AN: Alas, it has been a long time since i've last updated this story. reason for this is because i'd been moving and quite frankly, i was seporated from my poor computer for far too long. so very sorry for the delays, as i've also been updating other stories and trying to add other chapters to them as well. so far, this one and the one that i'm working on for my twilight fanfic, are my favorite ones, reason one being because they're dramatic, and two,because you can make the nice and gory. although, now that i look back at it, i wonder if i should raise the rating to M. for now, i do advise caution to the those with light stomachs. other than that, enjoy!

sadly, these characters do not belong to me (excet for maybe in my dreams...); however the storyline does and any OCs that make a first appearance.

Darius's POV:

So, it looks like the new addition finally came today. Anita stopped by my room before dinner, to spend some good old quality time. "Here's my favorite cousin! My Darius, you need to get out more, look at how pale you're getting just sitting here." she said critically. I shook my head. "Anita, I don't need to go anywhere; why can't you see that?" I replied. She paused by the curtains, looked me in the eye as I saw the hamster wheel turning. "Dear cousin, wasn't your birthday last month?" I nodded my head but was still cautious to answer. "yes, it was and your point?" almost as if it were the excuse she was looking for she said, "you know, you should hang out with someone close to your age or you'll never experience happiness around here." she pointed a finger around motioning the whole building. Choking I gasped, "this is what you came to tell me?" she nodded.

"Mhmm. Look at Grant and me for example, when haven't you ever seen us apart aside from when I come and visit you?" I couldn't stand it anymore. I raised my palm to her, "stop, I don't want to hear any more…" her closed eyes opened. "Hey! Wait, where are you going? Get back here!" she called at my retreating body. "I'm getting fresh air." I replied over my shoulder. "But Darius, you still haven't met Terra!" I rounded the immaculately white halls until I heard a muffled scream. And then felt pain…

Claire's POV:

After putting my clothes away, my stomach growled at me, reminding that it was time to feed it for another time today, but after that night, I wondered if I'd ever have the same concept of "feed" ever again. I sighed, knowing that I probably wouldn't, grabbed my sort of formal looking sweater and walked down the halls. There were so many doors to choose from, and so many levels to this building that I soon lost track as to how to get back to my room. Finally, I saw another door and instead of passing it like all the other ones, I walked to it and slowly opened the handle a crack, checking if anyone else was around and stepped inside.

At first glance I saw nothing out of the ordinary, just the usual glass chamber area; the doubled reinforce Plexiglas glass windows, the black operating table on the other side of the window, and white suited jackets that hung on the door frame on my side of the room. I stepped closer to the glass to inspect the other half of the room, my eyes scanning the area and nearly lost my cool. Nothing in the world could have prepared me for what I saw on that table; the poor child, no, child wasn't even close. It was an infant. Blood along with bite marks covered the baby's skin, the eye lids were missing, and its teeth stained red, patches of flesh were gone revealing spaces where I could see its bones. I wasn't sure if I'd let out a scream, but my throat suddenly felt raw as my vision blurred and my feet carried me away from the sight back into the halls and collided with another body.

I couldn't speak, but I numbly pawed at the torrent of tears that kept on flowing and whispered my broken apology. "I I- I'm so s-sorry." when I could see, I looked up at who I ran into.

Somehow he reminded me of both my brother and Leon at the same time, and yet, this person looked nothing like them. He was tall, pale, almost wiry and slender but not quite, with dark locks of raven like hair and stunning cold blue eyes. He wore a black button up shirt that hung open, a natural blue that contrasted nicely with his eyes and dark jeans. He didn't look that much older than I did, but my mind questioned it anyway, rather being safe than sorry. Who was he? He looked down at me, puzzled as he straightened himself, then pulled me up.

"I thought I heard a scream." he murmured. I looked around and blushed, but it didn't matter. I didn't have time to look like some crazy person that would lead these people to question who they were employing. What I needed was to be cool and collected. Instead I nodded, trying desperately to erase the image that caused me so much pain and replied, "that was me, sorry. I, uh…" I racked my brain for something that didn't sound so out there. "Um… I got a little claustrophobic with uh, all these white walls." I didn't know if he'd buy it, but he nodded. "You must be Terra. I'm sorry my cousin didn't give you any directions, and don't mind if I say so, but you also seem a little more than lost."

I nodded and let him pull me away as I asked, "Where are we going?" at that instant both our stomachs growled. "Um, last I checked it was dinner, but I'm not so sure we'll get there on time at this rate." he replied as he smiled. So it wasn't just me anymore was it? A few halls and eye scans later, we walked down a case of stairs that led to the cafeteria. "How do you remember all this stuff?" I wondered aloud. He shrugged his shoulders. "Not sure, I mean, when you're hungry enough you'd do anything right?" I shuddered because he didn't know how close to the truth he was.

But the next minute, I looked all around me seeing the place practically empty as Darius walked his way to a stack of trays, boring confidence and ease wherever he went. He came back with a tray and two plates settled on it, gestured to what looked to be an exact copy of the buffet line at Burbank, and motioned for me to follow. Beady drops of corn stared expectantly at me as I plopped them onto my plate, next was a nice helping of mashed potatoes, turkey gravy, cauliflower, a roll of bread, and some type of meat. Darius and I were content with our choices that I looked over to see where the forks were, expecting them to be at the end of this little food line, when suddenly my eyes widened in shock. "Italian? They have Italian here?" I exclaimed quite surprised while he nodded.

Sure enough, he had the whole European theme going for him. Nesting like a gleeful flock of baby birds on his plate sat lasagna, spinach Alfredo, and "pizza?" I asked with a little more disbelief. He sat down shrugging. "It's Italian; didn't Marco polo bring that back with him?" he said defensively. I sighed, wondering what happened to good old spaghetti. "Technically speaking, the Chinese were one of the original groups to make noodles; all Marco did was add tomato sauce and presto. So how on earth is that creative?" I questioned. He poked his fork at me, gooey lasagna dipping down in cheesy strands as he replied. "It's healthier when you think about it, considering the ingredients they toss into this stuff." I still wasn't ready to believe that statement, knowing just as well as he did that that wasn't true. But we both finished our meals quickly, putting our things away as we started walking back to the halls.

"This place is huge," I muttered once again, reminded by a fork in the halls that branched off into different directions. Darius nodded, his eyes flashing with understanding and sympathy. "It's a good thing, I guess. If something were ever to happen, at least it would give people time to deal with whatever it is that they're up against." He said knowingly. As we walked together I wondered what he'd meant by that. Does he know? Is it possible that he knows where-? "…Terra?" he asked as I'd zoned out. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?" I apologized. Darius sighed, then repeating himself he asked, "What's your station tomorrow? This way you don't get lost in the morning." Quickly, I tried remembering what I'd last read before my adventure in this hellish place started.

"I think it's in lab 125D. By the research chamber?" I was pretty sure that it was there that they had requested at. He didn't say anything, but as his pace quickened, he mumbled something under his breath. "Why didn't she pull my hair out while she was at it?" he asked himself. "You okay?" I wondered, knowing that there was something wrong. "It's nothing, really. But um, that's good. I guess were going to be partners as of tomorrow." As he smiled, I noticed it was strained and it also seemed out of place on him. Almost faster than I thought possible, we ended up back at my room, and before Darius could leave, I invited him or rather dragged him in, not caring how it might have looked to someone else.

His eyes hardened, and his muscles tensed in anticipation as did my own, but for a different reason. He probably thought I was some girl who'd been love sick and wanted to spill their hearts out to him, but that wasn't why I brought him in here with me. He seemed like the type of person who was really honest about what he deemed as right and as risky as it was, I wanted to have at least one person that I could trust here. Taking an even breath, I made myself get ready for what was coming next, but I was going to need paper and a pen for what I was about to do. "Please wait here Darius." I asked as I went to my luggage, pulling a gel pen from one of the side pockets near the concealed handgun. From the paper that I found on the desk counter, I began to write, quickly scrawling different letters in and a few patterns for safety measures. He soon left a few minutes later after saying goodnight, the note neatly tucked away as he walked down another hall before I lost sight of him.

AN: i still dont remember Clair's age, but i'd figured it'd work if she's barely getting out of highschool; as for Darius, i want to say he's eight teen or nine teen-ish. for now, i hope that i wasnt to out of touch with this fanfic or too OOC. please fill free to let me know if its not gorey enough, but in my defense, its still the second chapter. :) thanks guys,

Dark Angel Seren