Honestly, I don't know what to say. I've been dreaming about this for awhile now. Shortly after getting hooked on Criminal Minds, this starting appearing in my head. It's probably my favorite television show that comes from American.

Hey, it's rated 'M' for a reason, so look away young people! Though... young people shouldn't be reading or watching Criminal Minds anyway...

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Criminal Minds. If I did, I would surely make it so that Reid gets get all the honeys. :D

How did it turn out like this?

That was the question currently plaguing Dr. Spencer Reid's mind at the moment. Admittedly, he knew how it happened. He just didn't understand why it had to happen. Initially, he had been afraid for his life… or was it his innocence? Either way, he had been afraid. Things such as this didn't generally happen to him, after all. Still, after that period of uncertainty, it was relatively enjoyable. He wouldn't mind doing it again. However, he could do without his current predicament. Being looked at as though he were a victim, again, was not his idea of a fun time.

"Who's going to pay for my fucking door, you gung-ho jackass?" A roar came from inside.

Reid found himself sighing heavily. He could barely feel the paramedic treating his minor head injury. What he did feel was an oncoming headache. It had felt something akin to his sporadic caffeine withdrawals. He closed his eyes for a moment, wishing all this chaos could fade away into a distant memory. There was no such luck, of course. This wasn't Las Vegas. This was Quantico, Virginia, and he was still sitting with the paramedics as the local officers asked him questions about the incident. Reid sighed again.

This was somehow all Morgan's fault.


To rewind things a bit, it had all started when Morgan invited the team to get a few drinks with him. He thought of it as a celebration. The team had just gotten back from a case in which they managed to save ten children and send them back to their families. It had been a good feeling to have on the plane ride back. Most agreed to his invitation. Hotch, however, declined, most likely wanting to get home to his son. Generally, with cases involving children, Hotch reacted that way once they returned home. So it didn't come as a surprise when he declined. Rossi didn't participate either, and so it was just Morgan, Garcia, Prentiss, and Reid. Now, Reid didn't mind the company. Still, he had been itching to decline Morgan's offer. However, his co-worker had been quick to retort before Reid had said anything.

Come on, Pretty Boy, anything's better than sitting at home reading Twilight.

I told you before that the only reason I read it was to see why you guys laughed at me for not knowing what it was, and to this day, it was the worse decision I have ever made.

Then don't be so antisocial, Reid. Come with us.

After a bit more persuading, he had agreed to come along. Since the 'old guys' weren't coming, they—they meaning Morgan—changed the location of the celebration. After about three glasses of alcohol, Reid had finally noticed that he was alone. They had left him. Morgan, of course, was on the dance floor, flirting with the several women that surrounded him. Prentiss had disappeared to talk to some handsome stranger at the far end of the bar. Garcia, he had seen her leave. She, apparently, had to go home early. It was something involving Kevin, her boyfriend, trying to be romantic and nearly burning her place down.

This was the reason he hated outings involving clubs, and what a ridiculous name to call them by the way. Eventually, everyone would split up to have fun on their own. Clubs were disgusting his opinion. They were hot, crowded, and one of the most potential sources for predators—a cesspool. He would rather be home, curled up, rereading a good book. Instead, he was stuck here, at a club, because he had hitched a ride with Morgan of all people. Speaking of his womanizing co-worker, he had said he would only be away for a moment. He had claimed he would be back to help him in the lady department. Reid almost scoffed. Looking at him now, Morgan seemed way too preoccupied with drawing in as many women as he possible could.

Not that he wanted or needed help. Sure, he was a bit socially awkward—the others would comment on this on several occasions—but he could hold conversations with women. There had been numerous cases involving women over the years, and he had spoken with quite a few of them. Apparently, though, victims didn't count according to Morgan. He sure did like to bring up Lila Archer, contradicting his victims don't count remark.

Without warning, a person sat down next to him at the bar. Well, technically, she had sat two stools down, but the sudden action still caused him to flinch. Quickly, his eyes examined the young female. It had been a trait he had picked up after Tobias. Scoping his surroundings before breathing again—irritating as it was, it would probably prevent him from getting kidnapped again… maybe. He wasn't nearly as athletic as Morgan. Who was he fooling? He wasn't athletic at all. But enough about his lack of athletic prowess, he had a potential offender to his right. The chances of that being the case were slim—highly improbable. After all, female offenders were usually avengers or merely impulsive.

This woman didn't seem to be the impulsive type. Her deep brown eyes were… almost calculating as she stared down at the bar top. Further indication of her being into her thoughts came when she bit down on her lower glossed lip. That had been an action he used to do in high school whenever he was lost in his own thoughts. She shifted her eyes from the bar top to the dance floor several times, all the while chewing her lip. Her long black hair moved in response, sliding from her shoulders. Her eyeliner lined eyelids closed briefly as she released a sigh. "Looks like I'm walking home alone again…" she murmured. Clearly, her sentence was intrapersonal communication, not meant for anyone else's ears, yet spoken aloud. Something within him compelled him, though. Maybe it was the countless female victims he had come into contact with, which could have been less had the women traveled in a group. The thought of a person becoming a victim simply because of bad judgment made him cringe. Or maybe it was the alcohol in his system. Hell, at this point he didn't know. Still, whatever the reason, he had spoken up.

"I would advise you not to do that," Reid told her. He hastily turned his eyes down to his half empty glass when she turned surprised eyes to him. In the United States 1.3 women are sexually every minute. That results in 78 assaults each hour, 1,872 assaults each day, 56,160 each month, and 683,280 each year. Potentially, these numbers could be reduced if alcohol and being alone could be taken out of the equation." After he was finish, he pressed his lips into a thin line. He had done it again. The 'ladies,' as Morgan called them, didn't want to be bored to death with his memorized statistics. Reid hesitantly glanced at the woman. She still had her eyes on him. The genius cleared his throat. Before he could speak again, to apologize, she sucked in a breath.

"Be that as it may, Wiki," she began, propping her right elbow on the bar top. Wiki…? "I can take care of myself just fine. I'm quite capable. Besides, my friend looks like she's getting lucky tonight with that ridiculously sexy man on the dance floor." Curious, Reid's eyes drifted. There was only one man on the dance floor, seeing as how they had given up when said ridiculously sexy man took all of the women. Derek Morgan. His co-worker seemed keen on only one woman now.

"You wouldn't be talking about Mr. Charismatic, would you?" Reid questioned.

"You know him?" she asked. He turned his focus back the woman.

"Surprisingly. Although sometimes…" he trailed off. Luckily, she seemed to get his joke and chuckled lightly.

"I know that feeling, Wiki." She sighed again. "Sometimes my friend is like my own personal menace, and at those times I don't want to claim her either."

"Wiki…?" Reid repeated.

"You know… Wikipedia. You sounded like an encyclopedia just now."

"That website isn't as credible as people make it out to be. Anyone can freely add or edit the content, and make it seem real by providing links to other spurious websites. Once, I changed the definition of classical conditioning. Originally, it is a type of learning in which a behavior, or conditioned response, comes to be elicited by a stimulus, or conditioned stimulus, that has acquired its power through an association with a biologically significant stimulus, or unconditioned stimulus. I changed its meaning to the cooling of instruments that are used to play classical music! It was there for two weeks until someone spotted it and fixed it. That is two weeks' worth of children getting the wrong information, putting it in their school papers and turning it in for a horrible grade!" Reid crossed his arms. "My statistics come from the latest scholarly journals and scientific articles and are purely factual!"

"Pfft…!" He blinked, and then slowly turned his attention back to the woman. She wasn't looking at him. Her eyes were squeezed shut. Her shoulders trembled. It looked as though she was- "Yo-You sound s-s-so… proud! Puahaahahaha! You are such a nerd!" Yes. She had been holding back laughter, and it had now exploded from her lips. Reid felt himself flush. Reciting statistics as if they were right in front of him was something he was confident in. Ranting… Admittedly, he hadn't done a lot of it. Apparently, it was hilarious. On top of being laughed at, she had called him a nerd. He hadn't had this combination since high school. His fingers gripped his glass. It didn't bring pleasant memories. "Okay, okay, nerd—I got it. I won't call you Wiki." Finally, her laughter had subsided. She had called him nerd again. However… It had taken that second time for him to realize she had not referred to him that way, intending to insult him. The tone in her voice suggested the opposite. In fact, it could be considered a term of endearment. "But since you're so against Wiki, how about you give me a real name?"

"Ah—Reid," he said. He cleared his throat again. "Spencer Reid."

"It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Spencer Reid." A hand was extended in his direction. "My name is Holloway." She smiled lightly as he grasped her hand. "Kelly Holloway."

It had been contagious. Reid returned the smile with ease. His heart still pounded, but at least the mood was pleasant. It had gone from pleasant to simply comfortable. Kelly was an easy person to speak with. Although there were some times where she took on that expression he was used to seeing from his co-workers—dazed and confused, he liked to call it—generally, she seemed legitimately interested. After shared chuckles, laughter, and magic tricks and statistics on his part, the club was about to close. Apparently, hours had gone by.

Reid's eyes looked around, trying to locate anyone on his team. There were no signs of Prentiss or Morgan. Great—no ride home. He checked his cell phone. He had received two messages. The first one was from Prentiss. Go with Morgan, it said. The second message was from Morgan. Got lucky ;) Get ride from Emily, it said. He had such great friends. The messages were sent about fifteen minutes apart from one another—around midnight. It was now after two in the morning. He hadn't even noticed.

"Wow, she really did leave me." Kelly narrowed her eyes down at her glowing cell phone screen. Huffing, she placed the device back in her pocket. Her brown eyes turned his way. "It's getting late, so-"

"Technically, its morning, so getting early would be the-"

"You nerd," she grinned and tapped his left cheek with her index and middle finger. Clearly, she was slightly intoxicated. Kelly pulled him forward. He could feel his heart begin to increase its pace. "As I was saying, it's getting late, so take me home."

"Take you home?" Reid repeated, blinking several times in rapid succession. The woman nodded her head. "I… I don't know wh-where you live," he stammered out. Kelly giggled and said something that he could not understand. She pressed a finger to his nose.

"It's only a few minutes away from here." The woman sat up straight. "What should I do?" Her eyes closed for a moment. "A defenseless sexy woman like me, walking home all alone, with alcohol in the equation? Haah…! Is it my fate to become a statistic?" If memory served him well—and it did even in his tipsy state of mind—she had told him that she had two older brothers who liked to use karate on her to test their skills. Apparently, she had 'kicked their asses anyway.' She could have been lying, or exaggerating, but her boasting seemed too sincere.

"Okay, I'll t-take you home," Reid said, standing. He held her to stand as well. She wobbled a bit before standing upright. Kelly, unabashed, leaned against his shoulder. "Hey, I'm going to need your address."

The walk took about ten minutes. Although it was decided that he would take her home, she had been the one leading him. Compared to his, her hand was small. Holding a woman's hand like this—it didn't happen too often. Reid didn't know if it was the alcohol, but he did not want to let go even as Kelly fumbled to unlock her door. However, it seemed as though she had no intention of releasing him either. But, as she said, it was… late, and he needed to catch the subway. Reid pulled away before he had a chance to step into her house. Kelly stumbled before turning to face him. "What?" she asked.

"I have to get going. I have work early, and I need as much time as I can to get over a potential hangover," Reid chuckled. Kelly did not mirror his actions. Instead, she frowned. After a few moments of awkward silence, she released a heavy sigh.

"I have a confession to make, Spencer Reid." The woman shifted forward. She was very close to him. So close… Too close. His heart rate accelerated yet again. He could feel her warm breath against his chin. "I do not do anything without planning ahead. Tonight, I saw you. Immediately, I wanted you, and so I sent my friend off to go flirt with Mr. Charismatic, leaving you by yourself."

"Eh…?" Reid squeaked out as he took one step back. Smirking, Kelly only took a step forward. She took a hold of his tie and pulled him forward.

"You think you can run away?" she whispered. "After all my careful planning, Spencer Reid?"

Okay. This was getting scary. This situation was beginning to look like a sexual predator's case he had back when Gideon was around. However, the offender was male. Most, if not all, sexual predators were male. This woman stood in front of him, leering. Split personality disorder…? It was plausible. He had seen it before. Kelly Holloway had seemed to transform. "Um… Ca-Can't we talk about this?" he asked. She suddenly put on a smile and even chuckled.


In a blink, Reid found himself on the other side of the door, pressed against it while Kelly locked the door. The sound of that click was the most dreaded sound. He always heard her keys hit the floor before he felt her hands on his chest. "K-Kelly…?" Reid yelped, feeling her fingers pinch him through his shirt. The woman continued to touch him, pushing against his body with her own. All the while, she never broke eye contact. Reid breathed deeply, trying to figure something out. Her knee brushed against his crotch. Well, there goes that something. "H-Hey…!" Kelly reached up, sliding the back of her fingers up and down his right cheek.

"It's your first time with me, so I'll be gentle."

"You sou-sound like an old pedophile rapist!"

"Now, now, Spencer. I believe it was stated that you were older than me. Besides, it's not rape if you enjoy it~! Just let it happen."

"You are not helping your—mmph!"

A soft, warm feeling interrupted him. Without much of a warning, Kelly had taken it upon herself to silence him with her kiss. It was the opposite of her sudden demanding behavior. Slow, long, and oddly soothing—it made his eyes shut. His usually high speed thoughts slowed down the longer she held contact. Reid breathed in through his nose, inhaling her artificial scent. Some type of fruity smell, or candy maybe. On their own, his hands found her waist, fingers gripping her hips and pulling her closer. Her lips moved slightly. He could feel her smirking.

Kelly wasted no more time on such a mediocre kiss. Her tongue glided over his lips, and then thrust into his mouth. She wrapped an arm around his neck, causing his shoulders to hunch over. Her other hand returned to his chest. Moaning, Reid allowed his tongue to be played with. With each twirl, a hot feeling entered his body and spread. Wave after wave of this euphoric sensation petrified and turned him into goo at the same time. Her tongue and lips pulled away, leaving them both panting heavily. Again, his body moved on its own accord. He leaned forward, wanting another.

However, her finger was all he received. "Ah, ah, ah," she said. Her finger traced the edge of his lips in a slow sensual manner. She bit her own lip. Through half covered eyes, her lustful intentions were clearly seen. Kelly wrapped all of her fingers around his tie. She took several steps back, causing him to be pulled along. "It'd be uncomfortable by the door." Again, she moved, turning her body, leading him further into the house. They passed many pictures—family and friends most likely. At least that meant she wasn't a psychopathic sexual sadist. Well, he didn't have the worry about the psychopathic part. The house on had one level, if she didn't have a basement, so finding her bedroom didn't take very long. It was normal—thank God. Once she flipped the light switch, the entire area was illuminated. Her room was decorated with personal items. Awards were hung. Posters—probably of her favorite musical band—were taped to the wall. Of course, he didn't recognize the punk rock group. There was a black desk. An opened laptop was on the desk, but it was shut off. A bookcase was in the room, too. Surprisingly, he recognized a few of the titles.

Unfortunately, he didn't have enough time to examine the room in its entirety. He was pushed down on the queen-sized bed. Kelly stood over him. Reid could have sworn she snapped her teeth at him, like a shark with its prey. "She's going to eat me…" he thought as he used his elbows to lift his torso. That thought hadn't seemed as unappealing as it should have been. The woman began to undress, starting with her black sandals. She then wiggled out of her jean skirt. Then the shirt came off. Reid swallowed hard, taking in her appearance. Honestly, this was the first time he had been this attracted to someone outside his race. Her brown skin seemed to glow under the dimmed lights.

Kelly sauntered over to the bedside, wearing only her black lacy underwear. She climbed on the bed, on top of him, teasing him with small kisses. Ignoring the tie, she proceeded to unbutton his shirt. Finally, it was slid off his shoulders. Again, his thoughts faded as she began nipping and sucking at his neck. Her hands ran down his chest, leaving no skin on his upper body untouched. Her black hair fell, tickling his shoulder. Then she attacked his lips again, most like intending to make it look like he had been thoroughly kissed.

He hadn't realized his pants were off—or his shoes—until her hand found his arousal. Reid turned his head, breaking the kiss. "W-Wait…!" He panted, wrapping his fingers around her forearm. Kelly paused her alluring assault, turning her focus on his eyes. "What… What about uhum… protection?" Truthfully, he was more worried about being completely nude in front of such confident and beautiful woman.

"Birth control," she replied, and then proceeded to kiss him again. Once more, he turned his head away.

"I-I meant co-condoms! Sexually Transmitted Diseases are rapidly spreading, and most of the time it's not from the actual sexual intercourse!" Reid tried to reason. "If you don't have any then maybe we should-" Without a word, Kelly hopped off of him, went over to her desk, pulling out several drawers. Reid watched her, blinking several times in slight confusion. Finally, after a few moments of searching, she pulled out a single condom.

"God, you remind me of me when I was a virgin," Kelly remarked. Reid's entire face felt like fire. She chuckled, walking back over. She placed the corner of the wrapper in her mouth, held there by her clenched teeth. "Now, off with those pants!" With a swipe of her hands, he became fully exposed. Except for the tie, of course. Before he got the chance to attempt to cover himself, Kelly squeezed his knee, keeping his legs apart. With surprising quickness, his body was ready to mold with hers. Deep brown eyes found his. "You ready, nerd?" Her body slid against his. She kissed his chin. Reid could only nod. The woman's tongue entered his mouth again. The kiss was as wild and addicting as the others.

For a moment, her hands' touch disappeared from his body, only to return seconds later, along with the feeling of her naked erect breast against his chest. "Ah!" Her tongue had gone for his earlobe, and then her teeth. "AHH!" It was quite the sensitive area apparently, and Kelly seemed to relish in making him squeal because of it. She rubbed her nose back and forth against his ear. He could hear her chuckles over his excessive panting. At this rate, he wouldn't be able to take much more.

Seemingly reading his mind, Kelly stopped molesting his ear. She kissed his cheek, trailing kisses down to his chest. At last, she removed the last piece of her clothing. With a groan of bliss, the woman lowered herself down onto his member. Sighing out, she rocked back and forth. Her pelvic region moved in a slow rhythmic manner, eyes closing. Reid had squeezed his eyes shut as soon as his body felt like exploding. Kelly picked up speed, guiding his hands over her breasts. Her back arched back. She bit her lip to keep her delighted moans at bay.

The room felt like it was spinning. The friction between them—so hot and wet—made them both cry out. Did time stop for this moment? Did it go faster? Reid couldn't be sure. Their arms, legs, and fingers intertwined. Sweat continued to form as they moved together, against each other, and then together again. Eventually, it came. The intense building behind a fragile wall burst forward, equipped with its own white light. For several seconds, both Reid and Kelly's bodies were tense. Their panting, shuddering, slowed down. The woman collapsed on top of him. Her dark tresses fell on his face, yet Reid made no effort to move.

After minutes of breathing heavily, Kelly managed to find the strength to lift herself. Reid could not do the same. His body felt like lead, which was located down in the darkest part of the ocean where a giant squid held him hostage. Fortunately, he could still open his eyes. Kelly hovered over him, tired smile on her face. She massaged his lips with her own parted ones, rubbing them back and forth. "So good," she whispered, and then brushed her tongue against his bottom lip.

She lied down beside him, resting her head on his chest. Reid released one last heavy breath before his body finally came down from his high. He stared up at the white ceiling as he felt Kelly trace circles around his nipples. His thoughts came back full force, and he had a hard time keeping up with them. He, certified genius, had a hard time sorting through his own thoughts. Reid shook his head. It was certainly no wonder why average males tend to think about sexual intercourse 13 times a day, which means 4,745 times a year. With those numbers, it was amazing how they were still able to function.

Good thing he was no average male.


"Hello! Hello! Hello! You have reached the divine goddess of all things sacred! How may I assist you with your blackmailing?"

"Hey, Sweetness, have you heard from Reid yet?" Morgan's voice came from the receiver.

"He's not at his desk?"

"No, and his not picking up his cell either. He's not usually late for work. Prentiss was supposed to give him a ride home last night."

"Don't lie!" His co-worker's shout was heard. Garcia smiled as she continued to file her nails.

"Give me a minute. I'm sure Reid can't resist the call of his mystical maiden!" she told him. "Talk to you in a few."

"Thanks, Baby Girl."

With a click, the call ended, and Garcia went to work contacting Spencer Reid's phone. It rang several times before the familiar sound of a pickup was heard. Garcia grinned triumphantly. She had the magic touch, that's all. Her tall glass of chocolate milk would be oh so jealous. "He-Hello?" The computer specialist blinked. Although the voice was high-pitched, it sounded too high-pitched to be the lovable genius she was used to hearing. Also, the voice sounded a bit miffed. It was morning. Not everyone was a morning person.

"Reid…? My precious flower, are you, by chance, sick?"

"Sick…?" The voice chuckled almost… sinisterly. "You could say that." Surely, this was not Reid. The voice sounded too effeminate. "Sorry, but Spencer Reid can't talk right now. He's too busy being punished for trying to escape." Garcia's eyes expanded as she was forced to listen to heavy breathing.

"N-N-No…! Do-Don't!" That was Reid's voice. That was definitely Reid's pain-stricken voice. That was it. That's all she heard because the call ended right after. The purple bedazzled pen she had been twirling between her fingers dropped, hitting the floor with a deafening clank. Garcia's mouth dropped opened, staring at her computer screen in shock.

"Re-Reid's been kidnapped again!"


"I wish you wouldn't have done that. Now I'm really late for work."

Kelly only grinned, and then kissed his ear again. She had taken quite the liking to that part of his body. "Not my fault you enjoyed it." She shrugged her shoulders before kissing his lips. "You could have said no. I mean, you just took it like a champ." Hand in hand, she led him down the hallway. "Besides, I'm taking you to work, nerd. You should be grateful to have transportation after such a wild night… and morning." Reid cleared his throat and looked towards the floor. His face warmed once again, recalling those sweet and passionate memories. Kelly had no mercy. In her words, she was 'a lady in the streets, but a freak in the sheets.' Initially, he couldn't understand the meaning behind her words, but once she explained it, he agreed that it was an accurate portrayal.

It was a bit disheartening that it was ending so soon. Should he ask to see her again? He still didn't understand what a woman like her could want with a man like him in the first place. Maybe it was best that he didn't ask for a number. He was an agent of the BAU, after all. Pursuing a relationship, that wasn't a onetime deal, was for the best. Morgan knew that. Hotch found that out the hard way. Mentally, the genius nodded his head. It was best this way. He should just count his blessings like last time with Lila, and move on.

"Hey, Spencer," Kelly's voice brought him out of his thoughts. "You're squeezing my hand a little hard, you know."

"Sorry," he apologized, loosening his grip. Then he noticed that they had stopped walking towards the front door. Kelly was staring back at him with a look of concern. "Don't ask. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I mean-"

Unfortunately, before she could finish, things got chaotic. The banging of the door being kicked off its hinges caused the two to snap their heads toward the door. Men in black entered and spread through the house, guns pointing. And who was the leader of this swarm of black? "Morgan…?" Reid found himself exclaiming. He didn't know what was going through his co-workers head at the moment, and perhaps he never did or would, but Morgan dashed towards them, shouting something intelligible. Boom—took her down. The woman released a cry upon impact. Because their hands were still linked, Reid fell down as well. Regrettably, there had been a table near him and his head hit the corner of it. Picture frames fell, glass shattered, and loud noises gave him a serious headache.

Or maybe it was the sudden loss of blood?


Reid glowered at the ground below him. It had taken more than twenty minutes to explain the situation. It shouldn't and wouldn't have taken so long if Kelly had not decided to call upon her defensive maneuvers against a federal agent. Morgan wasn't all too happy that he had to fight off a woman. Both of them had only calmed down once he shouted out his displeasure. No one had moved or spoken a word afterwards. Most likely they were shocked. He, himself, was shocked as well. Never had he raised his voice.

After the situation had calmed, Morgan explained that Garcia thought he was being held against his will. Well, that had been partially true, which caused Kelly to chortle and Reid to flush. "Listen," he had said. "This is a private matter and obviously a misunderstanding, so if you would all just leave-" During this, Morgan and looked back and forth between him and Kelly. The reason Reid had stopped talking was because a knowing half smile appeared on his co-workers face.

"Alright—let's have someone take a look at that injury," Morgan suggested. "Officers, lead Agent Reid out. I have something to discuss with Ms. Holloway." Judging from Ms. Holloway's expression, she had not liked the sound of that. Truthfully, Reid didn't like the sound of that either. However, he was feeling a bit lightheaded. And so, begrudgingly, he had been led out of the house, leaving Morgan and Kelly alone. They had been in there for a little more than four minutes when Kelly's shout came forward.

"Who's going to pay for my fucking door, you gung-ho jackass?"

Reid sighed heavily. He didn't blame her. Morgan always had been enthusiastic about kicking doors. A few moments later, the gung-ho jackass emerged from the house, looking surprisingly smug. Reid narrowed his eyes in suspicion as he made his way over. "My man!" His hand came down on his shoulder a few times. "Didn't know you had it in you. Wait till I tell the rest of the team—Pretty Boy's got jungle fever." He didn't feel sick, and he doubted it was a real disease anyway. Before he could question what this 'jungle fever' was, Morgan walked away, laughing to himself. That made him even more suspicious.

Shrugging to himself, Reid stood up and walked towards the house. Inside, Kelly was picking up the fallen picture frames, grumbling to herself. "Threaten me…? I'd like to see him try!" He cleared his throat, gaining her attention. Kelly stood up, frowning. He had wanted to make an apology, but she apologized first. "I'm sorry. This is my entire fault." At his expression of confusion, she continued. "I answered your phone this morning while we were…" She trailed off, averting her eyes to the side. Ah… He remembered now. She had been annoyed with the ringing, so she had answered quite angrily. After a few spoken words, she had placed the phone near his mouth, never once stopping her assault. He had hastily ended the call, but apparently he couldn't avoid a misunderstanding.

"Ah—about the door…" Reid began.

"Your friend is going to fix it personally!" Kelly crossed her arms.

"Oh." A silence hung between them. It wasn't necessarily awkward, but he felt compelled to fill the silence. "Yo-You want coffee sometime?" Her eyebrows shot up. Clearly she was surprised. He made a mistake. He shouldn't have asked. She was going to laugh in his face and say it was a one night only type of relationship and that there was no way she was going to see him again. Especially after all the chaos that happened as a result. "Stupid…!" He squeezed his eyes shut, preparing for the blow.

"Sorry, I don't like coffee." There it was. A clear rejection. "But I wouldn't mind seeing you again." Slowly, he opened his eyes. Kelly was smiling. She turned her gaze to the floor and tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear. "Despite the wake up call, it was fun. You're fun, Spencer."

"Really? You wouldn't mind?" Reid asked just to make sure. Kelly shook her head. She returned her eyes to him. "You're not bored of my statistics?"

"They could come in handy," Kelly replied. She then grinned. "I swear it's not because of the great sex." Reid flushed again. "I like you. And if you like me, too, then we shouldn't deny that, right?"

"Right." His agreement was awarded with a soft kiss.

Okay. Maybe he should thank Morgan instead of blame him.
