Okay! Before I start I'm going to make an obvious disclaimer :

X – I DON'T OWN FRUITS BASKET! (Though that would be SO cool! :D)

A.N. : This is like my first time writing a Furuba fan fiction. So please, be nice and don't get mad at the pairings I have chosen. Sometimes characters Tohru for example WILL be OOC I have chosen many pairings to be with Tohru. :D AND THIS IS ANIME BASED, SO AKITO IS IN FACT MALE!

Just like the Anime . She has many pairings to be paired with. So don't say stuff like 'THAT PAIRING ISNT REAL!' It is in my eyes. :3 And I'm not really sure what the story plot is about. LOL D: I just started typing. :D hopefully, I get it. :/

- Thanks for reading. :D

"Tohru!" Momiji said jumping into the brunette's arms, then forming into the rabbit of the Chinese Zodiac. Tohru giggled, as she started to pick up his clothes than fell on the floor.

"So what made you decide to come to the main house today?" He asked her. She shrugged. "I just wanted to see how everyone is doing." She smiled. Momiji jumped out of her arms, looking down at the floor. "Well, the only person not doing so well is Akito."

Tohru turned around as Momiji turned back to human. "What do you mean?" She said, staring out the gate. "He turned very ill. He's even more frail than he was before. Oh, and you can turn around now." Tohru did as she was told, and pouted slightly. "Is it okay if I check on him?" She asked. "I don't really know." He looked at the floor. "We would all say that we're glad he's not doing so well so that we have peace and quiet, but now there's this big depression over the whole Sohma village." He moved his foot on the ground, making scrap noises.

"I think I should. I could probably get medicine-"

"Hatori already tried to do that. Nothing is working." Momiji pouted. Tohru sighed, "Let's go check on him." She said. Momiji felt scared for a moment, knowing Akito's temper. But he agreed to it anyway, asking an adult for permission and for supervision.

Tohru, Momiji, and Hatori gathered into the room where Akito laid, coughing. Tohru looked at Hatori, and he nodded. She stepped to Akito slowly.

"A-Akito? I-It's me, Tohru." Tohru gulped, shaking a bit, remembering her last visit, hoping he wouldn't harm her.

"What do you want?" His voice, cold.

"I-I came to see if you were okay." She faced him. He looked her up and down before turning around. Momiji pouted, and so did Tohru. "If you would like anything, I would be happy to get it for you!" She tried to sound cheerful, even though seeing the sight of Akito made her feel like she had something to do with his suffering.

"I don't need anything from you." He said, coughing right after. "I-I could make you some soup…" She said, once again, facing him. His dark black bangs covered his face, his skin was so pale, he had black bangs under his eyes. Tohru gulped, looking at Hatori and Momiji.

Akito looked up at her. "Why do you want to help me? After all, I bet your one of the people who want me gone as soon as possible." He sighed, sitting up. Tohru took a step back. He looked outside, through his window. A small parakeet flew into the room, onto his index finger that he held out. "No one wants me here, though I'm the reason they're alive right now." He held the parakeet close to his face, staring into the small birds small black eyes.

"Are you sure you don't anything? I could go to the store, and get you anything, to improve your health." She then, took a step closer. Momiji gulped.

Akito corner eyed her, and then looked at the bird once more before letting it fly back outside. He turned to her. Tohru, stepping back a bit, scared. His dark eyes stared at her for a moment. He rolled his eyes, looking back outside. "Don't get me anything. I'm fine." He coughed once again. Hatori walked over to him, putting the back of his right hand on his Akito's forehead. "You have a fever." He mumbled. Akito stood up, pushing Hatori to the side. "I'm fine." He stepped outside.

Tohru walked outside. "If you need anything, let someone know and let them call me so I can get it for you." She smiled, leaving the room, letting out a huge sigh of relief.

Momiji followed her and Hatori stayed in the room.

"That was kind of scary, wasn't it?" They walked down the hall going outside, stepping out of the gate.

"Yeah…" Tohru mumbled. 'He knows he's, yet he wants to be left alone. Why doesn't he want someone to help him…?' Tohru thought to herself.

Momiji skipped around. "Hey Tohru! Common!" He snapped her out of her train of thought. "O-Oh! Coming!"

Hatori and Akito

"Why, Hatori," Akito began. "Why does she want to help someone like me?" He grit his teeth. He couldn't even think of a reason. He knows the kind of person he is, and he knew what kind of person she was. But he just couldn't figure out why she's being so nice.

Hatori walked next to him. "I think the main reason is because she puts everyone before her own self." Hatori sat next to him, lighting the cigarette he had put between his lips. Akito corner eyed him, leaning his head against the wall. They both stared out the garden. The small bird, once again, coming to visit Akito.

Momiji and Tohru

"Yuki!" Momiji gave the purpled haired, 16 year old a hug as he entered the house where Tohru has been living for more than a year now.

"Hello Momiji. Oh, Miss Honda. Where did you go?" He patted Momiji on the head.

"I went to see Momiji at the main house." She said, not saying the other half of the reason. She didn't want Yuki to overreact or get upset. Momiji knew she did that and smiled. "Yeah! It was fun!"

Yuki smiled. "That's nice to hear. So when you went there you didn't bump into Akito at all? Or he didn't hurt you or anything?" He gave a concerned face. Tohru shook her head. "No I didn't visit him." She lied. Yuki smiled. "Good." Momiji pouted, feeling sort of uncomfortable. "S-So! Where's Shigure?" Momiji asked. "Oh he's in his little study room." Yuki answered.

Momiji ran to where Yuki said.

"So Miss Honda, would you like me to help you cook today?" Yuki smiled.

"Oh no no no, you don't have to do that!" She said, waving her hands around. "But it's okay, I want to." He smiled. She nodded. "Okay." She kind of felt bad that she lied to him, but she couldn't tell Yuki. Knowing all the troubles that he's been in with Akito, she didn't want to cause any issues. She remembered the time when Akito met Yuki at school and how frightened he looked. She felt it was best if she kept her mouth shut.

OKAY! :D That chapter is done.

I need at least 2 reviews to continue.

Thanks for reading! :))