It was a nicely furnished room; two small table lamps illuminated the comfortable space with a warm rosy light. The walls were made of natural wood and werecarefully hung with light pink curtains, embroidered with rosettes. The occupant was obviously well versed in the variouswomanly arts. A large bed dominated the center of the room; plush and inviting in light pinks and creams, the many decorative pillows scattered on and around the bed, as there were too many to stay on properly while there was someone sitting on top of the bed.
Luce leaned forward on her bed, attempting to reach over her swollen midriff. She sighed deeply; it certainly wasn't easy being this pregnant. She glanced over at the vanity mirror across the room, eyeing her stomach. Nine months pregnant…for three years now. Being an Arcobaleno sure was more trouble than it was worth sometimes.
'No, I shouldn't think like that. It's what I was meant to do, I shouldn't be so pessimistic.' Luce smiled to herself and winced in discomfort as the baby, a little girl she was sure of it, kicked and caught her spleen with what seemed to be a heel. She'd be a strong one, that's for sure…though that didn't make her any more comfortable through it all.
As she leaned her head back against the padded, floral headboard and gently closed her eyes, there was a soft knock at the door. She called out softly for them to come in.
Reborn carefully pushed the door open and stuck his head in, dipping his hat lower over his eyes in respect.
"I apologize for intruding, Boss, but I have a few matters of business to discuss with you." He stepped in and glanced at her with steely eyes from under his fedora.
Luce opened one eye and smiled slightly. "Of course, Reborn-san, when is it not business with you?" She chuckled weakly and leaned her head back again, breathing shallow.
"If you aren't strong enough, you should be resting." Reborn gave her a stern look.
She merely waved her hand in response. "Now now, it's not as if I'm not used to it by now." She lightly picked up a handkerchief from the bedside table and dabbed the sweat from her forehead with it.
Reborn raised an eyebrow, "You're over-exerting yourself again." He stated, lecturing her subtly, the corners of his mouth dropping into a frown. "You said that you would be sure to ask for help if you needed it."
Luce chuckled breathily. "Of course, how silly of me, I should have called for you. Come." She gently patted the coverlet next to her. "Have a seat. I have something to request of my strongest guardian."
Reborn smirked, tipping his fedora again. "It shouldn't take my offering for you to ask for help, Luce. You realize, of course, that that would be what you have guardians for." He seemingly floated over to the bed and sat down. "Now, what is it that caused my lovely boss to sweat?"
Luce chuckled yet again, a sincere smile reaching her eyes. "Oh my, Reborn, you shouldn't ask things that you don't want to know the answer to."
She grabbed his hand, faced it upward, and placed a small bottle of rose pink nail polish in the center of his palm. "Since you're here, I need help painting my toes. My stomach is too big for me to reach them properly and I'd rather not make a mess of it." Her eyes crinkled up at the corners as she smiled warmly at him
Reborn's eyes narrowed menacingly at the small pink bottle as he tipped it toward the light and a small shimmer of pink glitter reflected onto the shadowed portion of his face. He lifted his head and stared levelly at Luce, who was smiling warmly at him, obviously amused by the conflicting emotions that only she could see in his expressionless face.
She delicately extended a slightly swollen foot, the circulation being cut off due to being with child, and lightly placed it on his thigh, feeling his muscle twitch with the unexpected contact. She quirked a half smile at him again, tilting her head charmingly and stretched out a little more.
"If you could also be kind enough to give me a foot rub, you may just find that I made your favorite cookies for you to have with your espresso at breakfast."
Her eyes were laughing at him again, sparkling in the warm light. Reborn's lips tightened into what would be perceived as a threatening visage. "The lotion is on the bedside table." She tilted her head toward the small flowery scented bottle of lotion.
Reborn paused before letting a tiny resigned sigh escape his lips. He stood and walked the two steps to the table against the wall, indulging her with the small show of emotion.
Standing near the head of the bed, he slid a cool hand behind the woman's neck. She melted into his touch as he lifted her shoulders off the headboard. Picking up one of the larger pillows he carefully slid it behind her back before lowering her once again. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead softly, causing her eyes to flutter shut briefly and her cheeks to flush slightly. He turned his face away to hide his smile at his small victory and, taking up the small bottle of lotion, took his seat at the end of the bed.
Tilting his head up to glance at her from the shadows of his hat, he used one hand to lift her foot. Seeming to be reluctant, he opened the bottle and poised the tiny brush, loaded with pink glitter above her toes. Fully tilting his head toward her smile, the shadows retreated from his face, he yet again allowed himself a small, indulgent smile, causing her to blush deeper.
When he spoke, his voice had grown low and rough. "You realize, of course, that bringing your cookies into this conversation could very well be considered blackmail, Luce."
"Dark chocolate mocha with almond chips?" Luce lifted an elegant eyebrow.
Reborn allowed a breathy chuckle to escape from his mouth, "Now now, no need to rub it in.…I can't believe you're making me wait until breakfast.