some emails before heading to bed. Except for the weirdness with Julie, it had been a really good day


The past few weeks have been busy. When Eric asked me to go to Houston with him, I panicked. I admit it. It wasn't that I didn't want to go. It wasn't that I didn't want to spend time with him. I just never really did much traveling. I had never been on an airplane before. Then I wasn't sure about the room situation. Would he expect me to stay in the same room with him? I was just a big ball of anxiety. I talked to my Gran about it and she talked me down out of my crazy tree.

"Susannah, has Eric ever pushed you in any way that made you uncomfortable?"


"Have you two been 'hooking up?' Isn't that what they're calling it these days?"

"GRAN! Ohmigosh! No! We haven't even really kissed or anything!" I was mortified by the turn this conversation had taken.

"Haven't kissed? What are you waiting for Susannah?"


"Sweetheart, Eric is a good guy. He isn't going to take you out of town and suddenly become a different person. Go. Enjoy yourself. See a bit of the world. Besides, aren't you two going to Florida for a week in a little over a month? This is just a couple of nights."

"You're right. I'm just being silly. I'm going to tell him that I'll go with him. Thank you Gran."

"Anytime, dear."

I ran into Eric that evening when he was getting home from work and I was heading to check on things at the club that I would be opening. I told him that I'd go with him and he got so excited that he very nearly started hopping around squealing like a girl. I couldn't help but laugh.

The plane ride was exciting and scary all at the same time. Once in Houston, we got to our suite and quickly settled in. He apologized profusely every time he had to leave for work, but that's the reason he came here to begin with so I didn't think it was a big deal. I managed to get some of my own work done while he was in meetings. Each day he was back in time for a late lunch and to go see some sights with me. Ice skating was so much fun. I sucked at it and I was sore for days afterwards, but it was a blast.

Eric took me to meet his family after week got back from Houston. I was really nervous. It was silly, I know. But, he was close with his family and I can't help but think that if they didn't like me that Eric and I would have no real shot at anything more than friendship. My fears melted away when his mother pulled me in for a big hug. When I followed her into the kitchen and starting pitching in, I thought she was going to cry. Yikes. His brothers and sisters and their significant others were just as warm and welcoming. You'd never know these people owned and ran a multi billion dollar corporation. But, I guess no one would guess that about me either. All in all, I had a great time and felt like I was part of their family already.

Of course perfect days get ruined all the time, right? Getting back to the building there was a surprise for Eric. A tall, leggy brunette in one of the tiniest dresses I've ever seen. But, even though it was tiny, she managed to make it look classy and she was just supermodel perfect. Huh. That's where I've seen her before. She's a freakin model. What the hell am I doing here? There is no way I can compete with her.

I tried to be polite and held my hand out when Eric introduced us even though she still hadn't really even acknowledged my presence. Finally I had had enough of this bitch. I needed to get away and Eric needed to talk to her. It was clear that she wouldn't leave otherwise. After a few parting words with Eric, I went up to my place.

I can't compete with women like Julie. Tall, gorgeous, perfect skin, perfect everything. He dated her. There is no way that he'd want me after having women like her. I had almost convinced myself that I could have the dream guy. I went to bed feeling self conscious and insecure.


I was working on breakfast when there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see Sookie and handed her a huge hot cup of coffee. I waited for her to take a sip before leaning down to kiss her on the cheek.

"Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning," she said looking kind of sad.

"What's the matter? Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"You just seem kind of sad or something. Did you want to talk about it?"

"Eric, what are we doing here? I'm confused, I guess."

"Oh…well. I thought we were…dating. Am I wrong?" Where the hell was this coming from?

"Why would you want to date someone like me when you've been with models? I…just don't understand. I have nothing to offer. I'm pretty messed up and it's likely that I always will be. You don't need to deal with that. You have a great life and a great family and you're perfect. I don't belong," she tells me.

"Stop it," I say putting my hands on the top of her arms.

"No, Eric. You stop. Listen to me, okay? In what universe do you and I together make sense? You belong with someone that fits in with your world."

"Sookie, listen to me right now. YOU fit in with my world. You are loving, kind, caring, sweet, beautiful, hard working, and my family loves you. I love you. Don't you dare push me away. I won't let you. You are my future and I'm not letting you end us before we've really even had a chance. Do you understand me?"

Sookie just stares at me for a moment before nodding her head.

"Sookie, tell me what brought this on? We have been having such a good time together lately. I thought you were happy. Are you not happy with us? Do you not want to be with me?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Eric. I've loved every moment we've spent together. I just don't want you sticking with me out of pity or because you feel obligated."

"I don't know where you would get that," I took her face in my hands. "Sookie, I love every moment we spend together. Whether it's falling on our asses trying to ice skate or just sitting on the sofa watching television. I want to be where you are. You make me smile. You make me laugh. When something good happens, you're the first person I want to share it with. When I have a crappy day, I look forward to coming home and seeing you and when I do, all of the crap just goes away. I'm not with you because I feel obligated. I'm with you because I want to be with you. And, you KNOW that I've never looked at you with an ounce of pity. I'm amazed at all you've accomplished. You are strong and no matter what you've been through in the past, you came through it and became the person you are today. I. LOVE. YOU."

As I was talking tears began rolling down Sookie's face. I wipe them away gently with my thumbs.

"I love you, too," she tells me. I lean in slowly and brush her lips with mine. Sookie puts her arms around my neck and we deepen the kiss. After several moments, we break apart to breathe. Sookie starts giggling.

"What is it?" I ask her.

"Gran's going to be so happy we finally kissed."

"Well, as long as we keep your Gran happy, everything's good, right?"

She giggled again. I pulled her into the kitchen with me so I could finish up our breakfast.

"Sookie, what happened? What had you so unhappy this morning?"

"Oh, I guess just obsessing over the hottie that I left you in the lobby with last night."

"Julie? Sookie, she and I dated for a really short time nearly 2 years ago. I haven't even seen her in over a year. I'm pretty baffled as to why she'd show up here like that and want to start something. It was just weird. But, she can't hold a candle to you."

"Give me a break."

"Seriously. Why can't you see what I see?" I stepped closer to her and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear. "Sookie, you are so incredibly beautiful inside and out. You are beautiful and sexy and fucking hot. You've got me wanting you all the time." I pulled her up to me and kissed her with all the passion I had in me. I wanted her to know that I loved her and I wanted her like no other. She was it for me. I would go at her pace, but she is my future.

Not a lot of angst here. But what the hell was up with that Julie chick? Will we see her again?