Tag to S6.E10.


Title: Take what I have to give

Rating: T

Pairings: Dean/Castiel mentions of Cas/Meg

Summary: Dean had been too shocked to even have thoughts process in his mind when he witnessed Cas kissing Meg. But now that he's had some time to think. He discovers that he doesn't like it one bit.

"I don't understand why you have such animosity towards me. I don't even know what I did wrong..." Castiel says softly. Well, he knows a great deal of somethings he's done wrong. But he had meant the best. He didn't want to see Dean suffering so what did he do? He brought Sam back from the pit only to discover he had left a vital part behind. Castiel wasn't exactly lying to Dean per-say... at least that's what Castiel tried to convince himself of. But why was Dean so angry with him? It had been a couple of days of the after math from escaping the hell hounds that Meg had been left behind to fight.

"You don't understand why I'm mad? How about I help you out! Out of the billions of people you could of kissed, you kissed a Demon! Meg no less!"

"Is it because it reminds you of how Sam was with Ruby?"

Castiel didn't know what made him utter those words, but he was always blunt to begin with even if he had much practice in keeping his mouth shut and forcing himself to keep some things a secret from his charge.

"Don't even go there, don't you dare go there."

Castiel looked at Dean, meeting his eyes and understood instantly. "It is, your worried I will pick a demon over you."

"Well it's happened before hasn't it! Apparently I'm not good enough for anyone!" Dean barked out in anger. Castiel was at loss of what to say for a moment, trying to replay those words over and over a couple of times. He noticed Dean fidgeting lightly like he was planning on running. Just before he could reach the door, Castiel was there before him.

The blue eyed angel placed his hand over where the brand was located and felt that familiar rush of feeling shoot throughout his body. He watched Dean's eyes flutter for a moment, clearly he was never the only one that felt the same feeling. "Dean, you must know that is not true and I will always put you before anyone and everyone else. Need I remind you that I chose you over heaven? Over God? Over my family... everything I have ever known..for you."

Dean swallowed roughly and looked down, not meeting his eyes as he slowly got the words out that he had wanted to say. "Was she your first?"


"God, your going to make me say it aren't ya Cas... Your first kiss." The way Dean said the last of it had some type of fear in it. Fear that Castiel could only label as fear if she had been the first anything else.

"Kiss? Yes... everything else... no... That's for you and only you... should you ever wish to take it." Because Cas didn't know how more obvious he could make it that he'd give up the world for the older Winchester. He'd give him anything and everything the hunter wanted.

Dean didn't know if it was just out of pure selfishness or something else entirely that made him do and say what he did next. He put his hand over Castiel's heart and spoke lowly. "Damn right it's mine to take and no one else is ever going to touch you like that again." Then as if to purge the thought of Meg ever having been there first, Dean leaned in and kissed him roughly. As if to cleanse the Angel from the Demon's taint on his lips.

Castiel was a little overwhelmed and backed up holding on to Dean until he fell into the wall forcefully. This was certainly different from Meg's kiss. The angel knew Dean liked to take charge and Castiel could of easily overpowered the other man but chose not to.

Because like he had told Dean. He let him take what he had to offer.