"Knowing JP, by the time of it's release the book could be called 'IGGY' or 'NUDGE' or 'THAT RANDOM BY STANDER IN NEW YORK'."
That poor by-stander...their story needs to be told. THIS is the story of that random by-stander in New York.
Disclaimer: I don't own Maximum Ride, New York, Starbucks, Subway, or anything else really.
I have about twenty minutes before I have to get back to the office, that leaves just enough time to stop by Starbucks and get a coffee then circle back around and grab a sandwich from Subway, I thought as I walked down the crowded street. The sounds of the city surrounded me, car horns, people talking, the restless traffic. Just another normal day in the city of New York.
I looked down the street as a louder-than-usual ruckus caught my attention. A girl, probably about 16, was being carried down the street by a large…wolf man? Five other children of varying ages seemed to be running after them, all of them in torn up jeans and over-large windbreakers. A quiet murmur began to spread through the crowd as more and more people stopped walking to watch the peculiar sight.
"They must be shooting a movie or something," one woman said loudly, continuing on her way. I shrugged and guessed she was right. With another glance at my watch I began walking again. Darn. Make that 15 minutes to get back to the office. I better skip the sandwich.
Yup. This is what happens when I stay up too late singing loudly to Klaine and the Pips.
Do enjoy, m'dears. And don't forget to